• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

List of UHDs currently UN-supported in AnyDVD

Everyone please read:

In talking things over with testiles, I've decided to make some pretty big changes to scanner. I realize these may not be welcome changes to some people but you need to understand why I'm making them. The above report illustrates the issue.

Starting in the next version of the scanner which I'm working on as I type, it is going to prompt you if you are not configured to use the keydb and ask you if you want the scanner to configure it for you or not. If you choose no, and this is the controversial part, the scanner is going to exit. The reason for this change is simple. The keydb is a very big source of keys for the public. It makes no sense to list something as unsupported when a simple download of the keydb could potentially resolve that.

The other change that I'm going to make is something I haven't told testiles about yet. Surprise, testiles. :D LOL

The scanner, when you start it up, is going to TEMPORARILY change AnyDVD's UHD key scan method to Search all keys (slow). Don't worry, when the scanner exits it'll return AnyDVD to whatever you had set previously (although it REALLY should be default or Search all keys IMO). This means that the scans might take a little bit longer. But I really feel this is an important change so that we eliminate all possibilities of a title being unsupported. This is the best way we can help AnyDVD help us. :) After all, that's what the scanner is all about, right?

@testiles I'll reply to our PM about that thing we discussed earlier. Given the changes I'm putting in here, I don't think it'll be necessary but if you feel you still want it I can add it.

The next version will be out in a few hours after I've finished coding it and tested it. It WILL become min version once we know it works as expected.
Really? Have you ever seen a disc where this would have found the key?

How the hell would we know? It's not like AnyDVD tells us this. ;) Have I see blu-rays with the same unit keys as the UHD's in the keydb? Yes I have. That's why the option exists. Default (which is to search only UHD keys) absolutely has found keys. We know this for a fact. So it should AT LEAST be set to default. I personally leave it on mine set to search all because really, it's only going to do it once. If it finds a key, AnyDVD no longer has to search for it, yes? :) Scanner (soft) released - WILL become MIN version after testing

This is a big change. is still posted for the moment in case we run into any major issues but I REALLY want people testing It's going to become a new MIN version of the Scanner once we've tested it.

The big change is related to the KeyDB. You will no longer be able to run the Scanner without the KeyDB configured. This is by design. There's no point in posting unsupported reports if the key is in the keydb file. So the Scanner now detects that the KeyDB is not configured and asks you to configure it. If you say no, it will exit the Scanner. If you say yes, it will default the keydb location in AnyDVD for you and configure the key search method to Search UHD keys (default). HOWEVER....

When the Scanner is scanning, the key search method is temporarily changed to search all keys (slow). When the Scanner exits, it'll restore whatever option you had set. This gives us the best chance of finding keys for discs.

After 24 hours, if I see no bugs, will be removed, and will be MIN version.

Happy testing.
Last edited:

Titles with keys newly-added to the keyfile!

Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan (2023), The -- OPD: (Italy) BD_280f53a8437c -- Poster: @TeddyRaspin , Alt(s): @Allibrator , listed on Aug 26, 2023

If you have this title (and haven't already done so), download the latest keys, verify working, and submit a final Scanner report for List removal...

[auto-generated message]

Titles with keys newly-added to the keyfile!

Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan (2023), The -- OPD: (Italy) BD_280f53a8437c -- Poster: @TeddyRaspin , Alt(s): @Allibrator , listed on Aug 26, 2023


This is one of the oldest titles on the List, at 65 days old!!

