• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Unlucky SlySoft Purchasers (50% discount / free 1y license)

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I'm one of the unlucky people that bought a LT licence at the end of November 2015. Following the instructions at the beginning of *this thread* I sent in a support request asking to bet the 50% discount on the new LT licence. I have done this twice now over the last month and have had no response from redfox at all. Should I continue waiting or should I just assume I am not going to get a response.
I'm one of the unlucky people that bought a LT licence at the end of November 2015.

purchase was on or after December 1, 2015 is the determining factor, although I did see a post about asking very politely if someone was very close to the determining date. I could be wrong about that though.
purchase was on or after December 1, 2015 is the determining factor, although I did see a post about asking very politely if someone was very close to the determining date. I could be wrong about that though.
That's correct.. in this thread, the first post:

Q: Darn! I bought my license just a few days before December 1st, so no discount for me?
A: No problem, follow this procedure:
  • contact support at https://www.redfox.bz/support.html
  • enter your AnyDVD license (serial) number and/or order number
  • write a VERY nice and LOVELY message to our support team
If they respond and tell me they can not give me the discount, I will be disappointed but at least I will know my options. So far they have not responded at all.
That's correct.. in this thread, the first post:

Q: Darn! I bought my license just a few days before December 1st, so no discount for me?
A: No problem, follow this procedure:

  • contact support at https://www.redfox.bz/support.html
  • enter your AnyDVD license (serial) number and/or order number
  • write a VERY nice and LOVELY message to our support team
If they respond and tell me they can not give me the discount, I will be disappointed but at least I will know my options. So far they have not responded at all.
Right now, Support is swamped with requests concerning the new licenses, and to top it off, this is the weekend, after all.

Please be patient, or send a Private Message (PM) to Ivan and he'll see what he can do for you.

Please note: I'm not a Moderator, or work for RedFox.
Well, stop holding your breath, and switch to prayer. I know that the teams processing requests are swamped at present, waiting might be the order of the day, as some may be doing the same thing you are and there might require an executive board decision. Just guessing.
Thank you for all of your suggestions. I think I will wait a bit longer. My email is an @gmail so it should not be blacklisted and there is nothing from redfox in my spam folders. Just in case I will tag @Ivan here and hope that I will hear something from the RedFox support team before the date when the discounts are expired.
First, lose the caps. Regardless of how frustrated you may be there is no reason for caps abuse. Second, there is no version 7696. Third, yes there are warnings. There's in fact 2 of them on the download page. One directly beneath the anydvd entry on the product list and a second one in a red frame beneath the product list itself. As far as enabling 7695, you can do that yourself. Simply install that version again, you just won't have access to the OPD as that warning in the red frame tells you.

The facts are slysoft sold you that license, slysoft is dead and so is the license. Redfox only issued 7691-7695 as a courtesy so you could access the redfox opd. They didn't have to do that and they did so without any funding at all. I'd they hadn't done that, you wouldn't even have had 7691 and beyond and would have been without anydvd since February. Now nobody including the staff likes what happened. However they had no choice since the order came directly from the CEO and he took all the funds with him.

If anydvd is to survive, they need cash flow. Without it, anydvd is effectively dead. The choice is yours, get a license or not.
No you will not. Caps = yelling. Yelling is rude, rude = against forum rules. Access to the user support forums is a privilege, not a right. A privilege that can be revoked at any time. Please be civil.

It is not RedFox's fault you did not read the warnings. I'd be happy to point them out to you on the download page.
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written and got that they cannot grant me a higher discount :( not in love enough :(
Thank you for all of your suggestions. I think I will wait a bit longer. My email is an @gmail so it should not be blacklisted and there is nothing from redfox in my spam folders. Just in case I will tag @Ivan here and hope that I will hear something from the
RedFox support team before the date when the discounts are expired.

I identified your ticket and you got a reply 2016-05-25 12:15 UTC.
However, I send you a PM with the 50% link support sent you.

written and got that they cannot grant me a higher discount :( not in love enough :(
"What's love got to do with it" . God I hated that song . Anyway you either purchased AnyDVDHD AFTER Dec 1st 2015 or not.Love has absolutely nothing to do with it.
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I had a lifetime key, how do I get my 50% off, marketing just point me to the no fox, no future page.
it would help if you read this topics first post. It tells you exactly how and the conditions.
Thanks for the answer, I read it. I bought a lifetime key when they first started and before that I donated, I have been using anydvd since the start. I am not bitter about it, but think it is very unfair.
I will be getting a key again but is there any discount for people with long standing keys.
20% off, automatically applied through the store. Plans were initially to offer that one through support as well, but they realized that would put an even bigger strain on support staff than they have now. They also were unable to retrieve the contact details for everyone, which would result in some getting it and others not. Which wouldn't be fair either, so they opened it up to everyone.
Would there be any positive point to releasing data on how many Slysoft customers became Redfox customers? Something, anything uplifting to counter the the wall-to-wall carping that continues.
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