• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Movie Only Copy Including Menus

Please provide screenshots and the .IBB file. An AnyDVD logfile would be helpfull too.
what is all this stuff lol! i dont know where any of this stuff is, or even what it is. is there anyway you would be able to create a simple, step by step screenshot and picture process to show everyone exactly what you do to make it work successfully? may also need the anydvdhd, and imgburn settings to be able to make it work too. it would really help me out anyway. if not then oh well, could i get help the easy way then :D
Open the location where Clown_BD BD Copier is, here you'll see folders moviename_data_time. In these folders you'll find a file called moviename_data_time.IBB. This file contains all the information ImgBurn needs to build your ISO. Some files (ie the ones you checked) will relate directly to the source location. Other files (ie the ones you didn't check) point to a dummy file in the directory you're now in.

As you can't describe your problem I'm really at a loss how to help you.
okay cool, thanks for replying mike. it probably wont help that much because i still dont know the full process and all of the settings on how to do it properly. is there anyway i would be able to add you to my msn/messenger contacts so you can guide me step by step, would that be easier? if we can do that let me know and ill add you, i would really like to be successful at this thing. thanks again..
v0.25 (2010-06-30)
. Fix Multi Angle in tsMuxeR mode (Never Worked, Can't Get The Staff!) :bang:
. Only select 1st Audio & Subtitle In tsMuxeR Mode Auto Select (Press Again To Select Next)
  Ideal When You Know 1st Is the HD Track You Want And 2nd, 3rd Are Directors Mumble
i really need to try and get this working ASAP lol,

if not then oh well, could i get help the easy way then :D

is there anyway i would be able to add you to my msn/messenger contacts so you can guide me step by step, would that be easier? if we can do that let me know and ill add you, i would really like to be successful at this thing. thanks again..

In response to some of the above, I'll be the bad guy and say the following:

In life in general there usually isn't any "easy" or "ASAP" way of learning or doing anything. It usually takes time and effort on one's own part to accomplish that. Sometimes more time and effort than we'd even like. You may not have success on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 1,264th attempt. :) "If at first you don't succeed..."

Also, as mike_r posted in the OP:
It's fairly rough just now, no language settings, no context help or configuration so far.

This isn't a finished product. To that I'd add, this application probably isn't for everyone - especially at this stage of development. At some point in the future it may be, but it's sort of expected that there are going to be quirks and issues that may crop up during its usage.

This isn't a beta application developed by a huge corporation, either. It's the product one one (really talented!) guy and in truth what mike_r has done is create a set of really great GUIs for other existing applications. It is sort of assumed that the user has at least some operational familiarity with things like tsMuxer, eac3to, Mplayer, and ImgBurn, and at least a small amount of experience with CLI applications.

Also worth noting is the fact that mike_r is kind enough to develop and even support this app and Clown_BD for free on his own dime and time.

To go back to one of the original points, the quotation isn't "if at first you don't succeed, find someone to take you by the hand and lead you through step by step." If you have a specific question or issue that you encounter, mike_r is great about addressing that.

But - and this is just my opinion here - it's a little unfair and even somewhat presumptive to ask mike_r for that sort of intensive one on one help. Or to ask for very specific tailored features either. Not aiming this one at you specifically jezza. There have been some requests in both threads like that and most of the same stuff I said above applies to those users as well - although again, that's just my opinion.

If it's any consolation in all this, jezza, we've all been in your position before. There was a time when we've all probably said, "what is all this stuff lol!". But no one can learn any of this for you, and you will be your own single greatest aid in digesting the information required to be able to accomplish the goals you'd like.

Thanks for the nice posting.

I made 2 copies last night in tsMuxeR mode with multi-angle titles (Cars & Ratattouile) and no problems at all. I'm pretty content that the application works as designed.

The number of postings here of people having problems is pretty minimal, which either means that nobody uses it or have no issues. I can see from the download volumes that any issues are pretty user specific. One of my all time favourite posts is from ActuaryTM

But again, the responsibility is yours. To lean on the example posed earlier, you wouldn't show up to an online discussion forum centered around applications of vector calculus, and ask, "What is 8? Is that a number?".
Copying and burning Blu-ray movies only

Please forgive me for my stupidity. I am 100% disabled due to TBI. Can anyone suggest a really good software program(s) that will copy and burn just the Blu-ray movie and not the whole disk. Thanks for your help on this.

Thanks for the nice posting.

I made 2 copies last night in tsMuxeR mode with multi-angle titles (Cars & Ratattouile) and no problems at all. I'm pretty content that the application works as designed.

