• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Discussion Don't close download progress panel between downloads


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Aug 13, 2014
Is there a way to keep the download progress panel open between downloads. If i download one series on one provider it closes and reopens the progress bar panel between each episode. it constantly keeps bouncing the ui shows scrolling interface making me loose place as it snaps up and down. if there is more to download can the panel just stay open and refresh?
Is there a way to keep the download progress panel open between downloads. If i download one series on one provider it closes and reopens the progress bar panel between each episode. it constantly keeps bouncing the ui shows scrolling interface making me loose place as it snaps up and down. if there is more to download can the panel just stay open and refresh?
You have me mixed up, I am not following you. The whole download should only take a few minutes, ignore the progress bar it will finish.
Is there a way to keep the download progress panel open between downloads. If i download one series on one provider it closes and reopens the progress bar panel between each episode. it constantly keeps bouncing the ui shows scrolling interface making me loose place as it snaps up and down. if there is more to download can the panel just stay open and refresh?
You can follow it by looking at the queue. When it's finished it will say completed in the queue.
Bottom right of the AS interface, there's a button for hiding/showing the download queue. That should keep the queue panel open all the time, though I haven't tested it. I prefer the panel closes when all downloads are finished.

The queue panel is closed whenever AS starts up.

The progress bar at the bottom of the interface has to be reset at the beginning of each download.
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sorry i wasnt clear, its not the queue, the progress panel at the bottom keeps showing and then hiding between each download. if i dl a bunch of shows in a row the interface shows the progress bar at bottom, then hides it, then opens it again to show the progress of the next dl. since i dl unlimited speed on most providers this makes the progress panel ui yo-yo up then down. its distracting as it keeps yo-yo'ing the top series list, and the bottom progress panel as well. can the progress panel stay open and blank to reset before it shows so it dosent yo-yo up and down? see attachments as ui changes between the two screenshots every 2 seconds while it downloads each episode. can there be a way to toggle progress pannel to show/hide?


  • Screenshot 1.png
    Screenshot 1.png
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    Screenshot 2.png
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You are talking about the download progess bar. The usage of the word "panel" probably confused the others, thinking you mean the queue.
I also noticed it, it disappears but then comes right back again.
it constantly keeps bouncing the ui shows scrolling interface making me loose place as it snaps up and down.

A single download from a single provider is not too bad, but it's much worse when there are multiple short downloads from multiple providers, and then when the positioning of the buttons keep moving around, it's difficult to know where to click.
Basically it's a UI thing the devs should fix, but I of course understand if they are going to prioritize NF over it.
It's an annoyance, and probably an easy fix. The NF issue is a show stopper, and a fix that takes an undecidable amount of time.
Everything in due time. Prioritizing issues, and requests. I'll discuss it with the developers and see what they think. I think we all understand what this request is, so as I said, be patient. No promises this will be done.
ideas only (not requests):

1. Put the progress over in the download queue (at the top next to the provider name)
2. Have an option to not display it.
3. Designate an area for the progress.

Again, I'm not requesting any solution here, and I understand there are various other things that also need attention, and this is probably lower on the priority list.
Keep in mind each user can choose how many concurrent downloads to allow, from 1 through 10, so the UI has to adapt to the user's selection.

I'd hate to have a persistent download progress bar area that allocates space for the max of 10 progress bars, when I only do at most 3 (and mostly only 1) at a time, as that would waste space to me.

I suppose there could be an option in the Settings>Download Queue dialog to (1) hide it or (2) keep the progress bar area visible at all times while the queue has titles pending - that would solve the "bounce" issue the OP reported.

But it still has to adapt always to the user's max concurrent download selection ...