• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Feature Request: Release year in filename

Tschens (or even twhiting) hope you don't see my post(s) as fighting tooth and nail against an idea -- I was hoping to provide a solution to the situation and sharing what I do -- if you've ever been on the Plex forums you'll soon learn that you get called a nonga on a regular basis as the nerd factor is alive and well over there :) :whistle: --- personally discussions like this are healthy (IMO)
Your ideas are very welcome - as I suggested before: solution-oriented. I think similar features (renaming files) are available in tinymediamanager. Although I have it installed, I never tested the renaming feature.
I made a statement to describe the possible issue here ... so much for solution-oriented
But for some reason you jumped straigth to my obviously ironical last line ...
for me personally, it would be great if there was a release year in description over at HMAX in AS, when you hover your mouse over a thumbnail. i can rename manually instead of either having HMAX open in browser of searching IMDB.
ok my last post on this subject --- just wanted to show there is a way (I understand that it being done at download would be optimal) --- but want to share the is a batch way to do this (after download) of multiple files fairly accurately that is good for cataloging and also Plex friendly -- you can see in the screenshot one failed to find the title when I used the auto detect --- so as I said not 100% all the time -- that one I ran against the public AniDB and it found it

cheers all --- lets keep sharing ideas and respect each other the best we can :) (yes I know I sound like a hippy!!) :dance::rockingchair:

That is actually a really nice program, thanks for sharing.
The matching against online databases is awesome :thankyou:
I use Media Center Master for recognizing and renaming my movie/tv shows. It is overkill as there is a LOT of functionality there, but I purchased long ago and it still works for me.
It reads files in a download path and will rename AND move them to your media folders (mine are on a NAS). It also has a missing episodes report that checks against your files and notifies you of any missing episodes.
As mentioned most of my files get renamed after d/l. But the app I use for cataloging will also mass rename and with all sort of attributes based on online movie DB's. It's made for movies and tv shows specifically.



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Like everything else on this forum regarding progress. No 'probably' about it. You'll be fought tooth and nail by individuals who insist if it works for them it's good enough for everyone! This is the mentality of most here, unfortunately.

Realistically, though? It's absolutely needed. I ran into this myself with Dune on HBO. AS doesn't allow for labeling of 'year', so, it thought they were the same, and , yeah, you can guess how that went.

I am ONLY replying to this because you used my words to launch into a rant. One that I believe is incorrect and undeserved. I only said that because you were posting something that many have posted before. Not because I agree with ANYTHING you said because I do not.

In one post you alienated the developers and users of this forum. That is the wrong way to get help or let others know of your ideas. It's the one surefire way to make sure your ideas don't go anywhere.

I will leave you with this. If you are at the point where you think everyone else is wrong and you are the only right one, you need to do some introspection. Because maybe you are the one who is wrong.

This is solely my opinion.