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What to do with an empty blank dvd spindle

Great Idea. I bet Heineken was involved in the design process.
Nice bit of improvising there, he defintiely must have been a fan of the old tv show macgyver
The old saw "a picture is worth a thousand words" needs the codacil "a video is worth a couple of dozen words"
Hate to wreck the party - but I have heard about probs w/this

In CDFreaks this idea was discussed http://club.cdfreaks.com/f1/what-do-those-empty-blank-dvd-spindles-247372/ but 90312 said that coiling cables can make them act like a henry coil (If I remember right) anyway this can cause interference between cables esp., if they are not shielded. Another person said he had done this with several power cords, and had a melt down due to the heat generated in a small area. Please don't take shots at me for bearing potential bad news; I'm just relaying what I have read about this otherwise neat idea...:confused:
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(If I remember right) anyway this can cause interference between cables esp., if they are not shielded.

I suppose if you're dealing with crappy analogue cables that might matter, yes. Otherwise, I doubt you'd notice anything.

Another person said he had done this with several power cords, and had a melt down due to the heat generated in a small area.

Granted, I'm not using the method shown, but if there were that much heat generated from power cords being in a small area, most A/V rooms I've been in would be burnt down by now. The bigger issue is power draw and not enough supply.

But that is an interesting point, and I could see an increase in heat being generated by this method, so I'll unsticky this post.
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But that is an interesting point, and I could see an increase in heat being generated by this method, so I'll unsticky this post.

Or just add a caveat that using the method for power cables isn't recommended. I'm interested in the method for USB, monitor, etc, cables but I wouldn't use it for power cords, anyway.
Or just add a caveat that using the method for power cables isn't recommended. I'm interested in the method for USB, monitor, etc, cables but I wouldn't use it for power cords, anyway.


Restickied . . .
Keep it stickied - just a FYI


Restickied . . .

Please do not unskicky something just because I made a reference to a similar discussion to this in CDFreaks...I just thought it was something to think about, I personally can't say that I have tried this and found any problems with it...;)
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Restickied . . .

One might also consider cutting holes in the top of the spindle casing. I'm thinking along the lines of numerous United States quarter, half dollar, silver dollar or Canadian loonie or twoonie sized holes spaced around the top. People could even put short open vertical slits or circular holes in the sides of the spindle casing plastic. This would allow airflow and still keep the cables in managed and more out of the way. Holes like this could be managed with an attachment on a drill quite easily. Of course not everyone lives in the United States or Canada but I think my point is obvious.
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magnetic flux

Be careful of magnetic flux you’re creating a large magnetic field that will interfere-slow data travelling via serial communication. And if you have a few machines drawing from a primary mains power lead barrel rolled, it may be drawing considerable current (amps) you will produce strong collapsing magnetic fields & other reactions producing (one sort /type of field affect) your power lead can catch fire or worse spike your systems. Sorry to be a kill joy on this one Google mobile phone tricks. To see the power of even small field effects.
People should have learned all these things in school. If not, shame on your education system, shame on you for skipping school, shame on you for forgetting what you once learned, or, shame on you for not bringing the things you once learned in relation with what you do. :D
my message too...

Be careful of magnetic flux you’re creating a large magnetic field that will interfere-slow data travelling via serial communication.

thanks for validating my post earlier in this thread, I have no personal experience with this cake box idea, but my previous electronics training supports what you and both have said...;)
The caveat listed in the first post basically covers that, and I'm not aware of too many people still using serial cables at home, but thanks for letting people know.