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Why is this so difficult?


New Member
Thread Starter
Dec 27, 2008
I've hit up every forum I can think of with this question and so far no one has an answer so I can assume what I'm attempting is currenty impossible but I just can't see why. I would assume this to be very basic and is why I built my latest HTPC but I continue to be challenged. I'm posting on this forum because I think people are using a HTPC in a similar fashion. You are my last hope :bang:

I built my latest HTPC to accomplish only two things:

1. Have ripped Blurays playback via an easy front-end like VMC.
2. Have ripped SD DVDs playback via an easy front-end like VMC AND ensuring I could utilize the latest image optimizing features like SIMHD with TMT or TruTheater like with PowerDVD 9, etc.

Number 1 was incredibly easy for me to accomplish. I found VMC, My Movies, and Arcsoft's TMT to all work incredibly well together. Where I ran in to a nightmare was attempting to accomplish number 2. If I continued to use Arcsoft's TMT after viewing a Bluray disc, then attempted to watch a SD DVD, TMT would continue to enable HW Acceleration and SIMHD would not be enabled. I would have to make the update manually which my wife and kids will not be able to do. The same is true for PowerDVD 9.

I've considered using TheaterTek and FFDSHOW but FFDSHOW can very difficult to configure. I still don't really understand it. PowerDVD 9's TruTheater is pretty much plug and play if it would only recognize the difference between SD DVDs and Blurays.

I'm at my wit's end with this. Is anyone accomplishing 1 AND 2 above?
If I continued to use Arcsoft's TMT after viewing a Bluray disc, then attempted to watch a SD DVD, TMT would continue to enable HW Acceleration and SIMHD would not be enabled. I would have to make the update manually which my wife and kids will not be able to do. The same is true for PowerDVD 9

This is by design like this. When Hardware Acceleration is on most of the work is done on GPU. Therefore software doesn’t have much control on video itself. What you are trying to accomplish can only be accomplish by the method you described already.
This is by design like this. When Hardware Acceleration is on most of the work is done on GPU. Therefore software doesn’t have much control on video itself. What you are trying to accomplish can only be accomplish by the method you described already.

Thanks, but that sucks and I was afraid someone might say this. Is it just me or can anyone see how pathetically easy it would be for the software manufacturers to add command line parameters to get around this? Just a simple switch to either enable HW Accleration and "upscaling" is all that is needed. Geesh this is frustrating.

So I wonder if this could potentially be a workaround. What if I used Media Browser, purchased PowerDVD (I already own TMT), and use PowerDVD for SD DVD and TMT for Blurays? Having a separate program for each should allow for HW Acceleration to remain enabled for TMT and remaind disabled for PowerDVD (with TruTheater permanently enabled)?

I'm on my way to testing this at the moment but for whatever reason I can't even get Media Browser to play an ISO as it should. It continues to play the movie within Media Center and results in a very soft image.
So I wonder if this could potentially be a workaround. What if I used Media Browser, purchased PowerDVD (I already own TMT), and use PowerDVD for SD DVD and TMT for Blurays? Having a separate program for each should allow for HW Acceleration to remain enabled for TMT and remaind disabled for PowerDVD (with TruTheater permanently enabled)?

That would be best option in your case. I use TMT 3 for Blu-ray and DVD and I am very happy with it.

Powerdvd is not very helpful when it comes to blu-ray.
That would be best option in your case. I use TMT 3 for Blu-ray and DVD and I am very happy with it.

Powerdvd is not very helpful when it comes to blu-ray.

I am curious, would you mind elaborating on what PowerDVD not very "helpful" w/ in regards to blu ray??


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