• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

A little help needed... enabling default RunEvent.vbs for SetDisplayFrequency.exe


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Mar 18, 2008
I'm hoping someone will be nice enough to help me use the provided SetDisplayFrequency VB script.

When using the below VB script, my display screen keeps flip-flopping back and forth between 24hz and 60hz. Its at least smart enough to not do that when my refresh rate is already correct to begin with (the YELLOW condition statement seems to be work at least).

A log files isn't generated though on the root of my C: drive. Is logging broken in Reclock beta

Can someone please tell me what else is needed to be done for the provided script to work correctly? It would be very helpful if reclock actually created the log.
Last edited:
I un-commented the below lines:

' If eventName <> "QUIT" Then
' WScript.Sleep(2000)
' End If

I was hoping this would make the script wait until the media stops playing back; but it doesnt make any difference, it looks like the script loops back and runs the line "newTimings = "60" for some reason. I was really hoping this script would work with the default lines. Without the log, it's almost impossible for me to troubleshoot. There are lot of people looking at this thread. Aren't there any people that know VB script? I'm a completely novice when it comes to VB script.

' -------------------------------------
' Event notification script for ReClock using AnyDVD's SetDisplayFrequency.exe
' -------------------------------------
' This script will be called when ReClock change the media adaptation of a played file
' either automatically or after some manual change made in the properties panel
' It is called only for media file which contain a video stream, and when frame rate of this file is known
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' The 7 parameters received by this script are explained below:
' (1) contains the event name that just occurred:
'    - "GREEN"  : tray icon just got green (all is fine). Parameter
'    - "YELLOW" : tray icon just got yellow. We should make what is necessary
'                 to change the monitor refresh rate 
'    - "STOP"   : playback just stopped
'    - "QUIT"   : ReClock is about to quit
' Parameters (2), (3), (8) and (9) apply only with "GREEN" and "YELLOW" events. Otherwise they contain "-"
' (2) contains the type of media file currently played :
'    - "CINEMA" : frame rate of source file is around 24 fps
'    - "PAL"    : frame rate of source file is around 25 fps
'    - "NTSC"   : frame rate of source file is around 30 fps
'    - "CUSTOM" : frame rate of source file does not fall in previous categories
' (3) contains the current sound playback mode (apply only with GREEN/YELLOW event):
'    - "PCM"    : PCM mode
'    - "SPDIF"  : AC3 passthrough SPDIF
' (4) contains the current monitor selected for playback (1=primary, 2=secondary, etc...)
' (5) contains the total monitor count detected in the system
' (6) contains the current resolution of your monitor (WIDTHxHEIGHT)
' (7) contains the current refresh rate of your monitor (in Hz)
' (8) contains the original playback rate of the file (in fps multiplied by 1000)
' (9) contains the current playback rate of the file (in fps multiplied by 1000)
' (10) contains the filename of the current media file
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Notifications examples:
'   - GREEN CINEMA PCM 1 1 1024x768 72 23976 24000 c:\test.avi : all is good
'   - GREEN NTSC PCM 1 1 1024x768 60 29970 30000  c:\test.avi : all is good
'   - YELLOW PAL SPDIF 1 1 1024x768 72 25000 25000 c:\test.avi : please switch to a multiple of 25 hz since PAL wants 25 fps
'   - YELLOW CINEMA SPDIF 1 1 1024x768 75 23976 23976 c:\test.avi : please switch to 71.928 hz
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Here is a sample in VbScript that will call SetDisplayFrequency to change the monitor refresh rate
' There is a VERY important thing to note. SetDisplayFreqeuncy changes the timings using the Windows API., but
' So this script MUST always exit with an exit code of 1
' return 1

' Decode the parameters
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
If objArgs.Count < 10 Then
    MsgBox "Bad argument count !",  MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"
    ' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
    ' the configuration has not changed
    WScript.Quit 1
End If

eventName = objArgs(0)
mediaType = objArgs(1)
soundMode = objArgs(2)
currentMonitor = objArgs(3)
totalMonitorCount = objArgs(4)
currentResolution = objArgs(5)
currentRefreshRate = objArgs(6)
originalPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(7)
currentPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(8)
currentMediaFile = objArgs(9)

