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Die Hard: Live Free or Die Hard


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Jul 1, 2008
I have been using AnyDvD for awhile now and have no problems. Still don't. My problem has to do with the new Die Hard movie. After Any Ripper does it's ripping, I use DVD Shrink 3.2.1(last version that was available) but it always says "data cycle redundency". I have looked what that meant before, it basically could mean the disk is dirty/bad,drive is bad. My drive is ok everything plays fine, movies and games. Disc is a regular dvd. My disc is not scratched or anything else. Is there anyway to copy the disc or am I just stuck with a bad manufactured disc?

I have a Sony dru810a driver 10f. Latest AnyDvD ver. DVD Shrink 3.2.1. I also use DVD Decrypter
- I DO NOT rip with Decrypter, I only burn with it.
I have been using AnyDvD for awhile now and have no problems. Still don't. My problem has to do with the new Die Hard movie. After Any Ripper does it's ripping, I use DVD Shrink 3.2.1(last version that was available) but it always says "data cycle redundency". I have looked what that meant before, it basically could mean the disk is dirty/bad,drive is bad. My drive is ok everything plays fine, movies and games. Disc is a regular dvd. My disc is not scratched or anything else. Is there anyway to copy the disc or am I just stuck with a bad manufactured disc?

I have a Sony dru810a driver 10f. Latest AnyDvD ver. DVD Shrink 3.2.1. I also use DVD Decrypter
- I DO NOT rip with Decrypter, I only burn with it.

The problem may be a read error caused by a flawed disc, a dirty disc, a picky drive, etc. I'm confused about something you said, however. Did you first rip the disc to your HDD with the AnyDVD ripper and then use DVD Shrink or did you rip the DVD from the DVD drive using DVD Shrink?

Please refer here for some very useful information: http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=321

Download and install AnyDVD beta: http://sandbox.slysoft.com/beta/SetupAnyDVD6452.exe

After updating please create and post log files:

  1. Ensure AnyDVD is running.
  2. Put the problematic original movie DVD in your burner. Wait for AnyDVD to scan the disc.
  3. Right click the red fox icon on your toolbar.
  4. Select "Create Logfile".
  5. Wait for AnyDVD to create a log file.
  6. A pop-up screen will appear. Take note of the location where AnyDVD created the logfile and the logfile's name. Click "OK".
  7. Go to your "My Documents" folder.
  8. You will see a ZIP file called "AnyDVD_Info_titleofmydisc.zip" (or something similar; see step f).
  9. When replying or posting in the SlySoft forums, look for the icon that looks like
    (in other words, look for the paperclip after clicking "quote" or when creating a new thread).
  10. If you don't see that paperclip icon, click the "go advanced" button. You should see that icon now. Click the paperclip.
  11. A small pop-up screen should appear (if it doesn't, please ensure your browser is configured to allow pop-ups from the SlySoft forum).
  12. Click the "Browse" button and locate and select the ZIP file you created.
  13. Click "upload".
  14. Close the window. When you submit reply, or submit a new thread, the ZIP file will be attached automatically for us to take a look at.
I turn on AnyDvD and let it rip the encryption then use shrink to reauthor the disc. Then I put the disc to the hard drive, then burn with DVD Decrypter.

I only just realized that I am able to rip directly to the hard drive with AnyDvD. Should I try do that method instead of the one I am currently doing?
I turn on AnyDvD and let it rip the encryption then use shrink to reauthor the disc. Then I put the disc to the hard drive, then burn with DVD Decrypter.

I only just realized that I am able to rip directly to the hard drive with AnyDvD. Should I try do that method instead of the one I am currently doing?

