• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Movie Only Copy Including Menus

I'll have at look at it tommorrow, but really it doesn't make much sense to use the tsMuxeR mode on anything other than them main movie or substantial extras. Trying to pass menus through tsMuxeR will cause problems.

The correct workflow is:

. Pass Blu-Ray through Clown_BD BD Copier in tsMuxeR mode for main movie only
. Pass result of above through Clown_BD BD Copier in ImgBurn mode to create dummy CLPI/M2TS/MPLS
v0.31 (2010-07-30)
. Don't call Clown_BD MPLS Builder When Creating Dummy Files With tsMuxeR.
  Thanks to mariner8611 for spotting this.

You'll see just a comment now in the .BAT, eg:

REM Leave 01101.MPLS As Created By tsMuxeR
Clown_BD MPLS Builder 08 error

Looking at the log files, it seems Clown_BD MPLS Builder 08 is reading corrupted In_Out Time from clpi/mpls. As a result, the dummy mpls created has either 0 duration and 00:00:00:000 In_Out Time, or some other error timing. Here are some examples:

1. 00002.mpls

Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00002.MPLS File Size=1240

Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00166.clpi File Size=3380
...StartTime=00:00:11:650 EndTime=00:05:04:076 Duration=00:04:52:425
Read CLPI File=D:\Data\Clown_BD BD Copier\SLUMDOG_MILLIONAIRE_testout\BDMV\CLIPINF\00166.clpi File Size=364
...StartTime=00:10:00:000 EndTime=00:10:00:960 Duration=00:00:00:960

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:25:664 [COLOR="Red"]StartTime NEW=00:10:14:014 [/COLOR]Address=0x00000052 RC=1
..EndTime OLD=00:05:04:076   EndTime NEW=00:10:00:960 Address=0x00000056 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:04:38:411  [COLOR="Red"]Duration NEW=00:00:13:-54[/COLOR] Difference=00:04:51:465

2. 00149.mpls

Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00149.MPLS File Size=394

Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00103.clpi File Size=344
...StartTime=00:00:11:650 EndTime=00:00:14:695 Duration=00:00:03:044
Read CLPI File=D:\Data\Clown_BD BD Copier\SLUMDOG_MILLIONAIRE_testout\BDMV\CLIPINF\00103.clpi File Size=340
...StartTime=00:10:00:000 EndTime=00:10:00:458 Duration=00:00:00:458

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:11:650 StartTime NEW=00:10:00:000 Address=0x00000052 RC=1
..EndTime OLD=00:00:12:651   [COLOR="Red"]EndTime NEW=00:09:58:415[/COLOR] Address=0x00000056 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:00:01:001  [COLOR="Red"]Duration NEW=00:00:-1:584[/COLOR] Difference=00:00:02:585

3. 00150.mpls

Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00150.MPLS File Size=234

Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00096.clpi File Size=336
...[COLOR="Red"]StartTime=00:00:00:000 EndTime=00:00:00:000 Duration=00:00:00:000[/COLOR]
Read CLPI File=D:\Data\Clown_BD BD Copier\SLUMDOG_MILLIONAIRE_testout\BDMV\CLIPINF\00096.clpi File Size=340
...[COLOR="Red"]StartTime=00:00:00:000 EndTime=00:00:00:000 Duration=00:00:00:000[/COLOR]

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:11:650 [COLOR="Red"]StartTime NEW=00:00:00:000[/COLOR] Address=0x00000052 RC=1
..EndTime OLD=00:00:18:657   [COLOR="Red"]EndTime NEW=00:00:00:000[/COLOR] Address=0x00000056 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:00:07:007  [COLOR="Red"]Duration NEW=00:00:00:000[/COLOR] Difference=00:00:00:000

There may be other errors apart from the In_Out Time.

The Clown_BD MPLS Builder needs to be fixed since it is used when audio/subtitle tracks are removed from the main movie stream. All relevant info in in the zip file attached.

Best regards.


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v0.32 (2010-07-31)
. Version 0.9 Of Clown_BD MPLS Builder. *** Please Manually Delete OLD Version ***
  Thanks to mariner8611 for noticing these errors:
  - When MPLS file size smaller then CLPI file size, then times of 00:00:00.000 are used.
  - Display error on time differences which have the negative sign ("-" rather than "0")

Like I said before, the version of Clown_BD BD Copier didn't call the MPLS builder - so you must have manually added this yourself or used the old version.