' If you need to debug, replace false with true in the following line
If false Then
    MsgBox _
    eventName & " " & _
    mediaType & " " & _
    soundMode & " " & _
    currentMonitor & " " & _
    totalMonitorCount & " " & _
    currentResolution & " " & _
    currentRefreshRate & " " & _
    originalPlaybackSpeed & " " & _
    currentPlaybackSpeed, _
    MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"
' WScript.Quit 0
End If

' Here is a sample of what can be done with PowerStrip
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 

' We will put new timings here if necessary
newTimings = ""

' Obviously we have something to do only if the icon is yellow
If eventName = "YELLOW" Then

'    If soundMode  = "PCM" Then

        ' Call the profile that match best what we need in PCM mode
        Select Case mediaType
            Case "CINEMA"
                newTimings = "23"

            Case "PAL"
                newTimings = "50"

            Case "PAL(2x)"
                newTimings = "50"

            Case "NTSC"
                newTimings = "59"

            Case "NTSC(2x)"
                newTimings = "59"

            Case "CINEMA(2x)"
                newTimings = "59"

'        case "CUSTOM"
'                newTimings = currentPlaybackSpeed / 1000

        End Select
'    End if

End If

' We quit the player, restore our favorite refresh rate and/or resolution
If eventName = "QUIT" Then

   newTimings = "59"

End If

If eventName = "STOP" Then

WScript.Quit 1

End If

' Do we have new timings to apply ?
If newTimings <> "" Then

    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(&H26&) 
    Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self   

    ' Run SetDisplayFrequency command and wait for it to finish its job
    WshShell.Run """" & _
             "C:\Program Files (x86)\SlySoft\AnyDVD\SetDisplayFrequency.exe"" " & newTimings, 0, true

[B]' If eventName <> "QUIT" Then
'    WScript.Sleep(2000)
' End If[/B]

End If

' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
' the configuration has not changed
WScript.Quit 1
Last edited:
I un-commented the below lines:

' If eventName <> "QUIT" Then
' WScript.Sleep(2000)
' End If

I was hoping this would make the script wait until the media stops playing back; but it doesnt make any difference, it looks like the script loops back and runs the line "newTimings = "60" for some reason. I was really hoping this script would work with the default lines. Without the log, it's almost impossible for me to troubleshoot. There are lot of people looking at this thread. Aren't there any people that know VB script? I'm a completely novice when it comes to VB script.

' -------------------------------------
' Event notification script for ReClock using AnyDVD's SetDisplayFrequency.exe
' -------------------------------------
' This script will be called when ReClock change the media adaptation of a played file
' either automatically or after some manual change made in the properties panel
' It is called only for media file which contain a video stream, and when frame rate of this file is known
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' The 7 parameters received by this script are explained below:
' (1) contains the event name that just occurred:
'    - "GREEN"  : tray icon just got green (all is fine). Parameter
'    - "YELLOW" : tray icon just got yellow. We should make what is necessary
'                 to change the monitor refresh rate 
'    - "STOP"   : playback just stopped
'    - "QUIT"   : ReClock is about to quit
' Parameters (2), (3), (8) and (9) apply only with "GREEN" and "YELLOW" events. Otherwise they contain "-"
' (2) contains the type of media file currently played :
'    - "CINEMA" : frame rate of source file is around 24 fps
'    - "PAL"    : frame rate of source file is around 25 fps
'    - "NTSC"   : frame rate of source file is around 30 fps
'    - "CUSTOM" : frame rate of source file does not fall in previous categories
' (3) contains the current sound playback mode (apply only with GREEN/YELLOW event):
'    - "PCM"    : PCM mode
'    - "SPDIF"  : AC3 passthrough SPDIF
' (4) contains the current monitor selected for playback (1=primary, 2=secondary, etc...)
' (5) contains the total monitor count detected in the system
' (6) contains the current resolution of your monitor (WIDTHxHEIGHT)
' (7) contains the current refresh rate of your monitor (in Hz)
' (8) contains the original playback rate of the file (in fps multiplied by 1000)
' (9) contains the current playback rate of the file (in fps multiplied by 1000)
' (10) contains the filename of the current media file
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Notifications examples:
'   - GREEN CINEMA PCM 1 1 1024x768 72 23976 24000 c:\test.avi : all is good
'   - GREEN NTSC PCM 1 1 1024x768 60 29970 30000  c:\test.avi : all is good
'   - YELLOW PAL SPDIF 1 1 1024x768 72 25000 25000 c:\test.avi : please switch to a multiple of 25 hz since PAL wants 25 fps
'   - YELLOW CINEMA SPDIF 1 1 1024x768 75 23976 23976 c:\test.avi : please switch to 71.928 hz
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Here is a sample in VbScript that will call SetDisplayFrequency to change the monitor refresh rate
' There is a VERY important thing to note. SetDisplayFreqeuncy changes the timings using the Windows API., but
' So this script MUST always exit with an exit code of 1
' return 1

