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See - The Secret.


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Jan 29, 2007
Little known Euro-film, released in US this week.


IMDV reviwer at the bottom of the page hit it dead on.

IMHO this is the best "unknown sleeper film" since Lars and the Real Girl. Great film, great acting - interesting storyline.

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I meant to check that out and then forgot it came out yesterday. Now I can't get it because I didn't want to buy it and the local video store has all their copies rented out. :(

I'll try to check it out sometime during the week.
Yes, that's the one. It was a pleasent surprise.
Last surprise I had of this magnitude was "Lars and the Real Girl".

Cool! I tend to only post about exceptional films that seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle and easily overlooked.
Both Secret and Lars dealt with "strange" subject matter and both resited the temptation to go for the extra laughs or to ramp up any sexual "cringe factor" for its own sake. And both gave moving, realistic, portrayals of the people thrust into the "strangeness" of the movie premise. I'll give an honorable menton to Sandlers "50 First Dates" as another one of these that delivered well on a tough premise.

It's not news that Downey made Iron Man work thanks to his portrayal of Tony Stark, or that IJ4 and Die Hard 4 were decent (but flawed) encores to great old franchises. And we all know The Dark Knight works in a big way; though Bayle growls a bit too much. So I don't tend to post about that which is "already known" - I post abut the good surprises.

I managed to get The Secret. Hopefully I'll get a chance to sit down and watch it in the next couple of days.

For a quirky and very good movie I highly recommend Cashback. It's been discussed as "One of the best movies you've never heard of". I cannot say enough positive things about this movie.