• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

CloneDVD beta


Redfox Development Team
Staff member
Thread Starter
Oct 22, 2005
NOTE: This beta version requires a valid registration key, it will not work in trial mode.

Download here: http://sandbox.slysoft.com/beta/SetupCloneDVD2931.exe

Version 2013 02 25
- New: Improved repair of defective disc structures
- New: Workaround for authoring errors causing a "PS..." error
- Fix: Mini DVD output size
- Some minor changes and improvements
...and quite puzzling given that elby said they will only do essential driver updates in the future.
After all some assistance from Slysoft ?
...and quite puzzling given that elby said they will only do essential driver updates in the future.
I doubt, that they said that. Source? Some kind of press release?
Nice to see an update, only because it was needed, and not to get more $$ out of people (I'm looking at you, Microsoft, and Apple, etc.)
Where is Peer when you need him, he can translate that exactly.:D:D
Where is Peer when you need him, he can translate that exactly.:D:D

Maybe he can. But in general I consider it impolite to post private emails in public. This could get the poor guy, who has written it, into serious trouble, as I'm not sure if Mr. Nord "elby support" is able or allowed to represent company policy in public. From my understanding his job is to provide *technical* customer support.
Maybe he is frustrated because he gets hundreds of mails asking "why isn't there a new version?".

But one thing he really got right: CloneDVD is well-engineered. I second that. It is still top notch in many aspects (splitting episodic discs while keeping menus is just an example) for 10 years now.

Happy anniversary, CloneDVD!
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But to answer the question:
After all some assistance from Slysoft ?
No, these guys know their stuff, they really don't need or want our help. ;)
NOTE: This beta version requires a valid registration key, it will not work in trial mode.

Download here: http://sandbox.slysoft.com/beta/SetupCloneDVD2931.exe

Version 2013 02 25
- New: Improved repair of defective disc structures
- New: Workaround for authoring errors causing a "PS..." error
- Fix: Mini DVD output size
- Some minor changes and improvements

Very nice.

What are the new updates in the new Clone DVD?

Posted right above me in the very first part of this thread.
Great work! ! !

NOTE: This beta version requires a valid registration key, it will not work in trial mode.

Download here: http://sandbox.slysoft.com/beta/SetupCloneDVD2931.exe

Version 2013 02 25
- New: Improved repair of defective disc structures
- New: Workaround for authoring errors causing a "PS..." error
- Fix: Mini DVD output size
- Some minor changes and improvements

James, I don't know how you deal with people who are always complaining, but all I have to say is that the people at Slysoft have first class customer support!!! No other companies/persons that make products similar to Slysoft, DO NOT meet up to Slyssoft's Standard!

You guys are working your *$$ off trying to get Slyce ready to release, your AIO Blu-Ray back up program, and you still have time to update CloneDVD and AnyDVD. Seriously, I do hope that programmers/translators are working very hard to get Slyce out by the end of the first quarter of 2013! If you are, you only have a couple of weeks until the end of March. Maybe, just maybe you MIGHT have Slyce out by the time they elect a new Pope. :cool: You guys ROCK! :rock:
I don't agree with how Loonier interpreted the support email to begin with. I also never heard the statement that only major driver updates would be a reason for an update and that most certainly wasn't written even between the lines in the support email from Elaborate Bytes.

CloneDVD is definitely an easy-to-use well-designed piece of software. The changelog clearly shows that the changes made in the new beta are not superfluous added features. The improvement of handling authoring errors and repairing defective structures is critical to the programs function. The new items were making AnyDVD and CloneDVD work better together and given the business relationship between Elaborate Bytes and Slysoft that's a no-brainer and these changes are a technical requirement in my book. A bug-fix to the Mini DVD output size is a no-brainer. Minor changes and improvements are a no-brainer.

PS: I'm removing the quoted support correspondence text from Loonier's original post. If anything will simply lead to confusion and misinterpretation.
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But to answer the question:

No, these guys know their stuff, they really don't need or want our help. ;)
Thanks for clearing that up.

But in general I consider it impolite to post private emails in public.
As i consider a (obviously) generic support mail answer not as a "private email" i can't share your rating.
I'm absolutely convinced Mr. Nord is fine :agree:
Maybe he is frustrated because he gets hundreds of mails asking "why isn't there a new version?".
Maybe Slysoft (or rather the non-Slysoft Quick Response Force ;)) shouldn't always suggest to "ask Elaborate Bytes" when similar questions arise in the forums.
All other kinds of CloneDVD questions are discussed in the forums. You're in close contact, so why don't take the heat of poor Mister N. ?

Between the lines or wherever, that's what i sent to Elby support:
I read some hints in the Slysoft forum that there probably won't be CloneDVD updates anymore - at least no new functions.
If so, i'd probably go for a cheaper license model. I look forward to a clarifying reply.
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Between the lines or wherever, that's what i sent to Elby support:

I read some hints in the Slysoft forum that there probably won't be CloneDVD updates anymore - at least no new functions.
If so, i'd probably go for a cheaper license model. I look forward to a clarifying reply.

Oh, dear. What "cheaper" license model should they offer? Less than 39,- EUR for lifetime updates?

We (SlySoft) buy CloneDVD as an OEM product. We also provide support for our customers.
If you are a SlySoft customer and want to argue about pricing, you should talk to the vendor (SlySoft).
Sorry, my bad. I didn't quote/translate my mail word for word (ask Mr. Nord if you need confirmation ;)).

Hallo elby Team,

ich spiele mit dem Gedanken mir CloneDVD 2 zuzulegen (im Paket mit AnyDVD HD).
Habe jetzt im Slysoft Forum Andeutungen gelesen, daß es für Clone DVD wohl keine Updates mehr geben wird - in jedem Fall aber keine neuen Funktionen.
Ist zwar kein riesiger Preisunterschied, aber in dem Fall würde ich mich nur für die günstige 2-Jahre Update Variante entscheiden.
Würde mich über eine klärende Antwort diesbezüglich freuen.

Cheap tranlation of the vital part:
If so -though it may not be exactly a huge difference in price- i'd go for the cheaper 2-year-license.

I think it's apparent from the mail that i wasn't even aware it's 39€ for lifetime at elby.
Thought it's 2 years cause Slysoft (re-)sells the 2-year-license at that price.
btw. why does Slysoft charge 55€ for lifetime ?
Did picture quality improve with this dot release? I mean was there more to this release than it improved structures issues, etc.?
Sorry, my bad. I didn't quote/translate my mail word for word (ask Mr. Nord if you need confirmation ;)).


Cheap tranlation of the vital part:

I think it's apparent from the mail that i wasn't even aware it's 39€ for lifetime at elby.
Thought it's 2 years cause Slysoft (re-)sells the 2-year-license at that price.
btw. why does Slysoft charge 55€ for lifetime ?
If you would like to argue pricing please contact support@slysoft.com