' Decode the parameters
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
If objArgs.Count < 10 Then
    MsgBox "Bad argument count !",  MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"
    ' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
    ' the configuration has not changed
    WScript.Quit 1
End If

eventName = objArgs(0)
mediaType = objArgs(1)
soundMode = objArgs(2)
currentMonitor = objArgs(3)
totalMonitorCount = objArgs(4)
currentResolution = objArgs(5)
currentRefreshRate = objArgs(6)
originalPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(7)
currentPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(8)
currentMediaFile = objArgs(9)

' If you need to debug, replace false with true in the following line
If false Then
    MsgBox _
    eventName & " " & _
    mediaType & " " & _
    soundMode & " " & _
    currentMonitor & " " & _
    totalMonitorCount & " " & _
    currentResolution & " " & _
    currentRefreshRate & " " & _
    originalPlaybackSpeed & " " & _
    currentPlaybackSpeed, _
    MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"
' WScript.Quit 0
End If

' Here is a sample of what can be done with PowerStrip
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 

' We will put new timings here if necessary
newTimings = ""

' Obviously we have something to do only if the icon is yellow
If eventName = "YELLOW" Then

'    If soundMode  = "PCM" Then

        ' Call the profile that match best what we need in PCM mode
        Select Case mediaType
            Case "CINEMA"
                newTimings = "23"

            Case "PAL"
                newTimings = "50"

            Case "PAL(2x)"
                newTimings = "50"

            Case "NTSC"
                newTimings = "59"

            Case "NTSC(2x)"
                newTimings = "59"

            Case "CINEMA(2x)"
                newTimings = "59"

'        case "CUSTOM"
'                newTimings = currentPlaybackSpeed / 1000

        End Select
'    End if

End If

' We quit the player, restore our favorite refresh rate and/or resolution
If eventName = "QUIT" Then

   newTimings = "59"

End If

If eventName = "STOP" Then

WScript.Quit 1

End If

' Do we have new timings to apply ?
If newTimings <> "" Then

    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(&H26&) 
    Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self   

    ' Run SetDisplayFrequency command and wait for it to finish its job
    WshShell.Run """" & _
             "C:\Program Files (x86)\SlySoft\AnyDVD\SetDisplayFrequency.exe"" " & newTimings, 0, true

[B]' If eventName <> "QUIT" Then
'    WScript.Sleep(2000)
' End If[/B]

End If

' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
' the configuration has not changed
WScript.Quit 1

Pull up ReClock, and watch the framerate in it while playing back. I'm guessing it is flipping between 24 and 60 in there as well. I have noticed this in some poorly flagged OTA broadcasts, where it is flagged wrong (flipping between FILM and VIDEO), which most decoders use to enable or disable IVTC. This was the main reason a few years back I stopped having ReClock manipulate the framerate (since all my movies are watched in TMT5 these days, I just switch to 24Hz on launching TMT, and back to 60 for sage).
Thanks Fuzzy, yeah that's what I thought at first too. It's at a solid/stable CINEMA mode. All the sources are bluray. It's able to handle TV media correctly by leaving it alone.

