• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Request HEVC and Max (Not through AP)


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Nov 26, 2013
Any chance we are going to see HEVC support within Max as we had in HBO MAX? AVC in Max is not great compared to the pre-merger service and I have even gone so far as to subscribe to Max through AP just to get better AVC encodes. I'd like to get HEVC encodes and not through the AP channel as I think Amazon HEVC is garbage (plus I'd like to not have to pay for Max twice). I realize no one will probably officially comment, but at least an idea if it is even being looked at would be nice.
Not at this moment, but maybe sometime in the future. AVC in my MAX is just fine, what seems to be your issue? X264, I find the MAX to be equal to or better than the service through Amazon, they have changed a lot of things for the worse in Amazon, I prefer the default provider but if you prefer Amazon you can surely get HEVC through MAX there, so what is your issue?
AVC from Max when viewed at 83" shows too much posterization and macro-blocking. Most of that is a bit-rate issue and some of it is encoding settings. AVC CBR in AP improves the situation, but HEVC in AP is several steps back. The HEVC in HBO Max was spectacular and given the changes made to AVC in Max does not bode well for HEVC in Max, but I like to hope.
AVC from Max when viewed at 83" shows too much posterization and macro-blocking. Most of that is a bit-rate issue and some of it is encoding settings. AVC CBR in AP improves the situation, but HEVC in AP is several steps back. The HEVC in HBO Max was spectacular and given the changes made to AVC in Max does not bode well for HEVC in Max, but I like to hope.
Of course, you can hope, but I cannot promise anything. You can never tell what we will add in the future.