• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
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Resolved Regarding AS Subtitles

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OK, having installed Mediainfo, I opened the file for Sound of Freedom. Multiple views are available, not sure where to look in the view to detect subtitles. Not impossible that of the 7 downloads I've done, that none of them have subtitles, but you'd think luck of the draw...LOL
Just now created per your instructions. Video is great, but no subtitles. I checked Settings and ensured Embedded subtitles was checked, the download window had English(CC) checked.
Once again, thanks for the help.
According to Amazon, Sounds of Freedom does not have subtitles. However, according to Vimeo, Sounds of Freedom has subtitles with CC off and auto-generated English CC. Its always wise to do a little homework.

Sounds of Freedom is a 16-minute film that is available to buy on Prime Video, Apple TV, and other video-on-demand platforms for $19.99.
[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.google.com/search?q=What+subtitlesew+are+avilaBLE+FOR+%22sOUINDS+OF+fREEDOM%22%3F&oq=What+subtitlesew+are+avilaBLE+FOR+%22sOUINDS+OF+fREEDOM%22%3F&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyCQgDECEYChigATIJCAQQIRgKGKsCMgkIBRAhGAoYqwIyCQgGECEYChirAtIBCjIyNzg1ajBqMTWoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8[/URL]
I did not say that the player does not support subtitles, rather than not displaying by default ... you maybe have to enable subtitles in your player first
Example from "The Burial" with VLC Player where non-forced subtitles are disabled on play...
Try it with closed CC turned off. You could also try testing it by playing it in your browser to see if you have subtitles on Amazon.
PSIG, thanks, I see where you're pointing. Details show that subtitles are available as English(CC) which I have set, but no subtitles. I'm going to try it on the browser as Redfox 1 suggested. In the download window, the only other option is English forced narrative. I can try that, as well. LOL, gonna run out of my download allocation, but I want to get this right.
Cartman0208, I had previously deleted VLC, but reinstalled it and sure enough, it displays the subtitles along with the great video quality. Thanks!

Gentlemen, end of day goal is to be able to download the streams and copy the MP4 (along with subtitles) to Dual Layer DVDs. I still have hard drives to load the MP4s onto but I find it harder and harder to go thru 3 TB of file to find what I want. Stuck in the 80s, I guess. I have a few movies stored on hard drives, 3000 or so on 12 TB worth of drives.
Not sure where my reply went, but here goes again. Cartman0208, I used MediaInfo, but there are many views and I.m not sure what to look for. A suggestion to use VLC Mediaplayer and setting Subtitles to Sub Track English(CC) works and the subtitles are displayed. Now I need to figure out how to transfer that MP4(with subtitles) to a DVD.
Not sure where my replies are going, but VLR player shows subtitles. Now how to save the VLR files to MP$ or copy directly to hard drive or DVD disc
All your replies are there, you might need to refresh your browser...
In order to make the videos DVD compatible, you will probably have to reauthor and recode most of them, because neither the video codec nor subtitles of downloaded videos are DVD compliant.
How about simply copying MP4s with subtitles to a hard drive?
LOL, I realize that. I mean with subtitles attached. how do I take an external Hard drive with the MP4s and display on a TVV with subtitles?
You might want to open a separate thread for that, maybe in the 3rd party forum, as this is not an AnyStream issue
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