I thought about using the trick below, but it wont work for switch back and forth between remuxed bluray files and TV files in sageTV.

Pull up ReClock, and watch the framerate in it while playing back. I'm guessing it is flipping between 24 and 60 in there as well. I have noticed this in some poorly flagged OTA broadcasts, where it is flagged wrong (flipping between FILM and VIDEO), which most decoders use to enable or disable IVTC. This was the main reason a few years back I stopped having ReClock manipulate the framerate (since all my movies are watched in TMT5 these days, I just switch to 24Hz on launching TMT, and back to 60 for sage).
Same thing happens when using a different script via display changer:

What the heck is causing the script to flip flop back and forth between 24hz and 60hz? I seriously doubt I'm the only person who has had this issue.

' -------------------------------------
' Event notification script for ReClock
' -------------------------------------
' This script will be called when ReClock change the media adaptation of a played file
' either automatically or after some manual change made in the properties panel
' It is called only for media file which contain a video stream, and when frame rate of this file is known
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' The 7 parameters received by this script are explained below:
' (1) contains the event name that just occurred:
'    - "GREEN"  : tray icon just got green (all is fine). Parameter
'    - "YELLOW" : tray icon just got yellow. We should make what is necessary
'                 to change the monitor refresh rate 
'    - "STOP"   : playback just stopped
'    - "QUIT"   : ReClock is about to quit
' Parameters (2), (3), (8) and (9) apply only with "GREEN" and "YELLOW" events. Otherwise they contain "-"
' (2) contains the type of media file currently played :
'    - "CINEMA" : frame rate of source file is around 24 fps
'    - "PAL"    : frame rate of source file is around 25 fps
'    - "NTSC"   : frame rate of source file is around 30 fps
'    - "CUSTOM" : frame rate of source file does not fall in previous categories
' (3) contains the current sound playback mode (apply only with GREEN/YELLOW event):
'    - "PCM"    : PCM mode
'    - "SPDIF"  : AC3 passthrough SPDIF
' (4) contains the current monitor selected for playback (1=primary, 2=secondary, etc...)
' (5) contains the total monitor count detected in the system
' (6) contains the current resolution of your monitor (WIDTHxHEIGHT)
' (7) contains the current refresh rate of your monitor (in Hz)
' (8) contains the original playback rate of the file (in fps multiplied by 1000)
' (9) contains the current playback rate of the file (in fps multiplied by 1000)
' (10) contains the filename of the current media file
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Notifications examples:
'   - GREEN CINEMA PCM 1 1 1024x768 72 23976 24000 c:\test.avi : all is good
'   - GREEN NTSC PCM 1 1 1024x768 60 29970 30000  c:\test.avi : all is good
'   - YELLOW PAL SPDIF 1 1 1024x768 72 25000 25000 c:\test.avi : please switch to a multiple of 25 hz since PAL wants 25 fps
'   - YELLOW CINEMA SPDIF 1 1 1024x768 75 23976 23976 c:\test.avi : please switch to 71.928 hz
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Here is a sample in VbScript that will call Powerstrip to change the monitor refresh rate
' using the /T parameter (to obtain the timings parameters go to the timings setup in powerstrip and copy
' them to the clipboard)
' There is a VERY important thing to note. Powerstrip change the timings directly in the hardware, but
' forget to notify Windows applications it did that (including ReClock). So this script MUST exit with
' an exit code of 0 if it did change the configuration with powerstrip. Otherwise the script should
' return 1

' Decode the parameters
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
If objArgs.Count < 10 Then
    MsgBox "Bad argument count !",  MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"
    ' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
    ' the configuration has not changed
    WScript.Quit 1
End If

eventName = objArgs(0)
mediaType = objArgs(1)
soundMode = objArgs(2)
currentMonitor = objArgs(3)
totalMonitorCount = objArgs(4)
currentResolution = objArgs(5)
currentRefreshRate = objArgs(6)
originalPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(7)
currentPlaybackSpeed = objArgs(8)
currentMediaFile = objArgs(9)

