• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Discussion How to download Crunchyroll and what you need...

I am not sure about this one. I would suggest you just try it again from scratch. Since the browser agent is the same, you can just copy my line into the preset.
And did you also copy the menu script again? Maybe that has an issue.
#Location of the ffmpeg binary
--ffmpeg-location "ffmpeg"

# Print various debugging information - only needed if issues occur and need to be reported on the yt-dlp GitHub page

#Suppress HTTPS certificate validation

#Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header

#Write subtitle file

#Languages of the subtitles to download (can be regex) or "all" separated by commas, e.g.
#--sub-langs "en.*,ja". You can prefix the language code with a "-" to exclude it from
#the requested languages, e.g. --sub-langs all,-live_chat. Use --list-subs for a list of available language tags
--sub-langs en-US

#Limit the filename length (excluding extension) to the specified number of characters
--trim-filenames 200

#Write video description to a .description file

#Subtitle format; accepts formats preference, e.g. "srt" or "ass/srt/best"
--sub-format ass

#Number of fragments of a dash/hlsnative video that should be downloaded concurrently (default is 1)
-N 5

#Maximum download rate in bytes per second
--limit-rate 12.0M

#Video format code
-f "b"

#The paths where the files should be downloaded.
-P "downloads"

#Output filename template - you can adjust to your liking - please check the yt-dlp GitHub page for further information
#new naming
-o "%(series)#S/%(season_number)02d - %(season)#S/%(episode_number)02d - %(episode)#S.%(ext)s"
#old naming
#-o "%(series)s/%(season_number)s - %(season)s/%(episode_number)s - %(episode)s.%(ext)s"

#The name of the browser to load cookies from. In this example firefox
--cookies-from-browser firefox

#User Agent
--user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0"

#Remux the video into another container if necessary
--remux-video mkv

#Embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4, webm and mkv videos)

#default subtitle
--ppa "EmbedSubtitle:-disposition:s:0 default"

#Embed metadata to the video file. Also embeds chapters/infojson if present unless
#--no-embed-chapters/--no-embed-info-json are used (Alias: --add-metadata)

#Do not set any "purl" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_purl>)"

#Do not set any "comment" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_comment>)"

#Do not set any "description" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_description>)"

#Do not set any "title" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_title>)"

#Do not set any "episode_id" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_id>)"

#Do not set any "date" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_date>)"

#Do not set any "season_number" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_season_number>)"

#Do not set any "episode_sort" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_sort>)"

#Do not embed the infojson as an attachment to the video file

#Do not retrieve video comments unless the extraction is known to be quick

#Add chapter markers to the video file
Last edited:
Looks fine on a first glance, that should not trigger the error
You might want to put that into code tags to prevent the emojies, though :)
Did you login with firefox to crunchyroll?
If you used a different browser, you need to specify that in the config.txt
ERROR: [crunchyroll] : Request blocked by Cloudflare; navigate to Crunchyroll in your browser, then pass the fresh cookies (with --cookies-from-browser or --cookies) and your browser's User-Agent (with --user-agent)

use nextdns, something is probably being blocked. The first error no longer appears. first success
Last edited:
ERROR: [crunchyroll] : Request blocked by Cloudflare; navigate to Crunchyroll in your browser, then pass the fresh cookies (with --cookies-from-browser or --cookies) and your browser's User-Agent (with --user-agent)
You just need to refresh your cookies. Play a video in order to do so. Then you can download again for some time.
I start an episode and confirm the Accept cookies message. I always get the same error message. When I want to display 3 subtitles I get the error, the browser is not compatible.
Which browser are you using, mozilla Firefox?
Is the browser open or closed when you try to download?

Can you please provide a screen shot for this: When I want to display 3 subtitles I get the error, the browser is not compatible.
Which browser are you using, mozilla Firefox?
Is the browser open or closed when you try to download?

Can you please provide a screen shot for this: When I want to display 3 subtitles I get the error, the browser is not compatible.
I only use Mozilla and is also registered as a user agent. Browser ist open.

Usage: yt-dlp.exe [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]

yt-dlp.exe: error: unsupported browser specified for cookies: "firefoxhttps". Supported browsers are: brave, chrome, chromium, edge, firefox, opera, safari, vivaldi

[crunchyroll] Authenticating with grant_type=client_id
ERROR: [crunchyroll] Request blocked by Cloudflare; navigate to Crunchyroll in your browser, then pass the fresh cookies (with --cookies-from-browser or --cookies) and your browser's User-Agent (with --user-agent)
Last edited:
I only use Mozilla and is also registered as a user agent. Browser ist open.

Usage: yt-dlp.exe [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]

yt-dlp.exe: error: unsupported browser specified for cookies: "firefoxhttps". Supported browsers are: brave, chrome, chromium, edge, firefox, opera, safari, vivaldi

[crunchyroll] Authenticating with grant_type=client_id
ERROR: [crunchyroll] Request blocked by Cloudflare; navigate to Crunchyroll in your browser, then pass the fresh cookies (with --cookies-from-browser or --cookies) and your browser's User-Agent (with --user-agent)
I tested the provided config.txt that you posted earlier and didn't get that error.
#Location of the ffmpeg binary
--ffmpeg-location "ffmpeg"

# Print various debugging information - only needed if issues occur and need to be reported on the yt-dlp GitHub page

#Suppress HTTPS certificate validation

#Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header

#Write subtitle file

#Languages of the subtitles to download (can be regex) or "all" separated by commas, e.g.
#--sub-langs "en.*,ja". You can prefix the language code with a "-" to exclude it from
#the requested languages, e.g. --sub-langs all,-live_chat. Use --list-subs for a list of available language tags
--sub-langs en-US

#Limit the filename length (excluding extension) to the specified number of characters
--trim-filenames 200

#Write video description to a .description file

#Subtitle format; accepts formats preference, e.g. "srt" or "ass/srt/best"
--sub-format ass

#Number of fragments of a dash/hlsnative video that should be downloaded concurrently (default is 1)
-N 5

#Maximum download rate in bytes per second
--limit-rate 12.0M

#Video format code
-f "b"

#The paths where the files should be downloaded.
-P "downloads"

#Output filename template - you can adjust to your liking - please check the yt-dlp GitHub page for further information
#new naming
-o "%(series)#S/%(season_number)02d - %(season)#S/%(episode_number)02d - %(episode)#S.%(ext)s"
#old naming
#-o "%(series)s/%(season_number)s - %(season)s/%(episode_number)s - %(episode)s.%(ext)s"

#The name of the browser to load cookies from. In this example firefox
--cookies-from-browser firefox

#User Agent
--user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0"

#Remux the video into another container if necessary
--remux-video mkv

#Embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4, webm and mkv videos)

#default subtitle
--ppa "EmbedSubtitle:-disposition:s:0 default"

#Embed metadata to the video file. Also embeds chapters/infojson if present unless
#--no-embed-chapters/--no-embed-info-json are used (Alias: --add-metadata)

#Do not set any "purl" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_purl>)"

#Do not set any "comment" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_comment>)"

#Do not set any "description" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_description>)"

#Do not set any "title" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_title>)"

#Do not set any "episode_id" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_id>)"

#Do not set any "date" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_date>)"

#Do not set any "season_number" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_season_number>)"

#Do not set any "episode_sort" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_sort>)"

#Do not embed the infojson as an attachment to the video file

#Do not retrieve video comments unless the extraction is known to be quick

#Add chapter markers to the video file

Can you please post the text you have in the batch file that holds the menu?