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Why does GameJackal now require elevation in Vista?


New Member
Thread Starter
Jul 7, 2007
I just upgraded from GameJackal to, and the biggest difference I noticed is that GameJackal now always prompts for elevation in Vista (2.x didn't prompt, but I could right-click | Run As Administrator if I wanted to).

This is a pain, because if GameJackal is running elevated then it launches my games elevated. If my games are running elevated then my mouse software can't interact with them and my 5-button mouse starts acting like a 3-button mouse.

I can get around it by making GameJackal not launch the games automatically, but that means I need to start GameJackal, run the game separately, and shut down GameJackal afterwards.

None of my games so far have needed GameJackal running elevated to make things work, so I'm not sure why elevation suddenly became mandatory. In any case, would it be possible to get manifest-less versions of GameJackal.exe and GameJackal_cl.exe shipped with future versions, even if they're a non-default option? Running un-elevated works fine for me, and having to elevate is a pain.
I hear your pain... however if GJ runs unelevated, there can be problems (note that not all users will have issues, only some). So for us it's a tough one. Long term we hope to remove this requirement.

What you can do is install the (soon to be released) "Game Jackal Plus" addon which allows GJ to run as a service, and detects games starting and activates the required profile automatically. This addon should be available in a few days.