' If you need to debug, replace false with true in the following line
if false Then MsgBox _
    eventName & " " & _
    mediaType & " " & _
    soundMode & " " & _
    currentMonitor & " " & _
    totalMonitorCount & " " & _
    currentResolution & " " & _
    currentRefreshRate & " " & _
    originalPlaybackSpeed & " " & _
    currentPlaybackSpeed, _
    MB_OK, "ReClock Event Notification"

' Here is a sample of what can be done with PowerStrip
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 

' We will put new timings here if necessary
newRefreshRate = currentRefreshRate

' Obviously we have something to do only if the icon is yellow
If eventName = "YELLOW" Then
        Select Case mediaType 
            Case "CINEMA"
                newRefreshRate = "23"
                newWidth       = "1920"
                newHeight      = "1080"
            Case "PAL"
                newRefreshRate = "23"
                newWidth       = "1920"
                newHeight      = "1080"
            Case "NTSC"
                newRefreshRate = "59"
                newWidth       = "1920"
                newHeight      = "1080"
        End Select

End If

' We quit the player, restore our favorite refresh rate and/or resolution
If eventName = "QUIT" Then

    newRefreshRate = "59"
    newWidth       = "1920"
    newHeight      = "1080"

End If

' Do we have new timings to apply ?
If currentRefreshRate <> newRefreshRate Then

    Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(&H26&) 
    Set objFolderItem = objFolder.Self

    ' Now run DisplayChanger command and wait for it to finish its job
    WshShell.Run """" & _
                 "C:\Program Files (x86)\12noon Display Changer\dc.exe"" -refresh=" & newRefreshRate & _
                                         " -width="   & newWidth & _
                                         " -height="  & newHeight & _
                                         " -depth=max -quiet", 0, true

    ' In case we did a configuration change we MUST return 0 to 
    ' indicate ReClock it need to recalibrate itself.
    WScript.Quit 0

End If

' We have done nothing. Return 1 to indicate ReClock that
' the configuration has not changed
WScript.Quit 1
I doubt if anyone will know how to help me. But with my limited technical ability, I think the problem is revolved around eventName = "QUIT"

I'm guessing this eventname doesnt work properly. It would be really nice if someone could confirm that this is problematic; and, what do people do to get around it.
I've seen players where "QUIT" never happens. "STOP" should happen, but will probably happen quite a lot with a Blu-ray (i.e. on each video/menu change). But let's look at that log (in your "My Documents" folder). It should tell us what is happening at least. However, depending on the player, it may or may not be fixable.
Hi Jong, thank you so much for responding. Attached, you will find the log file after playing a regular remuxed bluray file using my directshow player (SageTV). As soon as I push play, my TV changes to 24Hz correctly, but then switches to 60hz, then back to 24hz... in an endless loop.

If I comment out the below lines in the provided "SetDisplayFrequency" VB script , I can at least get the VB script to change to the correct refresh rate once I start playing the media file (without fliping back and forther between refresh rates), however, it doesnt put it back to 60hz after it's done due to me removing those lines. I even tried replacing "QUIT" with "STOP" in the below condition, however, it still did the same thing by fliping back and forth between 24hz and 60hz. I'm hoping maybe there's a way to still return the refresh rate back to 60hz after the entire script is finished.

If eventName = "QUIT" Then
newTimings = "60"
End If

Please see the attached log file.


I've seen players where "QUIT" never happens. "STOP" should happen, but will probably happen quite a lot with a Blu-ray (i.e. on each video/menu change). But let's look at that log (in your "My Documents" folder). It should tell us what is happening at least. However, depending on the player, it may or may not be fixable.


  • MKANET-reclock_log.zip
    12.3 KB · Views: 12
Hi. That log, on a quick look, seems perfect.