You're very welcome. :)

And that previous "probably isn't for everyone - especially at this stage of development" comment wasn't a knock against Clone_BD or Clone_BD BD Copier or their respective effectiveness as tools. It's just that it's not a very self-contained app, and it relies heavily on other applications that all have their own development cycles and releases. Say a user down the road were to upgrade to a different version of eac3to or ImgBurn or Mplayer and that upgrade broke either of your two apps. Or some combination of individual upgrades causes some minor but annoying issue to surface. There's just a lot of variables and unless the user has at least some basic familiarity with the underlying applications being leveraged...

Well, that was my earlier point, yes? :)

But again, the responsibility is yours. To lean on the example posed earlier, you wouldn't show up to an online discussion forum centered around applications of vector calculus, and ask, "What is 8? Is that a number?".

lol. How apropos.
i may just have to buy 50gb DL discs then and save me the trouble of trying to work this, and the other programs associated lol. i was hoping to save some money and just buy 25gb discs (i can get them for $2.50 a disc) but i cant seem to work the program properly, so might just have to do full 1:1 backups of the movies (about $6-$6.50 for 50gb DL discs) which is still alright, but i would have liked to save a bit. thanks for trying to help anyway
i may just have to buy 50gb DL discs then and save me the trouble of trying to work this, and the other programs associated lol. i was hoping to save some money and just buy 25gb discs (i can get them for $2.50 a disc) but i cant seem to work the program properly, so might just have to do full 1:1 backups of the movies (about $6-$6.50 for 50gb DL discs) which is still alright, but i would have liked to save a bit. thanks for trying to help anyway

That's really giving up. But that's your choice of course.

If *I* were you, and *I* were at your current level of knowledge, I might start with a more direct interface with some of the underlying applications used in Clown_BD.

These are some very basic straightforward instructions that will result in a "Movie Only" .iso that can be mounted and played via Virtual CloneDrive or burned to a BD-25 using ImgBurn:

That would be what I'd suggest as well.

You could use Clown BD. Or simply utilize directly the tools/applications Clown BD does behind the scenes. That may be better in this case as you'd learn a bit more about seamless branching.

  1. Use BDInfo to identify the playlists on the .iso/BD. In this case there's a previous post regarding what content is contained in each playlist.
  2. In the Input Files section of the Input tab of tsMuxeR, click Add and select the appropriate playlist from Step 1.
  3. Optional - Deselect any audio/subtitles you may not want under Tracks on the Input tab of tsMuxeR.
  4. Under Output on the Input tab, select Blu-ray Disc. Then select Browse and point to a directory on your hard drive.
  5. Select Start Muxing.
  6. When complete, use ImgBurn to create the new Blu-ray .iso using "Create image file from files/folders", adding the directory used in Step 4,and outputting to an .iso file in Destination. Remember to check under Options that the Image Options filesystem is set to UDF 2.50 or greater.
The .iso result will contain a single .m2ts.

Also take read through Adbear's guide and/or SamuriHL's makeISO thread for more help on .iso creation.

You'll probably learn a lot about "all this stuff" while doing that, and it will accomplish your immediate goal of condensing larger than 25GB Blu-rays down to BD-25.

The next recommendation would probably be BD Rebuilder after that as the level of difficulty in using BD Rebuilder is generally very low.
v0.25 (2010-06-30)
. Fix Multi Angle in tsMuxeR mode (Never Worked, Can't Get The Staff!) :bang:
. Only select 1st Audio & Subtitle In tsMuxeR Mode Auto Select (Press Again To Select Next)
  Ideal When You Know 1st Is the HD Track You Want And 2nd, 3rd Are Directors Mumble

Greetings Mike. Thanks for the on going effort to improve the program.

Tested version 025 with Slumdog, using both the Imgburn and tsMuexr options to remove the following:

1. 00001.mpls and 00149.mpls, which did not seem to appear during playback,
2. 00150 - 00156, 00308,00323,00331.mpls, which are warning clips,
3. 00023 - 00026.mpls, which are trailers that appear before main moive,
4. 00154.mpls whichi is studio logo.

Here is the list of issues:

1. Mplayer would not play all the warning clips shown here. Here is link to the clips.
2. Is there a reason why these are listed as menu item?
3. 00157,158,350,353,356,358.mpls don't appear to be video clips, but are not listed as menu. What could they be? Here is link to clips.
4. Can the mpls be organized in a way that the trailers and unwanted materials can be easily spotted?
5. The ISO created by the tsMuxeR and Imgburn options are different, and PowerDVD 10 have difficulty playing them.
6. With the tsMuxeR output, PDVD gives a black screen.
7. With the Imgburn output, one has to click the play/pause button and movie slider to advance to the main menu.
8. This may be related to the different blank streams created by the tsMuxerR and Imgburn options to replace the removed mpls .

