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Blocked BD copy playback (Cinavia)

What's the legal age for kids to be allowed to put in a disc. Oh and I hate it when your nice new Blue Ray gets dragged in the car for viewing. Just saying.
It's when they're old enough to have bought the disc themselves with money they earned from working so they mess up the copy they bought and not your copy
Anydvd HD has been said to be incapable of handling this(or simply won't) on the fly. Slyce will EVENTUALLY handle this.

W'll just wait for slyce then , Hope it doesn't transcode movies like AnyDVD HD, I like preserving the exact copy that I put my hardworking money on.

Edit: I don't mean AnyDVD HD transcode.
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Transcode? Anydvd HD does NO transcoding/encoding. It's merely a wonderful decrypting service :S I believe Slysofts rival (LOL) produces a certain software that transcodes. Bd Rebuilder does not Transcode, it encodes. I don't believe Multiavchd transcodes either. Don't quote me on the last one though. It may employ different encoder/transcoder tools. And who knows, maybe the rival software has evolved to include better tools. Last I checked, the jobs it handled didn't look nearly as good as the apps I mentioned above.

By the way, an exact copy wouldn't require slyce...
Anydvd doesnt transcode either. It can't transcode or recode anything that's not what it is designed to do the thing that comes closest as to touching the material is the ripper, but that's where it ends

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Removing Cinavia can't be done without modification of the source material, at least the sound track, though. Slice will have to alter the original copy in order to remove that protection, since it's directly included in the sound of the movie. Transcription will be mandatory.

That, or use player hardware or software that ignores the protection, of course.
I just thought of this today.

I don't know of it's possible (or not), but instead of trying to strip Cinavia, is it possible to include something like a 'mask' (while decrypting it) which fools the player into thinking there's no Cinavia and to allow regular playback?

That might be a way around this problem. Just a suggestion though.
How about this simple solution. After Cinavia triggers on, something else triggers on that basically says to Cinavia "nevermind".
People are unwilling to believe, that this is one tough nut to crack. I don't believe it myself. Unfortunately, I don't have near enough knowledge to tackle this :p I apologize for this too. I really do...

I'm sure the boys will figure it out one day ;) Heck, perhaps they already have, or are close, but don't wanna implement it. Their Rival would strip the code, and use it in their own software. Perhaps Slysofts developers want better protection for Anydvd first.

On the other hand, I may be full of Pi$$ and wind :p
Slysoft already said the anti-Cinavia system would not be in AnyDVD.

And yes, it's a tough nut to crack. Realize that it's a protection that resists transcription and re-compression of the sound. If you "cam" a movie in a theater that has Cinavia, the resulting video will still not play on Cinavia aware players.

Not that it annoys me in any way - "cam" are crap anyway, they are an insult to the original movie, poor quality, completely ruining the original material.
I've heard "it won't be updated to handle it"...

Anydvd may not be updated to handle it, but it could. Now before you bash me, I've already heard everyones interpretation of this "Nasty" protection. And since nobody has identified the watermark/signal(whatever you want to call it), nobody knows how simple this COULD be. Believe it or not, audio could be transformed on the fly. (if you argue this, you're closed minded) It doesn't need compression. It simply needs slightly modified.

I don't care if it ever gets the attention that some people need. I don't own a P$3. Don't want one either. And PC's are the only thing I'm into.

Cams deserve this protection. By the way.
Why are you insulted? I'm simply saying, that something is being overlooked. Oh, you think I was directing that at you. Nope, it's directed at anybody who argues the point.

Anybody tech savvy enough, would recognize the ability I'm talking about. (again, not directing this at you).
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I'm simply saying, that something is being overlooked.

No, you only think something is being overlooked. Just because Slysoft (and others) are not laying out the specifics of cinavia in public doesn't mean they don't know what is involved. There are business and legal reasons for not divulging what is known about cinavia, beyond the public patent application technical data.