• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
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Samarai can TMT and PowerDVd run on the same system

Any ideas why TMT will not load. It gives me an hourglass and then nothing

Not sure what is happening
Power wagon
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Probably nothing wrong, many of us can't get the TMT crap to work, at least it doesn't restart your system like it does on some of mine

I did some experimenting on my system. I tried a retail install of TotalMedia Extreme, a retail install of TotalMedia Theatre, and a trial install of TotalMedia Theatre. The extra features of TotalMedia Extreme worked except the TotalMedia Theatre portion. The only install of TotalMedia Theatre that worked was the trial version and I believe the reason is due to the version and that it resolves the x64 problems with TMT. I installed the trial.

I wish I could use the scroll wheel to adjust the volume but, alas, you can't in TMT. I'm with SamuriHL in saying that the UI does have some nice aspects. In ways I prefer TMT's UI to PowerDVD7, PowerDVD8, and WinDVD9. I might contemplate purchasing it if I got a hefty discount. I simply am unwilling to spend ~90 USD on this piece of software.
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Well I don't like the fact that on some systems I've tried it on it doesn't just crash it resets the system as if I'd hit the reset button on the front (and yes I do have reboot on blue-screen switched off)