Are you sure you saw the repeated changing of refresh rate when you made it? Can you delete any log currently in "My Documents", run the test again for a minute or so and then send the new log along with the script you were using?
LOL, my whole screen changes back and forth with the refresh rate showing 24hz to 60hz then back to 24hz. It's very hard to miss. I saw that log file get created in the My Documents folder once the media started playing (with the screen flipping back and forth in refresh rate). The script I'm using is an exact copy of the one provided from "RunEvent.SetDisplayFrequency.sample.vbs" The only thing I changed was to adding a " x(86)" to the path for AnyDVD "SetDisplayFrequency". This was extremely straight forward; and, no way to do that wrong.

Does the log not show my screen being changed from 24hz, then back to 60hz, then back to 24hz? It should show that; and, finally I hit STOP. If the log doesn't show that, it means the Reclock isn't logging the events correctly. That's exactly what was happening. I have a very clean install of the latest Reclock.

PS: This behavior happens exactly the same way every time until I comment out the three lines below:

' We quit the player, restore our favorite refresh rate and/or resolution
If eventName = "QUIT" Then
newTimings = "60"
End If

After I comment those lines, the script wont change the screen to 60hz unecessarily over and over again. The only thing I doesn't do is change the refresh rate back to 60hz (which is what those lines in the code are supposed to do).

If the eventname=QUIT constantly, then this would explain the behavior I'm seeing. I just would like to know an alternate method to switch the screen to 60hz after the script is finished.

In this specific log I ONLY pressed 'PLAY' once to start, saw the TV screen switch back and forth between 24hz and 60hz, then pressed, 'STOP'.

Hi. That log, on a quick look, seems perfect.

Are you sure you saw the repeated changing of refresh rate when you made it? Can you delete any log currently in "My Documents", run the test again for a minute or so and then send the new log along with the script you were using?
Last edited:
Actually looking at it on my phone earlier I did miss one oddity. The script actually seems to exit with an illegal error code at one point.

Please can you do what I suggested. Delete any log currently in My Documents, play something back for a slightly longer period, ideally a minute, or close, then zip up the log and your script.

Please don't do any fast forwarding, pausing or anything during the test, just press play and let it run, then cleanly exit (not saying you did last time, just to re-iterate!).
Okay, I will try it again. However, there's no way I can let it run for a minute. The screen changes refresh rates so quickly back and forth (making the TV "flip out"). I dont want to risk damaging my new expensive TV. I feel comfortable only doing it for about 6-8 seconds at most. The log I sent was for about 6 seconds (which it had switched back and forth refresh rates 3-4 times. All I did was push play, then press stop several times after 6 seconds. I pressed STOP several times after 6 seconds in order to make sure it doesnt go any longer that it did.

Actually looking at it on my phone earlier I did miss one oddity. The script actually seems to exit with an illegal error code at one point.

Please can you do what I suggested. Delete any log currently in My Documents, play something back for a slightly longer period, ideally a minute, or close, then zip up the log and your script.

Please don't do any fast forwarding, pausing or anything during the test, just press play and let it run, then cleanly exit (not saying you did last time, just to re-iterate!).
Last edited:
I just need to be sure I am seeing a few flips and no other stops/starts and please attach the script.

In this log there are only two QUITS - one at the end and one after 6 secs. After this earlier QUIT it takes about 7 secs before playback gets going again. Is this what you saw? I admit when I first saw the log I thought they were two separate attempts to playback (although I should have realised that was not so).
Huh? :) All I did was this:

1. Delete the old log file.
2. Push play to start the media. (New log file was created)
3. TV switched to 24hz correctly; but, then immediately switched to 60hz. Then back to 24hz, then back to 60hz. It did this over and over again as quickly as my TV could switch frequencies.
4. After about 4-6 seconds of the TV refresh rate switching back and forth, I was nervous the TV would break so I pressed STOP several times very quickly to stop the video.

It took approximately 6 seconds of flipping refresh rate back and forth (looped approximately 3-4 times) before I pressed STOP.

That's all that happened.

Attached, is the script I used, however, I doubt you will find anything interesting. It is exactly the same script that was distributed with Reclock; except for " (x86)" added to the path for anydvd refreshrate changer.