00002.mpls & 00149.mpls this is simply a display error, the "-" should have been a "0" and is now fixed. Calling MPLS builder for this playlist makes no sence, and you'll now get an error message in the log to tell you this.

00150.mpls was a (small) bug that only happened when the size of the MPLS file was less than the CLPI file (ie a memory error, not enough space to load and parse the CLPI). This is now fixed. Similarly it makes no sence to use MPLS builder on this file anyway.
v0.33 (2010-08-01)
. tsMuxeR .Meta File Not Build Correctly When CLPI PIDs Where Out Of Order.
  example #9 German Version. Thanks To Sendmen For Noticing This.
00002.mpls & 00149.mpls this is simply a display error, the "-" should have been a "0" and is now fixed.

What about the Time_In and Time_Out error?

Log File Created By Clown_BD MPLS Builder v0.08 2010-07-31 15:56:48
Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00002.MPLS File Size=1240

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:25:664 [COLOR="Red"]StartTime NEW=00:10:14:014[/COLOR] Address=0x00000052 RC=1

Log File Created By Clown_BD MPLS Builder v0.08 2010-07-31 15:56:48
Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00149.MPLS File Size=394

PlayList 0
..EndTime OLD=00:00:12:651   [COLOR="Red"]EndTime NEW=00:09:58:415[/COLOR] Address=0x00000056 RC=1

Apparently you did not check the new versions with the files I provided.

Clown_BD MPLS Builder v09 errors:

Log File Created By Clown_BD MPLS Builder v0.09 2010-08-01 14:10:35

Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00002.MPLS File Size=1240

Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00166.clpi File Size=3380
...StartTime=00:00:11:650 EndTime=00:05:04:076 Duration=00:04:52:425
Read CLPI File=D:\Data\Clown_BD BD Copier\SLUMDOG_MILLIONAIRE_testout\BDMV\CLIPINF\00166.clpi File Size=364
...StartTime=00:10:00:000 EndTime=00:10:00:960 Duration=00:00:00:960

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:25:664 StartTime NEW=00:10:14:014 Address=0x00000052 RC=1
..EndTime OLD=00:05:04:076   EndTime NEW=00:10:00:960 Address=0x00000056 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:04:38:411  Duration NEW=00:00:13:054 Difference=00:04:51:465

*** Error New Start Time Is Greater Then New End Time ***

Log File Created By Clown_BD MPLS Builder v0.09 2010-08-01 14:10:32

Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00149.MPLS File Size=394

Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00103.clpi File Size=344
...StartTime=00:00:11:650 EndTime=00:00:14:695 Duration=00:00:03:044
Read CLPI File=D:\Data\Clown_BD BD Copier\SLUMDOG_MILLIONAIRE_testout\BDMV\CLIPINF\00103.clpi File Size=340
...StartTime=00:10:00:000 EndTime=00:10:00:458 Duration=00:00:00:458

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:11:650 StartTime NEW=00:10:00:000 Address=0x00000052 RC=1
..EndTime OLD=00:00:12:651   EndTime NEW=00:09:58:415 Address=0x00000056 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:00:01:001  Duration NEW=00:00:01:584 Difference=00:00:02:585

*** Error New Start Time Is Greater Then New End Time ***

Log File Created By Clown_BD MPLS Builder v0.09 2010-08-01 14:10:33

Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00150.MPLS File Size=234

Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00096.clpi File Size=336
...StartTime=00:00:11:650 EndTime=00:00:18:699 Duration=00:00:07:048
Read CLPI File=D:\Data\Clown_BD BD Copier\SLUMDOG_MILLIONAIRE_testout\BDMV\CLIPINF\00096.clpi File Size=340
...StartTime=00:10:00:000 EndTime=00:10:00:458 Duration=00:00:00:458

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:11:650 StartTime NEW=00:10:00:000 Address=0x00000052 RC=1
..EndTime OLD=00:00:18:657   EndTime NEW=00:10:00:417 Address=0x00000056 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:00:07:007  Duration NEW=00:00:00:417 Difference=00:00:06:589