Looking forward to @TeddyRaspin confirming it's working and (finally) having it depart the List. :=)

Last edited: Scanner released - WILL become MIN version

There was a bug in where it wouldn't prompt you to update the keydb if it was too old. At the request of @testiles the Scanner will exit if you do not choose to update, similar to how it will exit if you do not choose to install and configure the keydb if it's not already being used. It's looking to see if your keydb is older than 1 day so keep that up to date!
There was a bug in where it wouldn't prompt you to update the keydb if it was too old.
True, I wondered about that yesterday when I briefly opened it for some seconds, but didn't thought much about it. Would only have noticed it when I want to scan something in some days, because then it should really ask me.
How about using the AACS content hash information? Parse the content hash tables, read a few small/random segments and if none match their expected hashes you can assume bus encryption is still active. It might add a few seconds to the scanning process but it'd be a lot better than wasting an hour to create a useless ISO file
Done. :thankyou:
AnyDVD now checks content hash after bus decryption. Should have done this years ago... :banghead:
Just so everyone is aware, AnyDVD does not tell me that the corrupted .iso I made earlier is corrupted. But when creating a logfile, it does not have the hash stuff added. So there is a way to see if the iso is valid or not. And since all other discs have been decrypted successfully before ripping, I hope they are all fine. I will test them in the next few days. Maybe all today, not sure.
If anyone wants the log file, I can send it per PN.

Edit: The log from the .iso of Now you see me 2 that I submitted earlier when I haven't updated the keydb before scanning has the hash to it. So it appears to be valid.
Just so everyone is aware, AnyDVD does not tell me that the corrupted .iso I made earlier is corrupted. But when creating a logfile, it does not have the hash stuff added. So there is a way to see if the iso is valid or not. And since all other discs have been decrypted successfully before ripping, I hope they are all fine. I will test them in the next few days. Maybe all today, not sure.
If anyone wants the log file, I can send it per PN.
It's not going to check bus encryption on an iso I'd think. It'll assume that because nothing supports bus encryption on mounting an iso that the disc doesn't have any. I'm assuming but that's the likely way it was implemented.

Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Tapatalk
It's not going to check bus encryption on an iso I'd think. It'll assume that because nothing supports bus encryption on mounting an iso that the disc doesn't have any. I'm assuming but that's the likely way it was implemented.

Sent from my SM-G998U1 using Tapatalk
Correct. The check is only done with original discs. AnyDVD will throw an error if bus decryption failed. It should not let you create a protected iso in this case.
Ok, I will keep an eye out for that. As for the .isos I have on that one drive, the two Sherlock Holmes UHDs (Movie 1 and 2) have no hash to the log. All others have, including the BDs. So I will re-rip them. Maybe I will already encounter the issue when doing that and can report back if the check is successfull for me. Otherwise I can just try inserting the discs over and over again until I hit it.

So I can delete the two corrupted .iso files, as there will be no update for AnyDVD that could check them? Otherwise I would've kept them so I can see if AnyDVD can check the .isos without creating a log.
But the message that no key could be found for them is already a hint that I should investigate, as all others worked fine immediately. So even if you won't implement a check, I will see if the other .isos have the hash to it in the log filename or not.
Keep them for now. Maybe AnyDVD will check them in the future.
Ok, then I will copy them somewhere else for backup. A little note, I accidentally copied part 1 twice, as I only copied the empty folder to the other drive at some point and thought I forgot it or whatever. And this second copy is the corrupted one. The first copy I had on my SSD is valid. So I have two logfiles for comparison if needed. Although Sam already did that when we talked about this issue. So just as a sitenote if anyone cares.
But the good thing is, everything appears to be fine. Only the two Sherlock UHDs don't have the hash in the log. So I only have to re-rip the second movie.
Yeah lol, I saw it in the exact moment the copy to the other harddrive finished...

It told me that Sherlock 2 UHD is corrupted as it should. However, it does not complain about the first movie UHD. The hashes in the md5 file are different for both and it didn't add the hash stuff to the filename of the logfile. Now, it does. I will send you a PN with the details.
It appears to be confusing. I swear it complained about Sherlock 1 UHD before, but now I can't find the log without hash in the filename. And when I install a previous version, it creates a valid log and does not complain about the key.

However, the checksums are different.
Checksum file of the valid .iso on my SSD:

Checksum file of the previously corrupted .iso on my HDD:

Edit: I will just re-rip it with the newest version and see what hash I get there.