This is what you should be doing: right-click on the fox icon on your toolbar and select "Rip video-dvd to Hard Disk" if you're using Shrink or Nero Recode. Choose your source and destination paths. Click "Copy", and wait for Anydvd ripper to finish. You can then import that rip into either Shrink or Recode.
YES - In a lot of cases you best to rip the DVD to the hard drive with AnyDVD.
THEN import that rip into Shrink and have your way with it. (much safer)

I got the new driver and tried to rip video dvd to hard drive but it got stuck a 44%. Never moved beyond that. Stayed that way for 20 minutes so I just aborted.
I tried to create a log file but either it takes way to long or it got stuck like the ripping did. Waited over 40 minutes for log file to be created but nothing happened. It says it should be available shortly. 30 minutes or more isn't short. So is it usual for it to take awhile or is the dvd just messed up?
I got the new driver and tried to rip video dvd to hard drive but it got stuck a 44%. Never moved beyond that. Stayed that way for 20 minutes so I just aborted.
I tried to create a log file but either it takes way to long or it got stuck like the ripping did. Waited over 40 minutes for log file to be created but nothing happened. It says it should be available shortly. 30 minutes or more isn't short. So is it usual for it to take awhile or is the dvd just messed up?

It may be the disc. You shouldn't be having this problem.

Please do the following so we can take a look and see if this might be an issue with an installed filter causing the problem:

  1. Download ImgBurn: http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download
  2. Go to Tools > Filter Driver Load Order.
  3. Click Clipboard.
  4. Paste the information you pasted into your clipboard into your next post (Ctrl-V).

Please post the log files, too. :)

For some reason I never got the pop up box to tell me that the log file was created. I don't have a pop up blocker. I only knew it created a log file when I went to take out the disc from the drive. Anyways, it's now attached.


    110.2 KB · Views: 5
For some reason I never got the pop up box to tell me that the log file was created. I don't have a pop up blocker. I only knew it created a log file when I went to take out the disc from the drive. Anyways, it's now attached.

Alright. I don't see any problematic filters so that's good.

However, I see a load of read errors and that is bad. Below is a small snippet of all the read errors in your logs.

read error 1917706 to 1917707, max 4049175, io->read_error 0
WARNING: Problem reading navpack, curSector 1691780, absoluteSector 1917706
read sectors failed, sense 3:11:0
tries 2 retry 1917706 to 1917707
read sectors failed, sense 3:11:0
tries 1 retry 1917706 to 1917707
read sectors failed, sense 3:11:0
tries 0 retry 1917706 to 1917707
read error 1917706 to 1917707, max 4049175, io->read_error 0
WARNING: Problem reading navpack, curSector 1691780, absoluteSector 1917706

I own the disc, myself, and I have no issues.

Due to the read errors the status information isn't even being fully displayed because the scan process isn't fully completing.

Here is what you logs show:

Summary for drive D: (AnyDVD
SONY DVD RW DRU-810A 1.0F MAY09 ,2006
Drive (Hardware) Region: 1

Media is a DVD.
Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite)
Size of first Layer: 2024592 sectors (3954 MBytes)
Total size: 4049175 sectors (7908 MBytes)

Media is CSS protected!
Video Standard: NTSC
Media is locked to region(s): 1!

Found & removed RCE protection!
AI scan forced, heuristic scan detected no protection!
Found & removed structural copy protection!
Found & removed bogus title set(s)!
Autorun not found on Video DVD.

And here is what it should look like:

Summary for drive X: (AnyDVD
HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H55L 1.05 07/12/11 7U02
Drive (Hardware) Region: 1

Media is a DVD.
Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite)
Size of first Layer: 2024592 sectors (3954 MBytes)
Total size: 4049175 sectors (7908 MBytes)

Media is CSS protected!
Video Standard: NTSC
Media is locked to region(s): 1!

Found & removed RCE protection!
AI scan forced, heuristic scan detected no protection!
Found & removed structural copy protection!
Found & removed bogus title set(s)!
UDF filesystem patched!
Autorun not found on Video DVD.
Found & removed 1 potential bad sector protections!
Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 1!