Primary Video Streams 1
..STN Table 000 Type=01 PID=0x1011 Attr OLD=0261000000 Attr NEW=1B61300000 Address=0x00000081 RC=1
Primary Audio Streams 0
Program Graphic Streams 0
Secondary Program Graphic Streams 0
Interactive Graphic Streams 0
Secondary Audio Streams 0
Secondary Video Streams 0
PlayListMark 000 Type=0x0001 Item=0x0000 (Chapter=00:00:00:000) OLD=00:00:11:650 NEW=00:10:00:000 Address=0x000000D2 RC=1

Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00096.clpi File Size=336
...StartTime=00:00:11:650 EndTime=00:00:18:699 Duration=00:00:07:048
Read CLPI File=D:\Data\Clown_BD BD Copier\SLUMDOG_MILLIONAIRE_testout\BDMV\CLIPINF\00096.clpi File Size=340
...StartTime=00:10:00:000 EndTime=00:10:00:458 Duration=00:00:00:458

PlayList 1
StartTime OLD=00:00:18:657 StartTime NEW=00:10:07:007 Address=0x00000094 RC=1
..EndTime OLD=00:00:18:699   EndTime NEW=00:10:00:458 Address=0x00000098 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:00:00:041  Duration NEW=00:00:06:548 Difference=00:00:06:589

*** Error New Start Time Is Greater Then New End Time ***

The 0 duration error appears to be fixed. Thanks.

Best regards.
Shouldn't the values be 00:10:00:000 and 00:10:00:450?

No, for starters this playlist should not be corrected by Clown_BD MPLS Builder. That's why you get the message:

*** Error New Start Time Is Greater Then New End Time ***

and the playlist is not saved. That aside, the orginal values are:

StartTime=00:00:11:650 EndTime=00:05:04:076 Duration=00:04:52:425

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:25:664 EndTime OLD=00:05:04:076 Duration OLD=00:04:38:411

meaning there is 14 seconds or so to be added to the version created by tsMuxeR to play exactly the same as the original (assuming you didn't dummy out the video & audio).
meaning there is 14 seconds or so to be added to the version created by tsMuxeR to play exactly the same as the original (assuming you didn't dummy out the video & audio).

Not sure if I'm following.

00002, 00149 and 00150.mpls have been blank out and the dummy streams created by tsMuxer have the followng characteristics:

00002.mpls Time_In=00:10:00:000, Time_Out=00:10:00:960
00149.mpls Time_In=00:10:00:000, Time_Out=00:10:00:459
00150.mpls Time_In=00:10:00:000, Time_Out=00:10:00:459

Now Clown_BD MPLS Builder v0.08 (and v0.09 as well) reports the following:

00002.mpls Time_In=00:10:14:014, Time_Out=00:10:00:960
00149.mpls Time_In=00:10:00:000, Time_Out=00:09:58:415

Where do these values come from?
It's a pointless excersize, but as you're being rather persistant:

Log File Created By Clown_BD MPLS Builder v0.09 2010-08-01 19:40:42

Read MPLS File=M:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00149.mpls File Size=394

Read CLPI File=M:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00103.clpi File Size=344
...StartTime=00:00:11:650 [COLOR="Red"]EndTime=00:00:14:695[/COLOR] Duration=00:00:03:044
...StartTime=00:10:00:000 EndTime=00:10:00:458 Duration=00:00:00:458

PlayList 0
StartTime OLD=00:00:11:650 StartTime NEW=00:10:00:000 Address=0x00000052 RC=1
..[COLOR="Red"]EndTime OLD=00:00:12:651[/COLOR]   EndTime NEW=00:09:58:415 Address=0x00000056 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:00:01:001  Duration NEW=00:00:01:584 Difference=00:00:02:585

There is a discrepancy in the MPLS & CLPI end times (of ca 2.3 seconds). This discrepancy is also applied to the generated MPLS, but as the actual clip is less than the discrepancy then it results in an end time less than the start time.