I just need to be sure I am seeing a few flips and no other stops/starts and please attach the script.

In this log there are only two QUITS - one at the end and one after 6 secs. After this earlier QUIT it takes about 7 secs before playback gets going again. Is this what you saw? I admit when I first saw the log I thought they were two separate attempts to playback (although I should have realised that was not so).


  • RunEvent.zip
    2.1 KB · Views: 9
Last edited:
I can't see that in the log at all!

Try doing it again and send me the new log. Alternatively change "If false Then" to "If true Then" in the script. It will then then stop and display a message box each time the script is called, with details of the arguments. You should see how many times the script is being called and also whether it is the script causing the chaos or something else.

I agree the fact that commenting out the "QUIT" code stops the switching suggests it is the script, but apart from the strange script exit error in the log, which I do not understand, there is nothing to suggest Reclock is repeatedly changing refresh rates.

Very odd.
Actually, I have already tried changing "If false then" to "If true Then" in the script. I dont remember it doing anything differently when I changed this. I'm pretty sure I had logging enabled; however, Im not certain if logging was enabled while I had this condition set to "True".

I think the strange script error could be me pressing the "STOP" commands VERY quickly 4-5 times in a row in just 1-2 seconds.

The script will correctly change my display to 24hz; however, the script will change my display to 60hz immediately after that because it incorrectly thinks there is a "QUIT" eventname... then the script loops back to the begining and starting the same thing all over again. It will continue to do this loop until I break out of it by pressing STOP.

I hope that helps.

I can't see that in the log at all!

Try doing it again and send me the new log. Alternatively change "If false Then" to "If true Then" in the script. It will then then stop and display a message box each time the script is called, with details of the arguments. You should see how many times the script is being called and also whether it is the script causing the chaos or something else.

I agree the fact that commenting out the "QUIT" code stops the switching suggests it is the script, but apart from the strange script exit error in the log, which I do not understand, there is nothing to suggest Reclock is repeatedly changing refresh rates.

Very odd.
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All I can say is I see no way it can loop back and no way it could be alternately seeing a QUIT and then a YELLOW, as would be needed. :confused: If it weren't for you saying commenting out the QUiT section stops the switching, I'd say it was the driver throwing a fit.

Try changing the false to true again. That MUST make it stop each time the script runs BEFORE it does anything. It really should give your better idea what is going on.
You can write a little batch script, which starts your player and executes SetDisplayFrequency on exit. Like this:

@echo off
start /w yourPlayer.exe
start SetDisplayFrequency.exe 60
My player never exits. It is responsible for playing TV, Bluray, Radio ,etc. It does have a minimize to try option, but, I haven't figured out a way to tell when it's at a sleep state. I'll have to ask the developers.

You can write a little batch script, which starts your player and executes SetDisplayFrequency on exit. Like this:

@echo off
start /w yourPlayer.exe
start SetDisplayFrequency.exe 60
Yeah, currently, I have the condition to change refreshrate to 60 commented out. It works 100% consistently correct; changing refresh rate when it needs to; and, not changing refresh rate when it doesnt need to.

I have already changed the false to true before even starting this thread. It definitely doesnt prevent the script from switching back and forth between two different refresh rates. However, I didnt have logging enabled.

I will try changing false to true again; but this time I will copy the log and post it.

There is only one way I can think of to change the refresh rate to 60hz when I press stop... that is to tell the player to execute quietly "start SetDisplayFrequency.exe 60" when the user presses STOP.

Or, if I figure out to how to execute "start SetDisplayFrequency.exe 60" when the player enters Sleep in Windows system tray mode.

All I can say is I see no way it can loop back and no way it could be alternately seeing a QUIT and then a YELLOW, as would be needed. :confused: If it weren't for you saying commenting out the QUiT section stops the switching, I'd say it was the driver throwing a fit.

Try changing the false to true again. That MUST make it stop each time the script runs BEFORE it does anything. It really should give your better idea what is going on.