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usable ISo Back up?


Thread Starter
Jan 30, 2007
My daughter has just ruined her second copy [physical disc] of the Sims3. I had to go buy it again. Last time I created an iso copy of the disc thinking I could use that b/u and save the original. I was wrong.

Today I then read that if I the VCD it would work by molunting the image.
So I installed VCD.
But I can still not get it to work.

Was I misinformed?
If not what and how do I use it?
Is there a tutorial somewhere?

Thanks for your help
Nope, VCD does it's job and mounts the iso properly. However the game executable still checks if the inserted (or mounted) disc is an original. If it isn't then it asks for a the disc. You either need a bypass that makes the original exe no longer check for the original disc (i know there are such ways but this is not that kind of forum), or take a look at game-jackal. VCD is more intended for data discs (dvd, blu-ray, ...) and not for game discs