The same applies to start time (in this case ca. 14 seconds):

Log File Created By Clown_BD MPLS Builder v0.09 2010-08-01 14:10:35

Read MPLS File=E:\\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00002.MPLS File Size=1240

Read CLPI File=E:\\BDMV\CLIPINF\00166.clpi File Size=3380
...[COLOR="Red"]StartTime=00:00:11:650[/COLOR] EndTime=00:05:04:076 Duration=00:04:52:425
Read CLPI File=D:\Data\Clown_BD BD Copier\SLUMDOG_MILLIONAIRE_testout\BDMV\CLIPINF\00166.clpi File Size=364
...StartTime=00:10:00:000 EndTime=00:10:00:960 Duration=00:00:00:960

PlayList 0
[COLOR="Red"]StartTime OLD=00:00:25:664[/COLOR] StartTime NEW=00:10:14:014 Address=0x00000052 RC=1
..EndTime OLD=00:05:04:076   EndTime NEW=00:10:00:960 Address=0x00000056 RC=1
.Duration OLD=00:04:38:411  Duration NEW=00:00:13:054 Difference=00:04:51:465

This is only relevant for none-dummy tsMuxeR jobs and works for both single M2TS and seamless branching titles.
3. Mplayer still can't play the warning clips.

Best regards.

Ok, figured this out. Quite easy when you know how. Change your INI file like this:

MplayerArgs=-zoom -framedrop -nosound -vo gl [COLOR="Red"]-loop 0[/COLOR]

I'm also uploading a new version with this and other smaller changes:

v0.34 (2010-08-01)
. Added Mplayer Option -loop 0. Hopefully this will cure the none displaying
  of very short clips.
. Hardcoded Don't Try To Call MPLAYER For Interlaced VC1 Movies.
  I Just Can't Get Mplayer To Respond, Even When It Crashes.
. Added A Few Things To The .INI File. Mostly Are For Copy To HDD Mode:

ConsoleWindowShow=N          (Show DOS Box Y/N)
ConsoleBufferHeight=1000     (Amount Of Space In DOS Box Buffer)
DestinationPath=E:\          (Where The Copy To Hard Drive Will Be Saved)
ISODestinationPath=F:\       (Where the ISO Will Be Saved)
MainMovieTolerancePercent=15 (Highlight All MPLS As Main Movie Within (15%) Of The Longest MPLS)
You need to try it yourself, if you find a real and valid problem then I will look at it.
playlist 00150.mpls has 2 frames in it, even if you don't dummy it out tsMuxeR will wreck it. This playlist either has to stay as it is or as a dummy.
Hi Mike,

First of all thanks for putting your time and effort into Clown BD :)

Secondly, I'm normally good with anything of this nature, however;

I've just tried to use Clown BD Copier on District 9 blu-ray.

By default the auto select actually selected everything other than what was in bold and said "Main movie", this came to 15gb, "burned" via imgburn to ISO, loaded in PowerDVD 8 and it did not play...

Second attempt... I deselected everything, selected the items in bold and the "select menus" button, this came to 25gb. Burned via imgburn to ISO, again loaded in PowerDVD 8 and nothing...

Am I doing something obvious wrong? I don't think I am as I've followed your very straight forward instructions and even reversed them...

What do you need from me to troubleshoot [if you don't mind that is!]?

Many thanks in advance.


P.S I also have no MPlayer preview [it is in the main dir from your .zip download and the .ini points to it], no biggie on this though. Also not sure if it helps but "normal" Clown BD [not copier] throws up an eac3to error along the lines of; "The format of the source file could not be detected".


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Which version are you using?

Looking at the IBB file (not much to go on), it could be that you've not got the main movie selected at all, here it's dummied out:


Can you please let me know which country District 9 is from? I've got the UK version, so if you have that too then perhaps I can try to recreate what you're doing.
Hi Mike,

Latest version downloaded yesterday from the first page of this thread.

It is the UK version.


As you'll see from the size, it's not possible to fit the main movie alone on a BD-R 25gb. You'll need to check the Use tsMuxeR box and 1st copy to hard drive. See example here:


Even though all English PGS are not selected automatically here, I suggest that you manually select them all (when the prawns speak) for 00011.m2ts. It exists 3 times as main movie, it's ok to manually select only the 1st occurance.

When you've executed the generated .BAT, then pass the result back through Clown_BD BD Copier to remove additional junk that you don't want.


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