• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Discussion How to download Crunchyroll and what you need...

I noticed it as well. It's about half the speed in terms of MB/s and it also loads video and audio fragments seperately. If that doubles the amount of fragments, then it's even only 1/4 the speed of the script.
I noticed it as well. It's about half the speed in terms of MB/s and it also loads video and audio fragments seperately. If that doubles the amount of fragments, then it's even only 1/4 the speed of the script.
I don't see any advantages with Streamfab at the moment. The only disadvantage of the script: the cookies have to be renewed
Well, you have a GUI and a queue. Yes, you can use the batch option of the script, but I have never done that since the cookies need to be renewed. Maybe a script that automaticall refreshes the page in your main browser every 15 mins or so. But then I rather download it manually than having to deal with possible issues out of that.
Well, you have a GUI and a queue. Yes, you can use the batch option of the script, but I have never done that since the cookies need to be renewed. Maybe a script that automaticall refreshes the page in your main browser every 15 mins or so. But then I rather download it manually than having to deal with possible issues out of that.
A script that reloads the page would of course be nice to have

Unfortunately, I am not a programmer, but I researched and found two add-ons for Firefox.

  1. Tab Reloader (page auto refresh):
    This extension enables you to set customized intervals for refreshing each tab. You can specify the exact time interval, such as every 10 minutes.

  2. ReloadMatic:
    ReloadMatic automates the periodic reloading of browser tabs.
    It is highly customizable and can be refreshed at various intervals, such as every 10 minutes.

Both of these extensions are available for free in the Firefox Add-ons store.

You might try if these work to extend the cookies by reloading the video page in the from you provied time interval.

I have added the following lines to the configuration file:

#Number of seconds to sleep before each download.
--sleep-interval 5

#Maximum number of seconds to sleep                       
--max-sleep-interval 10

#Number of seconds to sleep before each subtitle download                      
--sleep-subtitles 2

The update is implemented into the config that can be found here: https://forum.redfox.bz/threads/how-to-download-crunchyroll-and-what-you-need.86876/post-620873

To enable and activate the settings, remove the # in front of the commands example:
#--max-sleep to --max-sleep

What effects have the changes made?

--sleep-interval SECONDS        Number of seconds to sleep before each
                                download. This is the minimum time to sleep
                                when used along with --max-sleep-interval
                                (Alias: --min-sleep-interval)
--max-sleep-interval SECONDS    Maximum number of seconds to sleep. Can only
                                be used along with --min-sleep-interval
--sleep-subtitles SECONDS       Number of seconds to sleep before each
                                subtitle download

Explanation of why the lines have been implemented and what they are good for:

The sleep interval has been implemented to pause the download of the videos after each video for a certain amount of time.
This is because the tab reloaders have sufficient time to reload the tab before the next episode starts downloading.
It is meant to avoid a "cookie" expiry and creation overlap. You can adjust the sleep interval as needed.

Important: The pause should happen after every download, including subtitles.

FYI: Testing revealed that reloading the tab is not enough. If the video itself is not reloaded and played, no new cookies will be created.

I have added the following two lines to the configuration file:

#Number of seconds to sleep before each download.
--sleep-interval 5

#Maximum number of seconds to sleep                      
--max-sleep-interval 10

#Number of seconds to sleep before each subtitle download                     
--sleep-subtitles 2

The update is implemented into the config that can be found here: https://forum.redfox.bz/threads/how-to-download-crunchyroll-and-what-you-need.86876/post-620873

To enable and activate the settings, remove the # in front of the commands example:
#--max-sleep to --max-sleep

What effects have the changes made?

--sleep-interval SECONDS        Number of seconds to sleep before each
                                download. This is the minimum time to sleep
                                when used along with --max-sleep-interval
                                (Alias: --min-sleep-interval)
--max-sleep-interval SECONDS    Maximum number of seconds to sleep. Can only
                                be used along with --min-sleep-interval
--sleep-subtitles SECONDS       Number of seconds to sleep before each
                                subtitle download

Explanation of why the lines have been implemented and what they are good for:

The sleep interval has been implemented to pause the download of the videos after each video for a certain amount of time.
This is because the tab reloaders have sufficient time to reload the tab before the next episode starts downloading.
It is meant to avoid a "cookie" expiry and creation overlap. You can adjust the sleep interval as needed.

Important: The pause should happen after every download, including subtitles.

