• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Samuri's *UN*Official SlyPlayer(tm) Thread

Is there a way to make a playlist of ISOs or play one ISO after the other without manually switching drives using TMT? It seems when TMT finishes an ISO it starts over instead of playing the next mounted ISO.

This probably has as much to do with the way the ISO is built, as anything about TMT.

A typical studio-generated BD (or DVD) will go to the menu, eventually, then may, if you do nothing, get around to playing the movie. At the end it will return to the menu (and start over, maybe).

A tsMuxeR rebuilt disc seems to have no stop code at the end of the feature it creates, so players go back to the beginning. (It would be a stop instruction on a DVD, something similar on a BD, I presume).

If you click the stop button does the playlist you constructed continue?

Does it work correctly with a DVD ISO that stops after playback?

Why is this question in the SlyPlayer thread?
Bit late for a feature request, but...

Most players have an 'info' button, which displays title/chapter number, Video codec and bitrate, Audio language, codec and bitrate etc etc.

None, however, seem to tell you which m2ts file is currently the data source.
I'd find that usefull.

I was backing up 'I am legend' the other day, and there are 2 verions of the movie on the disk, as 2 individual 18GB m2ts files. It was a bit of a hassle to determine which was the theatrical version, and which was the alternate ending. I had to use trial-and-error, de-muxing each to a BD-structure, building an ISO, mounting it, and playing it ( PDVD 7 ).

It would have been nice to simply play the original, select the version I wanted from the menu, then look at the 'info' to determine the correct m2ts.

Bit late for a feature request, but...

Most players have an 'info' button, which displays title/chapter number, Video codec and bitrate, Audio language, codec and bitrate etc etc.

None, however, seem to tell you which m2ts file is currently the data source.
I'd find that usefull.

I was backing up 'I am legend' the other day, and there are 2 verions of the movie on the disk, as 2 individual 18GB m2ts files. It was a bit of a hassle to determine which was the theatrical version, and which was the alternate ending. I had to use trial-and-error, de-muxing each to a BD-structure, building an ISO, mounting it, and playing it ( PDVD 7 ).

It would have been nice to simply play the original, select the version I wanted from the menu, then look at the 'info' to determine the correct m2ts.

CloneBD / CloneItAll / ... (whatever it might be called) will take care of your needs.
CloneBD / CloneItAll / ... (whatever it might be called) will take care of your needs.

I sitll think his idea is very good. I thought the same the other day for other reasons. Sometimes the same video segment exists with different mt2s files for each audio track. When I try to find the right file in the folder structure this is always trial and error. I would be nice if the player could display the current file being processed!
I want (and I'm good donator :D):
-ASIO (better then WASAPI because we never know what microsoft might do)

-Possiblity to set up decay, lipsync and bassmanagement in an easy way. Going straight from a proffesional soundcard like Lynx to poweramp gives much better sound rather then going through a surround receiver. But that means everything must be done in software.

-Be able to use convolver and other plugins that opens up for FIR filter (soundcorrection) and serious Eq.
+1 for ASIO, with output channel selection for multichannel tracks.
Since WMC integration is a request, I'd really like SageTV integration. Actually, just make it usable as a plug-in for any htpc front end. ie XBMC, Boxee, WMC, SageTV, GameEx, BeyondTV, any others I've missed.

Looking forward to this release.:agree:
Since WMC integration is a request, I'd really like SageTV integration. Actually, just make it usable as a plug-in for any htpc front end. ie XBMC, Boxee, WMC, SageTV, GameEx, BeyondTV, any others I've missed.

Looking forward to this release.:agree:

That would be really nice. Hope it can happen. 8)
any chance of an update soon?
How can you get an update for something that's not been released yet? It'll be ready when it's ready. As soon as they start giving out any kind of time frame, people will start moaning if it's not ready by then

Go to explore on the reading drive and the larger of the two is the alternet version. I did Back up that disk, and there was a size difference of both
Bit late for a feature request, but...
Most players have an 'info' button, which displays title/chapter number, Video codec and bitrate, Audio language, codec and bitrate etc etc.

None, however, seem to tell you which m2ts file is currently the data source.
I'd find that usefull.

I was backing up 'I am legend' the other day, and there are 2 verions of the movie on the disk, as 2 individual 18GB m2ts files. It was a bit of a hassle to determine which was the theatrical version, and which was the alternate ending. I had to use trial-and-error, de-muxing each to a BD-structure, building an ISO, mounting it, and playing it ( PDVD 7 ).

It would have been nice to simply play the original, select the version I wanted from the menu, then look at the 'info' to determine the correct m2ts.

