• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Resolved Weird Windows issue (0xc0000005)

As a side note, I use separate drives for data.
Reinstalling, or imaging, the OS does not affect data.
I image the OS drive and backup data to a RAID 1 box
As a side note, I use separate drives for data.
Reinstalling, or imaging, the OS does not affect data.
I image the OS drive and backup data to a RAID 1 box
Good approach but Windows is often stubborn and saves some stuff still to C:, e.g. registry values. In my case I grandfathered lots of stuff from old installations. No way to separate OS and data. And still today a 100% separation in Windows is impossible.
Meh, not even 12 hours and we are on page 3 already, damn, I saw that thread too late.
From my experience I'm with DQ at pretty much every topic.
Although I use Veeam vor Full-Machine Backup, I do it mainly for the data, never had to restore a full machine.
TBH I don't even want to ... too much dead data...
I rather set up clean (or do a reset wiping all data) and invest some hours to install my software again.
Regarding Defender, I can tell you it has a very small footprint nowadays, especially with SSD storage you barely notice any performance impact.
As for your error ... if you really see it on multiple OS'es on multiple hardware, then it can be only something you brought in yourself.
Try to ind out, what all the installations have in common.
It was already mentioned, checking eventlog is always a good start.
If you want to dig deeper, try using process monitor (procmon) from sysinternal tools.
When I install Windows I separate everything. OS on one drive, data,pagefiles, etc on different drives.
Maybe I am lucky that the apps I use can be manually set to store data in different drives.
The reg entries go with the system OS
And using portable versions of apps also helps, settings would be stored, normally, in a config file or in AppData, which can be copied.
Important part is verifying the images
Meh, not even 12 hours and we are on page 3 already, damn
Yeah lol

Regarding Defender, I can tell you it has a very small footprint nowadays, especially with SSD storage you barely notice any performance impact.
True on modern devices. But not for my 10 year old laptop and Dual Core and DDR2. And if it blocks stuff it isn't supposed to...

As for your tips, yes, everyone agrees that it is most likely caused by me. And I will look into the Event log, sfc etc tomorrow.
Many years (25 years) ago I had similar seemingly random error messages showing up when launching programs or trying to open documents and did not really know where to begin until I discovered that I could not open any ZIP file and would always see the same error which gave me the breadcrumb I needed to figure out what was going on.

Turns out my computer was infected with the CIH virus - a spacefiller virus that, long before launching a sinister payload, would cause all sorts of unique and random issues with an infected computer. Of course I am not saying this issue is a caused by a virus or other malicious software, but in the absence of anything else, might provide a thread to pull at least...
Will run an AV scan, but can open 7-zips just fine. Of course that doesn't mean there is nothing.
In my case I was thinking my ZIP files were corrupt, maybe a memory or storage issue, but EVERY single ZIP file was corrupt - turns out WinZip.exe had been infected!

I do not have much to suggest, and my apologies if you have already looked into this or it has already been suggested, but I would try to figure out what software is common to all affected computers, especially if they are being installed via an already downloaded installer on all affected computers. Maybe check Programs and Features for any strange entries and if you do not want to reinstall completely, perhaps uninstall each program and reinstall the ones you use via a freshly downloaded installer.
I let AdwCleaner run, but it could only find one PUP (a file of Advanced System Care, not sure if I ever had it installed). After logging out and in again, nothing changed.
Maybe something you are installing installs something else, possibly unexpected, which causes the issue, and possibly not immediately installed (installed on boot, or triggered by use of a program) so everything seems fine for a while.
Silly question: You are not running out of hard disk space? Also, have you 'tweaked' your virtual memory settings - I would leave these at their defaults if you do change these.
No, I have enough space. And I know of these settings, but that would require me to have changed them on all devices. Too long ago so I cannot tell. I changed a setting now, but have to restart for it to take effect. Will do that later.
More recently I had an issue where are particular application would crash, I reinstalled Windows and all software, same issue! Reinstall Windows, then progressively install and the issue went away! Very strange.

Now, turns out that installing Office caused the issue with the other application due to a mismatch in the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, which Office installs without showing an entry for it in Programs and Features like other applications do.

Anyway, long story short, and perhaps a long shot, but maybe a similar issue for you given that you seem to be encountering some Microsoft Visual C++ issues in the mix of other issues. I would suggest you try installing the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable from Microsoft directly via https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 and try the Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 redistributable.
then progressively install and the issue went away!
I thought that it might've been wrong to use the tweaking programs all at the same time without rebooting in between, so they couldn't take effect and then I already used another program that might interfer with the previous program.

But what you said about Office sounds interesting. However, I already wiped everything C++ related and then reinstalled it without effect.
Yes, but Office installs a version of a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable completely silently, not even an entry in Programs and Features - that is what threw me off! If Office can do this, perhaps other applications can too.

I could not, for the life of me, figure out how installing Office would affect this other application and really only went down the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable path on some desperate hunch and whim, and with the remote hope I was right...
And how did you do it, first Office and then C++?

But what throws me off, the issue already appeared on one PC where I didn't even have Office installed I think. And here I currently "only" have the 0cx issue, but not a vcruntime issue.
Order did not matter, the result would be the same once Office was installed. Many different Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables can exist on a computer (as you probably noticed), but making sure the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable was installed fixed the issue. If I recall correctly, I did not even need to reboot.