• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Unlimited Speed safe w/ Amazon?


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Aug 11, 2014
Hi I just started using the trial but 1 single movie takes forever at 1x. Is it a ban risk if I change the speed? This is the same as screen recording.
Hi I just started using the trial but 1 single movie takes forever at 1x. Is it a ban risk if I change the speed? This is the same as screen recording.

I've been using it on unlimited speed since closed beta began in april this year. No negative effects whatsoever (yet)
OK I thought so, thanks I will give that a try then :) 1x is to damn slow :(
you can always try 2x or slightly higher. 2x alone will cut the speed in half.
I tried unlimited speed and I really like that :) I hope I don't get banned. Hate to have to use 2x. I think I will stick w/ unlimited for now.
I use unlimited speed aswell.
The downloads are not directly from your country specific amazon site,but rather from their cloud services, but...
there will be always provided certain information (eg. your account details) to them, when you watch/download videos from them...
but since you have an option to download the videos for offline viewing in their official apps.. (yes they will be DRM protected tho)
i don't really see a problem with it,or them wondering about it,unless you are doing 100 videos daily. :p
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Hi I just started using the trial but 1 single movie takes forever at 1x. Is it a ban risk if I change the speed? This is the same as screen recording.

While I've never used the feature, the Amazon and Netflix native applications allow for download and storage. Presumably this is for viewing when internet isn't necessarily an option such as commercial flights.
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Yes you can download Amazon and Netflix videos (though they are encrypted). That's what I think they won't see anything fishy because of that. It's not really known how Anystream is doing it's job, maybe through the player? I don't think Amazon would look that deep into this.
Yes you can download Amazon and Netflix videos (though they are encrypted). That's what I think they won't see anything fishy because of that. It's not really known how Anystream is doing it's job, maybe through the player? I don't think Amazon would look that deep into this.

If you'd know,you'd be one of the coders.
But I think this is something which should not be discussed about,even "distantly" on this forum.
I understood there was some sorta kindly warning given before, about speculating on the forum how the software works.
Just so you know..

meaning: it's okay (..and encouraged!) to report problems with your downloads (remember to include the log from the app),or suggest new ideas for the developers and for the app, but there should be no speculation about how the application works and is doing its thing.
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Yes you're right that's why I said I think. However unlike other Amazon downloaders I have used, this one seems to effect your play count in Amazon. Now Amazon thinks you watched the video even if you downloaded it, so maybe a risk to use faster speeds. I've been using it but I would still say becareful.
Yes you're right that's why I said I think. However unlike other Amazon downloaders I have used, this one seems to effect your play count in Amazon. Now Amazon thinks you watched the video even if you downloaded it, so maybe a risk to use faster speeds. I've been using it but I would still say becareful.

the reason why amazon shows you "continue playing the video where you left off..." is ...
amazon thinks the downloader is an web-browser/their app.
that's all i can say about it.
but it is nothing to worry about.
if you still have your doubts, you should contact support, i can not really help you here.
Yes you're right that's why I said I think. However unlike other Amazon downloaders I have used, this one seems to effect your play count in Amazon. Now Amazon thinks you watched the video even if you downloaded it, so maybe a risk to use faster speeds. I've been using it but I would still say becareful.
It is not really related to the download speed you select in the AnyStream settings. The view progress is updated to a certain limit to eliminate the possibility to rent a title, download it and then claim refund as if it was not watched.
Totally on board with the prohibition on discussing how AS works, but I would point out that Amazon and Netflix content integrity are almost certainly aware of what is happening. Will they take steps to block it or ban accounts? Who knows...

I don't use AnyStream often but tonight on Amazon I noticed that it didn't make any difference if I set download speed at 1x, 2x, or 4x. Any of those seem to download only at 1x (real time) speed. Unlimited still works though and is fast. Hope that doesn't get me kicked off! :p

I don't use AnyStream often but tonight on Amazon I noticed that it didn't make any difference if I set download speed at 1x, 2x, or 4x. Any of those seem to download only at 1x (real time) speed. Unlimited still works though and is fast. Hope that doesn't get me kicked off! :p
I downloaded all 6 seasons of The Saint earlier this week...it doesn't even show up in my watch list.