Go to explore on the reading drive and the larger of the two is the alternet version. I did Back up that disk, and there was a size difference of both

This doesn't work when using discs with seamless branching though
Can't you just get the version from its runtime? Play it in PowerDVD check out how long, and then see which one matches it on TSMuxer or HDDVD/Bluray stream extractor (or use eac3to from command line).
that's kind of what I do, I look to see what the runtime is for the version I want then load the movie into Clown BD, which normally tells you if there's more than one version playlist file to choose from and what length the movie is for each playlist. From that I can then tell which playlist I should load into Clown BD to make into a movie only file or disc
How can you get an update for something that's not been released yet? It'll be ready when it's ready. As soon as they start giving out any kind of time frame, people will start moaning if it's not ready by then

Oh I was just hoping for any kind of news, not a release date, just a we've been working on things and it's progressing.

We've been tied up and haven't gotten to it yet.

I am actually a developer myself, so I know how these things go. James was sharing quite a bit about the goals of the software earlier, now he seems to be head down coding, which is great, but if he comes up for air, I just wanted to see if things were getting there.
How can you get an update for something that's not been released yet? It'll be ready when it's ready. As soon as they start giving out any kind of time frame, people will start moaning if it's not ready by then

There's no reason to get testy. Personally, I think it's a good question. I've been following this forum for the last few months, ever since I bought AnyDVD HD (which, by the way, is a kick ass program) and I have been wondering the same thing. The fact is there isn't a software player or NMT that can take a boat load of blu ray ISO's, index them, and allow you open them up at will. I realize they don't want to be bothered by constant 'when will it be released' questions, but 'cmon. This year, next year, some sort of status update would be nice once in a while.
I'm not officially speaking for Slysoft with this reply nor do I claim to have insider information.

It needs to be remembered that Slysoft is working on a number of products. CloneBD is being developed and the ETA on that is unknown at this time. The player software which has thus far been dubbed SlyPlayer is going to be freeware from previous statements made by Slysoft. It has also been stated previously by Slysoft that it wouldn't release a software player until sometime after CloneBD. This seems logical since CloneBD is a product that will bring in revenue while a freeware product will not. I also believe that some of code from CloneBD could be used in SlyPlayer so it would be logical to have it be released later.

Now, having said the above, I fully expect someone to ask on the status of CloneBD. The answer to that question is that it is being developed with no current ETA. I'm sure Slysoft will give us updates on progress when they feel there is something worth sharing. Have patience.
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Please, do not forget to add Key Definitions to this player. I find that to be the #1 reason why I dislike players like PowerDVD or some others. Key definition = means that the player is capable of letting the user decide which key will do what job. That means if the player by default uses "Space" on keyboard for Pause, you can change that to L, Enter, etc.

If you need to look how this thing works, test both BSPlayer and MPC-HC. MPC have additional commands that can do things like rotating the video window and zoom out (way better than BSP), but the whole purpose of this feature is to give the user the ability to choose the keys he likes to perform those commands.

It's very annoying (trust me) when you can't do that, and it's limited to use one unique key assigned by the program itself or the left button from the mouse.

There's also one unique command that you can find on BSPlayer that I will call "Jump Foward/Backward (very small)". Using the left/right keyboard arrows I can jump foward and backward any scene from my videos less than 0.5 second each time I use one of those keys, and this is what I always do to watch some details from a scene again, with no lag at all when using this command (unfortunatelly 1080P videos or even some DVDs don't let me do that, most of them are too heavy).

MPC have a similar command but "Jump Foward/Backward (small)" which means it can do the same thing, but not the way we do with BSPlayer, it takes 0.5 second to jump foward/backward.

Specially for people who likes to watch videos with subtitles, this little detail makes BSP better. It's also better than MPC to display those same subtitles. MPC-HC don't have the same internal options from BSP to deal with them.

On the other hand, so far I was unable to make BSPlayer load embedded subtitles from Blu-ray .m2ts files - it doesn't recognize them, and in one case, the player ignored one of two english tracks from the movie. Only MPC-HC can do that (you also need to check VMR9-renderless in this case).

Not to mention the fact that we need to put the whole Blu-ray into a single ISO/virtual drive in order to watch it using PowerDVD Ultra, if we want to see the BD Project. BSP (and MPC) can open a DVD folder and recognize as a DVD-project (with all menus and stuffs), but not a BD folder/project saved in BDMV/STREAM folders (or ISO for that matter). PDVD can't recognize the BD folder either, only the ISO/mounted virtual drive.