FYI: Testing revealed that reloading the tab is not enough. If the video itself is not reloaded and played, no new cookies will be created.
It works very well for everyone. The episode to be downloaded does not have to be opened. Log in to Chrunchyroll, select the series and copy the episode link in the episode overview. Keep refreshing the Crunchyroll page.
It works very well for everyone. The episode to be downloaded does not have to be opened. Log in to Chrunchyroll, select the series and copy the episode link in the episode overview. Keep refreshing the Crunchyroll page.
Yes, it still works. I was looking for a way to make it easier so you don't have to press replay.
I couldn't find an add-on so far that can do that.
Yes, it still works. I was looking for a way to make it easier so you don't have to press replay.
I couldn't find an add-on so far that can do that.
Yes, no problem, the script is very good. Improvements are always possible
Unfortunately, I am not a programmer, but I researched and found two add-ons for Firefox.

  1. Tab Reloader (page auto refresh):
    This extension enables you to set customized intervals for refreshing each tab. You can specify the exact time interval, such as every 10 minutes.

  2. ReloadMatic:
    ReloadMatic automates the periodic reloading of browser tabs.
    It is highly customizable and can be refreshed at various intervals, such as every 10 minutes.

Both of these extensions are available for free in the Firefox Add-ons store.

You might try if these work to extend the cookies by reloading the video page in the from you provied time interval.
ERROR: [crunchyroll] G8WUN18W9: No video formats found!; please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U
Traceback (most recent call last):

yt_dlp.utils.ExtractorError: [crunchyroll] G8WUN18W9: No video formats found!; please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U

The downloader no longer works. The format is no longer available. Crunchyroll seems to have changed. DRM
Last edited:
Yes, take a look here:
Yes, take a look here:
It's a shame, crunchyroll on anystream would be great now
UPDATE! CrunchyRoll works again with YT-DLP, at least for now.

Please update the config and the menu.

There have been some changes to the config and the menu.
1. No more browser agents or cookies are needed; instead, you must provide your login details, such as username and password, in the config and at one point in the menu.
2. The quality has to be defined differently for now.

Updated config.
Please copy and paste the code below.
Create a backup of the old config before you proceed to overwrite the existing config.
Change the username and password accordingly.

#Location of the ffmpeg binary
--ffmpeg-location "ffmpeg"

# Print various debugging information - only needed if issues occur and need to be reported on the yt-dlp GitHub page

#Suppress HTTPS certificate validation

#Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. Do not bypass geographic restriction via faking X-Forwarded-For HTTP header

#Write subtitle file

#Languages of the subtitles to download (can be regex) or "all" separated by commas, e.g.
#--sub-langs "en.*,ja". You can prefix the language code with a "-" to exclude it from
#the requested languages, e.g. --sub-langs all,-live_chat. Use --list-subs for a list of available language tags
--sub-langs en-US

#Limit the filename length (excluding extension) to the specified number of characters
--trim-filenames 200

#Write video description to a .description file

#Subtitle format; accepts formats preference, e.g. "srt" or "ass/srt/best"
--sub-format ass

#Number of fragments of a dash/hlsnative video that should be downloaded concurrently (default is 1)
-N 4

#Maximum download rate in bytes per second
--limit-rate 12.0M

#Video format code
-f "bv+ba"

#The paths where the files should be downloaded.
-P "downloads"

#Please provide your username here, do not remove the ""
--username "YourUsername or emailaddress"

#Please provide your password here, do not remove the ""
--password "your password"

#Output filename template - you can adjust to your liking - please check the yt-dlp GitHub page for further information
#new naming
-o "%(series)#S/%(season_number)02d - %(season)#S/%(episode_number)02d - %(episode)#S.%(ext)s"
#old naming
#-o "%(series)s/%(season_number)s - %(season)s/%(episode_number)s - %(episode)s.%(ext)s"

#Remux the video into another container if necessary
--remux-video mkv

#Embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4, webm and mkv videos)

#default subtitle
--ppa "EmbedSubtitle:-disposition:s:0 default"

#Embed metadata to the video file. Also embeds chapters/infojson if present unless
#--no-embed-chapters/--no-embed-info-json are used (Alias: --add-metadata)

#Do not set any "purl" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_purl>)"

#Do not set any "comment" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_comment>)"

#Do not set any "description" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_description>)"

#Do not set any "title" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_title>)"

#Do not set any "episode_id" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_id>)"

#Do not set any "date" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_date>)"

#Do not set any "season_number" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_season_number>)"

#Do not set any "episode_sort" in the video metadata
--parse-metadata ":(?P<meta_episode_sort>)"

#Do not embed the infojson as an attachment to the video file

#Do not retrieve video comments unless the extraction is known to be quick

#Add chapter markers to the video file

#Number of seconds to sleep before each download.
#--sleep-interval 5

#Maximum number of seconds to sleep                     
#--max-sleep-interval 10

#Number of seconds to sleep before each subtitle download                    
#--sleep-subtitles 2

Updated menu.
Please copy and paste the code below.
Create a backup of the old menu before you proceed to overwrite the existing menu.
Change the username and password accordingly.

ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Download Crunchyroll
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO 1 - Download via URL
ECHO 2 - Download via BATCH file
ECHO 3 - Check available Subtitle Languages and Video Formats/Resolutions
ECHO 4 - Check update for YT-DLP
ECHO 5 - Check YT-DLP version on your system and current version available online
ECHO 6 - Clear the YT-DLP cache folder
SET /P M=Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 then press ENTER:
ECHO %M% is not a valid input.
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Download via URL
ECHO ...............................................
SET /P URL="[Enter the video URL of the video to download] "
yt-dlp.exe --config-locations "config.txt" "%URL%"
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Done.
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Download via BATCH file
ECHO ...............................................
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set count=100
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b batch') do (
set /a count+=1
echo !count:~-2!] %%a
set /a countMax=count-100
set "countNr=%count:~-2%"
<nul set /p "=Enter the number of the batch file to use: (01...%countNr%, 00 for Menu): "
choice /c 1234567890 /n >nul
set first=%errorlevel:~-1%
<nul set /p "=%first%"
choice /c 1234567890 /n >nul
echo %errorlevel:~-1%
set ch=%first%%errorlevel:~-1%
REM echo that was %ch%
set /a line=1%ch%-101
if "%ch%" == "00" goto escape
if %ch% gtr %countMax% echo bad input&goto :input
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b batch^|more +%line%') do set "file=%%a"&goto :cont
echo You selected: %ch% - %file%
echo Task started for batch file: %file%.
yt-dlp.exe --config-locations "config.txt" --batch-file "batch\%file%"
echo you choose '00' for exit.
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Check nightly update for YT-DLP
ECHO ...............................................
yt-dlp.exe --update-to nightly
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Check available Subtitle Languages and Video Formats/Resolutions
ECHO ...............................................
SET /P URL="[Enter the video URL to check available Subtitle Languages and Video Formats/Resolutions] "
yt-dlp.exe --verbose --no-check-certificate --no-geo-bypass --list-subs --list-formats --username "YourUsername or email" --password "your password" "%URL%"
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Done.
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Check YT-DLP version on your system
ECHO and current version available online
ECHO ...............................................
yt-dlp.exe --version
ECHO ...............................................
ECHO Clear the YT-DLP cache folder
ECHO ...............................................
yt-dlp.exe --rm-cache-dir

After creating the backups and the new menu and config, start the menu and select menu point 4 to update the YT-DLP.
After that, you should be ready to go.

If you have problems updating to the latest nightly YT-DLP please download it manually from here:

Wow quisiera hacer eso para descargar bien y rapidoyde Crunchyroll, pero es mucho para mi poco conocimiento ya que no se nada de programación :(
Wow quisiera hacer eso para descargar bien y rapidoyde Crunchyroll, pero es mucho para mi poco conocimiento ya que no se nada de programación :(
No need to be a programmer 😊
Let me know where you have problems and I try my best to help.
I was asked if there is a better option than batch downloading when some files have been downloaded previously, and I'm too lazy to check the episodes.
There is a way, but you must use it when downloading a season or series.

Add the following at the end of the config.txt

# "Archive" feature allows the creation of a file containing information on the previously downloaded episodes. Serves as an "ID Memory" for the downloaded episodes.
--download-archive "myarchive.txt"

Please note that if you have already downloaded episodes or series and wish to update to the latest episode, you must redownload the files. Alternatively, the files may still be in the download folder to avoid redownloading them. However, it should be noted that the subtitles will always be redownloaded when the archive file did not exist before.

How it works:
After copying the link to the TV series, you download the complete series.
However, some episodes may not have aired yet. In such cases, the program stores the ID of the downloaded episodes in a text file as memory.
This will help the program recognize and skip those episodes that have already been downloaded in the future.
When you copy the link to the same series again, the program will automatically skip the episodes that are already in memory and download only the new ones.
I have adapted both files accordingly. I still get the following error message.
Usage: yt-dlp.exe [OPTIONS] URL [URL...]

yt-dlp.exe: error: Do not double-click the executable, instead call it from a command line.
Please read the README for further information on how to use yt-dlp: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#readme