Appreciate if you could kindly look into these. I have attached the following;

1. The BDMV folder less main movie and extras,
2. Other files created by Clown_BD and AnyDVD.

Many thanks and best regards.


  • clown025.jpg
    97.4 KB · Views: 9
  • clown025_mplayer.jpg
    95.6 KB · Views: 9
  • clown025_nonvideo.jpg
    98.5 KB · Views: 8
  • clown025_trailers.jpg
    97.6 KB · Views: 7
  • Slumdog.zip
    396.5 KB · Views: 7

I'll take a look. On thing I noticed in your logs:

Log File Created By Clown_BD MPLS Builder v0.07 2010-07-03 17:28:31

Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00001.mpls File Size=8074

Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00165.clpi File Size=600
...StartTime=00:00:11:650 EndTime=00:00:39:595 Duration=00:00:27:944
Read CLPI File=D:\Data\Clown_BD BD Copier\SLUMDOG_MILLIONAIRE\BDMV\CLIPINF\00165.clpi File Size=340
...StartTime=00:10:00:000 EndTime=00:10:00:458 Duration=00:00:00:458

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:11:650 StartTime NEW=00:10:00:000 Address=0x00000052 RC=1
..EndTime OLD=00:00:39:595   EndTime NEW=00:10:00:458 Address=0x00000056 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:00:27:944  Duration NEW=00:00:00:458 Difference=00:00:27:485

Primary Video Streams 1
..STN Table 000 Type=01 PID=0x1011 Attr OLD=261000000 Attr NEW=1B61300000 Address=0x00000081 RC=1
Primary Audio Streams 0
Program Graphic Streams 0
Secondary Program Graphic Streams 0
Interactive Graphic Streams 0
Secondary Audio Streams 0
Secondary Video Streams 0
Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\c.clpi File Size=
*** Error E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\c.clpi Not Found ***[/COLOR]
is this the US disk? It seems to be. This is a bug, but it's not so important. You seem to be doing too much. I'll post again with a sample.

Don't worry about some items not working in mplayer.
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1. Start Clown_BD BD Copier
2. Select The Destination To Slumdog
3. Everything except 00101.mpls is automatically selected (this is good)
4. Check Use tsMuxeR
5. Press Auto Select


6. Press HDD copy
7. Start the BATCH file

wait a while, make some tea or whatever. when finnished:

8. Select the folder location created by the previous step
9. Press ImgBurn

It's a simple as that. If you want to deselect more, then the best thing to do is to play the original in PowerDVD with 'information' on. Make a note of the length of the parts you want to remove and remember how they look like. Between steps 8 & 9 (important not before) then deselect them.


  • Slumdon_US.jpg
    101.8 KB · Views: 102
and for what it's worth (I'm testing this now), I don't think you can fit Slumdog US onto a BD-R 25 anyway. You need to get the German version that's encoded in VC-1 video.
So I was right. The main feature in Slumdog US even with English only is too big (30,367,773,753 bytes long) and won't fit on a BD-R.

The (leading zeros) problem with 00001.mpls & 00149.mpls is now fixed in Clone_BD MPLS Builder is now fixed. You should download v0.08 again.
Thanks for the reply, Mike.

1. The Slumdog copy is US version.
2. I'm using the program to make a backup with the annoying material removed. Not trying to fit into a BD25. These are the stuff I tried to remove:

a. 00001.mpls and 00149.mpls, which did not seem to appear during playback,
b. 00150 - 00156, 00308,00323,00331.mpls, which are warning clips,
c. 00023 - 00026.mpls, which are trailers that appear before main moive,
d. 00154.mpls whichi is studio logo.

3. PDVD has difficulty with the output, but TMT3 handles them well.
4. The output created by using tsMuxeR option is different from the one created using the Imgburn option. The blanks streams are different, perhaps the mpls too. I suspect PDVD trips over these, so if you can look into these perhaps the PDVD playback problem can be resolved
5. What is the leading zero problem? Keeping 0001 and 00149 mpls did not resolve PDVD playback problem.
6. Regarding mplayer, if it can't playback stuff you'd like to remove, the preview feature would be quite useless, won't you think?

Many thanks for taking the time to look to this.
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