• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Resolved Colons and file names

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Herr Kaleu

Active Member
Thread Starter
Jan 22, 2024
Hello beautiful people.

May I suggest something minor, just in case anyone is bored?

If titles contain a colon it's just being replaced by a hyphen. Would it be possible to add a space before the hyphen?

For example:

RedFox: I love their stuff.mp4

turns to

RedFox- I love their stuff.mp4

What I would like to see:

RedFox - I love their stuff.mp4

I know about the templates in the AS settings, but couldn't get the format right according to my preference. Maybe I am failing on this and somebody can help me out on how to do it without wasting downloads to experiment with the templates, otherwise I'd be a happy camper with that small adjustment.


Edit: It's not that important, I know there are other priorities.
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I would not want this changed. The way it is done now is the correct way. My opinion.
That's perfectly okay. But maybe we could get an option on how to do it according to our personal preferences. Maybe a checkbox to toggle things, maybe some freestyle template editing. Or something like that.
well on other hand I would like to see adding quality in the name... to be able to know what quality the file is when downloading in more quality like 720p, 1080p etc.
I would like to see that as well! Good idea!
Windows™ won't allow colons as part of file names, had that restriction from the beginning, there are other verboten characters as well. ? being one since that is used for searches.

Mac and Linux OSes might allow them, I honestly don't know. If they do then AS would have to have differing code base beyond the required bits needed to run on so many different machines.

For a deeper understanding about filenames with Windows:

well on other hand I would like to see adding quality in the name... to be able to know what quality the file is when downloading in more quality like 720p, 1080p etc.
If that were a selectable option, and the devs thought it doable after they fix more urgent problems, why not consider it.
well on other hand I would like to see adding quality in the name... to be able to know what quality the file is when downloading in more quality like 720p, 1080p etc.
That could be difficult... because there's resolutions from different providers that are for example considered 1080p but in fact are like 1920x800 in resolution ...
The 720p counterpart of a 4:3 AR video would be 1280x960 (because 720p refers to the 16:9 AR of 1280x720)
So, that would be your preferred output in both cases?
<filename>_800p.mp4 and <filename>_960p.mp4 ??
I personally would find that misleading....
That could be difficult... because there's resolutions from different providers that are for example considered 1080p but in fact are like 1920x800 in resolution ...
The 720p counterpart of a 4:3 AR video would be 1280x960 (because 720p refers to the 16:9 AR of 1280x720)
So, that would be your preferred output in both cases?
<filename>_800p.mp4 and <filename>_960p.mp4 ??
I personally would find that misleading....
ok, so what about FHD for 1920xXXX or HD for 1280xXXX or 4K/UHD for 3840xXXX. its not rocket science :) or something like that. tbh if VOD can do this, it could not be that difficult.
Maybe someday we can look into extras like this but we are concentrating on downloading movies now, and fixing resolutions, AnyStream is not software that was meant to do this. It was meant to let you simply download a movie and watch it. We tried to make it as simple as possible and these extras do the opposite of what we envisioned. Other software does these extra tasks. The idea behind AnyStream was to be able to download a few movies to take with you on a camping trip if you had no internet where you were headed. Simple and enjoyable.
Hello beautiful people.

May I suggest something minor, just in case anyone is bored?

If titles contain a colon it's just being replaced by a hyphen. Would it be possible to add a space before the hyphen?

For example:

RedFox: I love their stuff.mp4

turns to

RedFox- I love their stuff.mp4

What I would like to see:

RedFox - I love their stuff.mp4

I know about the templates in the AS settings, but couldn't get the format right according to my preference. Maybe I am failing on this and somebody can help me out on how to do it without wasting downloads to experiment with the templates, otherwise I'd be a happy camper with that small adjustment.


Edit: It's not that important, I know there are other priorities.
...and you, too? There are way more issues to solve these days.
...and you, too? There are way more issues to solve these days.
Huh? I was politely asking, if an extra space in a filename was possible. I wasn't even pushing or demanding. I even stated that there are more important priorities. I was suggesting something.

And now look at your reaction.
Huh? I was politely asking, if an extra space in a filename was possible. I wasn't even pushing or demanding. I even stated that there are more important priorities. I was suggesting something.

And now look at your reaction.
Sorry if you felt offended but this is a minor thing while e.g. Netflix is only SD. OK? Priorities are priorities.
Sorry if you felt offended but this is a minor thing while e.g. Netflix is only SD. OK? Priorities are priorities.
Is it me or didn't I say exactly that in my initial post? The one you even quoted. Besides, what is the point of a message board, if talking about suggestions/ideas triggers such a reaction from a moderator?

I am a paying customer. Treat me accordingly. Thank you.
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@Herr Kaleu I'm also in the camp of space before a hyphen. @Lone Raven has a preference for without, but to me it looks odd. In any case, there are definitely many priorities above this and they should be the main area of focus. I know it gets frustrating manually adjusting the file names, but that's just what we have to do. If you have a lot of titles to change (such as if it's multiple episodes of multiple seasons of a series with a colon in the name; e.g. "Colons and File Names: The Origin Story As Told By @DQ"), then your best solution is to run a batch script that can replace the original string (without space before hyphen) with a new string (with space before hyphen).
Is it me or didn't I say exactly that in my initial post? The one you even quoted. Besides, what is the point of a message board, if talking about suggestions/ideas triggers auch a reaction from a moderator?

I am a paying customer. Treat me accordingly. Thank you.
There are zillions of posts to add that or this streaming service. Now relate your wish to that. All I can say.
Either my English is horrible or you didn't read my posts.

Maybe both.

But I assume, this is about derailing now. For whatever reason. Do as you like. I am seriously not into your kind of toxicity.

Have a nice day.
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