• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

[Resolved with AnyDVD] "Get Smart" not completely fixed by AnyDVD

the 2008 movie won't rip for me with the latest anydvd programs, the stable and the recently released beta in combination with dvddecrypter or using the anydvd ripper. Both rips fail when attempting to be read by dvdshrink.

CloneDVD2 from Slysoft is your answer. Or maybe the media was bad and wont rip now. Is this an original DVD or a copy? This thread is marked [Resolved so I guess its not an issue.

http://www.slysoft.com/en/download.html :agree:
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Thanks for the responses, every forum is different, I have to learn the rules and what's expected. Sometimes certain rules from certain forums get confused in my brain. If I ever have another problem I'll post a log and the right amount of info needed. As for resurrecting old threads, it has long been a difficult thing to figure out, should or shouldn't I, with various forums. I have some that get angry at me for creating new threads, when old ones exist and I have some that get angry at me for resurrecting old ones. But for my problem, ultimately, I'm to blame I didn't fully read the rules and now I have. So sorry about that. Lack of information and logs, won't happen again. If resurrecting old threads is frowned upon on here, I won't do that either. I am new to the forum, I've found that 7 out of 10 forums have inadequate searching. But to be honest, I didn't use the search. So again, my mistake. This forum could have a great search, I haven't tried it yet to really know. I will from now on. Generally 99.9% of anything I've ripped with anydvd as long as anydvd decrypts it properly, it will read in dvdshrink. Which makes sense if you think about it. But I am certainly not blaming AnyDVD or Slysoft or anyone for anything. Just was trying to figure out a problem.

As for the problem (yes it was an original disc), it is resolved, indeed ripping with anydvd did in fact work, I must have picked the wrong folder or didn't go deep enough with dvdshrink when selecting the folder. So it works, the dvddecrypt method won't. But dvddecrypt is old. I will check out the clonedvd 2, see how that is.

Alright again, its resolved, I appreciate the responses and I am sorry if I wasted anyone's time. Best Regards, Robert (mayhem13)
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since you mention dvdshrink, here's a headsup on that part. Some discs will fail to read on-the-fly even though anydvd having succesfully decrypted the disc. Those will usually be discs with "structural protection". DVDshrink can't read those, in those cases you'll have to use the built in AnyDVD ripper and rip such discs to harddrive, and then use that output to feed into dvdshrink :)