So I am left wondering if your drive is bad or if the disc is bad. If you have another DVD drive I would see if a problem happens when another drive is used. If you still have a problem then I'd have to look at the disc as the problem.
I might be the drive but I don't get problems with all discs. Just occasionally, some discs will be just how Die Hard is. Only thing I have ever noticed is that when I am buring with DVD Decrypter, I notice that the device buffer never goes to 100%. It only goes between 85-95 %. I have heard that it should go to 100%, it use to but hasn't been at 100% in a long while. I have also heard that if it doesn't go to low then everything should be fine. I have never ran into my discs never playing once they are copied so I have never thought much of it. Could that be a sign that the drive is going bad?
I have heard that it should go to 100%

Yeah, with most burning apps, the cache should fill, and then burn, but I've never used decrypter nor do I troubleshoot decrypter issues. After the app starts burning you should see your cache drop (and it's generally replenished during the burn process). What you're describing I don't feel is necessarily indicative of a bad drive.

Regardless, here are you options:

A. The original disc is bad even if it plays fine. Exchange it.

B. The disc is dirty. Clean it.

C. Your drive is slowly dying. Try a different drive.

D. The cable on the back of your drive is bad. Exchange it.
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I have done some research and think I have may have found some info. I noticed that when I put in a blank dvd, the drive is reading it as a cd. When I put in a copied movie, it reads it as a dvd. So I did some research as to why that could be happening. Since I have a Sony drive, I went to Sony. I tried using the drive checking utility but it didn't work. Did some more research and found that I am not suppose to use DMA mode when using Drive Checker. Sony told me to use PIO mode. So I switched. Still not working. Then I found out that I need a Nero aspi file. I didn't even know Nero was apart of my drive. I use to use Nero software along time ago and recently deleted all files related to Nero. I am not sure if I deleted something that may have been needed for my drive. Sony told me to use Nero info tool to see if I have the aspi driver and see if it is working/installed. I got the Nero info tool but do not see a aspi tab like it says is suppose to be there. I saw a driver tab with a bunch of drivers in it but did not see a aspi driver. If i install Nero 8, will that have any affect with AnyDvD? Not sure if that will give my drive the aspi driver or not, I am assuming it will.

*NOTE* When I first load Nero info tool it gives me a error message, "an invalid agruement was encountered". Not sure if that has to due with the aspi driver possibily not being there or something else altogether.
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I noticed that when I put in a blank dvd, the drive is reading it as a cd.

Based on what?

Sony told me to use PIO mode. So I switched. Still not working.

You're probably going to want to switch back after you're done having Sony reps mess up your system.

Then I found out that I need a Nero aspi file.

For what? The last time I needed nero's asapi file was ages ago when EAC wouldn't work with some cd-rom drives without an asapi layer. I think you're being seriously misled.

I didn't even know Nero was apart of my drive.

It's not.

Installing Nero 8 will not affect Anydvd at all. Just don't install Incd.

But I believe you're barking up the wrong tree--and I also believe you're being misled. The disc is bad or your drive is dying. Drives are cheap. It's a simple matter of trying another one or trying a different disc. You're emailing and talking to phone monkeys (not that they're all bad, but first good first tier tech support reps are few and far between) instead of exchanging a disc or getting a new drive for $20-$40 U.S.? I wouldn't.

These are your options in order of likelyhood:

A. The original disc is bad even if it plays fine. Exchange it.

B. The disc is dirty. Clean it.

C. Your drive is slowly dying. Try a different drive.

D. The cable on the back of your drive is bad. Exchange it.
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Windows says it is reading it as a CD and so is Sony's drive checking utility. The computer/device manager itself reads the drive being a dvd rw drive. Not sure why it reads a blank dvd as a cd. No problem at reading copied movies. It recognizes them just fine.

I am going to switch back to DMA. Sony just said in order to use the drive checker utility I had to be in PIO mode not DMA mode. I guess it's just how their utility works.

Again, Sony said I needed to look into my system/nero folder and see if the aspi driver is working/installed. I am assuming it is required. I never found such a folder on my system(assuming I looked in the right place). After I installed Nero info tool, I still did not find anything on the aspi driver.

