• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Discussion How to download Crunchyroll and what you need...

I am not sure about this one. I would suggest you just try it again from scratch. Since the browser agent is the same, you can just copy my line into the preset.
#Location of the ffmpeg binary
--ffmpeg-location "ffmpeg"

# Print various debugging information - only needed if issues occur and need to be reported on the yt-dlp GitHub page

#Suppress HTTPS certificate validation

#Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header

#Write subtitle file

#Languages of the subtitles to download (can be regex) or "all" separated by commas, e.g.
#--sub-langs "en.*,ja". You can prefix the language code with a "-" to exclude it from
#the requested languages, e.g. --sub-langs all,-live_chat. Use --list-subs for a list of available language tags
--sub-langs en-US

#Limit the filename length (excluding extension) to the specified number of characters
--trim-filenames 200

#Write video description to a .description file

#Subtitle format; accepts formats preference, e.g. "srt" or "ass/srt/best"
--sub-format ass

#Number of fragments of a dash/hlsnative video that should be downloaded concurrently (default is 1)
-N 5

#Maximum download rate in bytes per second
--limit-rate 12.0M

#Video format code
-f "b"

#The paths where the files should be downloaded.
-P "downloads"

#Output filename template - you can adjust to your liking - please check the yt-dlp GitHub page for further information
#new naming
-o "%(series)#S/%(season_number)02d - %(season)#S/%(episode_number)02d - %(episode)#S.%(ext)s"
#old naming
#-o "%(series)s/%(season_number)s - %(season)s/%(episode_number)s - %(episode)s.%(ext)s"

#The name of the browser to load cookies from. In this example firefox
--cookies-from-browser firefox

#User Agent
--user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0"

#Remux the video into another container if necessary
--remux-video mkv

#Embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4, webm and mkv videos)

#default subtitle
--ppa "EmbedSubtitle:-disposition:s:0 default"

#Embed metadata to the video file. Also embeds chapters/infojson if present unless
#--no-embed-chapters/--no-embed-info-json are used (Alias: --add-metadata)

#Do not set any "purl" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_purl>)"

#Do not set any "comment" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_comment>)"

#Do not set any "description" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_description>)"

#Do not set any "title" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_title>)"

#Do not set any "episode_id" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_id>)"

#Do not set any "date" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_date>)"

#Do not set any "season_number" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_season_number>)"

#Do not set any "episode_sort" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_sort>)"

#Do not embed the infojson as an attachment to the video file

#Do not retrieve video comments unless the extraction is known to be quick

#Add chapter markers to the video file
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Looks fine on a first glance, that should not trigger the error
You might want to put that into code tags to prevent the emojies, though :)
Did you login with firefox to crunchyroll?
If you used a different browser, you need to specify that in the config.txt
ERROR: [crunchyroll] : Request blocked by Cloudflare; navigate to Crunchyroll in your browser, then pass the fresh cookies (with --cookies-from-browser or --cookies) and your browser's User-Agent (with --user-agent)

use nextdns, something is probably being blocked. The first error no longer appears. first success
Last edited:
ERROR: [crunchyroll] : Request blocked by Cloudflare; navigate to Crunchyroll in your browser, then pass the fresh cookies (with --cookies-from-browser or --cookies) and your browser's User-Agent (with --user-agent)
You just need to refresh your cookies. Play a video in order to do so. Then you can download again for some time.
I start an episode and confirm the Accept cookies message. I always get the same error message. When I want to display 3 subtitles I get the error, the browser is not compatible.
Which browser are you using, mozilla Firefox?
Is the browser open or closed when you try to download?

Can you please provide a screen shot for this: When I want to display 3 subtitles I get the error, the browser is not compatible.
Which browser are you using, mozilla Firefox?
Is the browser open or closed when you try to download?

Can you please provide a screen shot for this: When I want to display 3 subtitles I get the error, the browser is not compatible.
I only use Mozilla and is also registered as a user agent. Browser ist open.

Usage: yt-dlp.exe [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]

yt-dlp.exe: error: unsupported browser specified for cookies: "firefoxhttps". Supported browsers are: brave, chrome, chromium, edge, firefox, opera, safari, vivaldi

[crunchyroll] Authenticating with grant_type=client_id
ERROR: [crunchyroll] Request blocked by Cloudflare; navigate to Crunchyroll in your browser, then pass the fresh cookies (with --cookies-from-browser or --cookies) and your browser's User-Agent (with --user-agent)
Last edited:
I only use Mozilla and is also registered as a user agent. Browser ist open.

Usage: yt-dlp.exe [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]

yt-dlp.exe: error: unsupported browser specified for cookies: "firefoxhttps". Supported browsers are: brave, chrome, chromium, edge, firefox, opera, safari, vivaldi

[crunchyroll] Authenticating with grant_type=client_id
ERROR: [crunchyroll] Request blocked by Cloudflare; navigate to Crunchyroll in your browser, then pass the fresh cookies (with --cookies-from-browser or --cookies) and your browser's User-Agent (with --user-agent)
I tested the provided config.txt that you posted earlier and didn't get that error.
#Location of the ffmpeg binary
--ffmpeg-location "ffmpeg"

# Print various debugging information - only needed if issues occur and need to be reported on the yt-dlp GitHub page

#Suppress HTTPS certificate validation

#Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header

#Write subtitle file

#Languages of the subtitles to download (can be regex) or "all" separated by commas, e.g.
#--sub-langs "en.*,ja". You can prefix the language code with a "-" to exclude it from
#the requested languages, e.g. --sub-langs all,-live_chat. Use --list-subs for a list of available language tags
--sub-langs en-US

#Limit the filename length (excluding extension) to the specified number of characters
--trim-filenames 200

#Write video description to a .description file

#Subtitle format; accepts formats preference, e.g. "srt" or "ass/srt/best"
--sub-format ass

#Number of fragments of a dash/hlsnative video that should be downloaded concurrently (default is 1)
-N 5

#Maximum download rate in bytes per second
--limit-rate 12.0M

#Video format code
-f "b"

#The paths where the files should be downloaded.
-P "downloads"

#Output filename template - you can adjust to your liking - please check the yt-dlp GitHub page for further information
#new naming
-o "%(series)#S/%(season_number)02d - %(season)#S/%(episode_number)02d - %(episode)#S.%(ext)s"
#old naming
#-o "%(series)s/%(season_number)s - %(season)s/%(episode_number)s - %(episode)s.%(ext)s"

#The name of the browser to load cookies from. In this example firefox
--cookies-from-browser firefox

#User Agent
--user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0"

#Remux the video into another container if necessary
--remux-video mkv

#Embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4, webm and mkv videos)

#default subtitle
--ppa "EmbedSubtitle:-disposition:s:0 default"

#Embed metadata to the video file. Also embeds chapters/infojson if present unless
#--no-embed-chapters/--no-embed-info-json are used (Alias: --add-metadata)

#Do not set any "purl" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_purl>)"

#Do not set any "comment" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_comment>)"

#Do not set any "description" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_description>)"

#Do not set any "title" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_title>)"

#Do not set any "episode_id" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_id>)"

#Do not set any "date" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_date>)"

#Do not set any "season_number" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_season_number>)"

#Do not set any "episode_sort" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_sort>)"

#Do not embed the infojson as an attachment to the video file

#Do not retrieve video comments unless the extraction is known to be quick

#Add chapter markers to the video file

Can you please post the text you have in the batch file that holds the menu?