Can't exchange disc. It was bought awhile ago. Besides, you can't exchange a dvd that works fine in your regular player. Copying something, well your on your own these days.

Disc is clean. Looks brand new.

I still don't know if the drive is bad. Nothing else seems wrong. Drive works flawless except this one issue.

Cable is fine. At least it's secured and looks fine.

Overall I guess it could just be this movie, not all movies are the same as I am finding out. Drive could be bad. It's not a great drive but a good one.
You recommend a good quality cd/dvd drive? Some say it can be best to use seperate drives but have heard alot of others say either way is fine. I have used seperate drives before and have used combos. Both do fine to me.
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Windows says it is reading it as a CD and so is Sony's drive checking utility. The computer/device manager itself reads the drive being a dvd rw drive. Not sure why it reads a blank dvd as a cd.

It doesn't matter as long as you can write to it--as long as burning apps recognize it as a blank dvd.

I recommend using Taiyo Yuden (not valueline) or Verbatim (not made in India) blank media.

No problem at reading copied movies. It recognizes them just fine.

Presumably you managed to burn blank dvds then, if you're reading them.

I am going to switch back to DMA. Sony just said in order to use the drive checker utility I had to be in PIO mode not DMA mode. I guess it's just how their utility works.

I certainly hope so. It makes no sense to leave the drive in PIO.

Again, Sony said I needed to look into my system/nero folder and see if the aspi driver is working/installed. I am assuming it is required.

Required for what?

Besides, you can't exchange a dvd that works fine in your regular player.

Yeah, you can. Many do it. Happens all the time. A Slysoft beta tester just returned 3 copies of Vantage Point to Walmart (all played fine, but they were defective) until finally getting a good copy from Kmart. Simply because a disc looks fine and plays fine doesn't mean it is fine. A disc playing fine is absolutely meaningless.

Disc is clean.


Looks brand new.

Again, that doesn't matter.

I still don't know if the drive is bad. Nothing else seems wrong. Drive works flawless except this one issue.

Pretty simple to get another drive and test the disc. The cost of new drives certainly isn't as prohibitive as they once were.

Cable is fine. At least it's secured and looks fine.

You can't tell if a cable is bad simply by looking at it. You need to would need to try a different one to see if yours is defective.

Overall I guess it could just be this movie

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Anydvd does handle this disc fine.

You recommend a good quality cd/dvd drive? Some say it can be best to use seperate drives but have heard alot of others say either way is fine. I have used seperate drives before and have used combos. Both do fine to me.

I'm sorry, but I'm not really fond of recommending drives. That said, here are some review sites: click http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=767 (and I also list what I use, but most of them are Sata drives). I'm also not aware of any drives anymore that are cd-rw burners only. I think Plextor Premium was the last one. So the question you're asking about combos doesn't matter. You don't have a choice.
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I did more reseach and found Adaptec aspi checker on Sony's site. The checker said that the aspi was not installed. I installed the aspi and rebooted. Hopingthat would help. It did not. The aspi is working now but was not the problem. For some reason I didn't have aspi32 in my system. According to Adaptec I was suppose to. I tried AnyDvD to see if it was working but it still keeps getting stuck at 44%. Oh well, I have done just about everything I could do. Some movies just aren't meant to be copied lol. Maybe I'll get a new drive. Anyways, thanks for all your. I appreciated it.
I do not have any problems copying movies except ones that come up with the error "cyclic redundancy check", which have only ever been a few. Most of those movies were brand new but as you know yourself, even brand new movies can be bad.

I love AnyDvD. It's a great program. I have never had any problems with it.

Again, thanks for all your help.
I do not have any problems copying movies except ones that come up with the error "cyclic redundancy check", which have only ever been a few. Most of those movies were brand new but as you know yourself, even brand new movies can be bad.

Yeah, I recommend returning those to the point of purchase and demanding a refund (if you bought them recently). We shouldn't let companies get away with selling defective discs. click http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=11981