• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Problems with Resident Evil-Extinction


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Jan 2, 2008
I am having troubles backing up this movie. I have tried AnyDVD with CloneDVD, and DVD Fab HD Decrypter, and nothing seems to work. It gets about halfway through, and it freezes up. Someone please help. Thanks.
Slysoft rocks

Jut yesterday i made a backup o my movie rsident evil extinction with verbatim dvd+r 8X burnt at 4X speed ith latest version of anydvd and clonedvd2 and made a perfect working backup!
I can't even get that far. It isn't decoding or anything. It just locks up like it has hit some special protection
I am having troubles backing up this movie. I have tried AnyDVD with CloneDVD, and DVD Fab HD Decrypter, and nothing seems to work. It gets about halfway through, and it freezes up. Someone please help. Thanks.

I tend to agree with Charlie, but go through the steps please:

a)Click the red fox icon on your toolbar.
b) Navigate to "Program Settings".
c) Click "enable logging".
d) Click "ok".
e) Put the problematic original disc in your optical drive/reader.
f) Go to your My Documents folder
g) You will see a zip file called "Anydvd_Info_titleofmydisc.zip"
h) When replying or posting in the Slysoft forums, look for the icon that looks like

i) if you don't see that icon, click the "go advanced" button. You should see that icon now. Click the paperclip.
j) a small pop-up screen should appear (if it doesn't please ensure your browser is enabled to allow pop-ups from the Slysoft forums)
k) click the "Browse" button, and locate and select the .zip file you created.
l) click "upload"

2. State the full a)error message(s) you encountered (click "details"), b)tell us what program(s) you were using when you received the error message(s), and c) describe in detail what you were doing when you received the error message(s). What problem are you having exactly?

3. Download Nero cd-dvd speed. It's a free program. With Anydvd running in the background, select the tab labeled "scandisc". Select the appropriate drive letter, and click "start". If Nero cd-dvd speed reports read errors, your disc is (probably) bad and needs to be exchanged--even if it plays fine (or your optical drive could be slowly dying).
I just backed it up with RipIt4Me with no problem. Not sure what the deal was with AnyDVD. Next time I will log it.
Last edited:
I just backed it up with RipIt4Me with no problem. Not sure what the deal was with AnyDVD. Next time I will log it.

Thanks for posting the log zip as this won't help slysoft developers.
I just backed it up with RipIt4Me with no problem. Not sure what the deal was with AnyDVD. Next time I will log it.

Well, saying it backed up with RipIt4Me isn't really all that informative. RipIt4Me can backup a damaged disc and it will end up skipping over the unreadable sections. The results aren't always worth watching when it does this.

I made a backup with whatever version of AnyDVD was current when the disc was released with no issues that I am aware of from watching it. No errors in the process of backing it up, either.

Follow Charlie & Webslinger's advice.
Thanks for posting the log zip as this won't help slysoft developers.

Posting the .zip will may help us resolve Enforcer's problem, but it won't help Slysoft developers since there's no structural protection on the disc. There's nothing interesting here. Anydvd handles this disc perfectly fine.

Summary for drive D: (AnyDVD
COMBO IDE4816CO 0053
Drive (Hardware) Region: 1

Media is a DVD.
Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite)
Size of first Layer: 2064016 sectors (4031 MBytes)
Total size: 3970240 sectors (7754 MBytes)

Video DVD (or CD) label: Resident Evil Extinction
Media is CSS protected!
Video Standard: NTSC
Media is locked to region(s): 1 4!

RCE protection not found.
Structural copy protection not found.
Found & removed Autorun from Video DVD!
Bad sector protection not found.
Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 1!
I will upgrade to the beta version, and see if I have any problems. Real quick....are there any problems the beta version has with backing up Death Sentence? Thanks again everyone.
I will upgrade to the beta version, and see if I have any problems.

Updating won't help. It shouldn't matter what version of Anydvd you use. There's nothing special with this disc.

Real quick....are there any problems the beta version has with backing up Death Sentence? Thanks again everyone.

Nope. Anydvd ripper handles it fine: click http://forum.slysoft.com/showpost.php?p=79075&postcount=2

Summary for drive E: (AnyDVD
Drive (Hardware) Region: free

Media is a DVD.
Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite)
Size of first Layer: 2080464 sectors (4063 MBytes)
Total size: 4160923 sectors (8126 MBytes)

Media is CSS protected!
Video Standard: NTSC
Media is locked to region(s): 1!

Found & removed RCE protection!
Structural copy protection not found.
Autorun not found on Video DVD.
Bad sector protection not found.
Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 1!

Again, nothing special
I will back it up again and post the log. Be back in a bit.
Ok. Here is my log for Resident Evil. Everything seemed to backup and burn ok. Except when I go to play it. It plays all the directors comments instead of playing the movie. Please help.


  • AnyDVD_Info_E_Resident Evil Extinction.zip
    111.5 KB · Views: 2
Ok. Here is my log for Resident Evil. Everything seemed to backup and burn ok. Except when I go to play it. It plays all the directors comments instead of playing the movie. Please help.

CDROM Class UpperFilters:
Cdralw2k (system32\drivers\Cdralw2k.sys), Version: (
Company: Roxio
Product: Drag-to-Disc
Copyright: Copyright (c) 1994-2004 Roxio, Inc.
Description: CDRAL for Windows 2000 Kernel Driver


Cdr4_xp (system32\drivers\Cdr4_xp.sys), Version: (
Company: Roxio
Product: Drag-to-Disc
Copyright: Copyright (c) 1994-2004 Roxio, Inc.
Description: CDR4 CD and DVD Burning Helper Driver

This needs removed.
Ok. Here is my log for Resident Evil.. Except when I go to play it.

You have Roxio's Drag-to-Disc packet writing software on your system, which may cause conflicts with Anydvd, Clonedvd, and other software. If you require drag and drop functionality, use dvd-ram instead, which is more stable. You don't need to remove the entire Roxio suite, but you do need to get rid of drag-to-disc.

Cdralw2k (system32\drivers\Cdralw2k.sys), Version: (
Company: Roxio
Product: Drag-to-Disc
Copyright: Copyright (c) 1994-2004 Roxio, Inc.
Description: CDRAL for Windows 2000 Kernel Driver

Cdr4_xp (system32\drivers\Cdr4_xp.sys), Version: (
Company: Roxio
Product: Drag-to-Disc
Copyright: Copyright (c) 1994-2004 Roxio, Inc.
Description: CDR4 CD and DVD Burning Helper Driver

i) Create a backup of your registry
ii) Download imgburn. It's a free program: http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download
(it's also an excellent program imo)
iii) Go to Tools > Filter Driver Load Order. Select "Cdr4_xp". Click "Remove Selected Filter". Select "Cdralw2k". Click "Remove Selected Filter". . Click "ok".
iv) Reboot

Keep in mind that the programs that installed those filters will no longer function properly.

It plays all the directors comments instead of playing the movie. Please help.

from Frequently Asked Questions (READ BEFORE YOU POST)

10. Why am I only getting Director's comments or having other audio related issues with my backup? (click the link to find out)
If I select Burn DVD to file instead of burning straight to disc, and then use Nero, will that correct it?
If I select Burn DVD to file instead of burning straight to disc, and then use Nero, will that correct it?

Correct what? The filters? No. Those Drag-to-disc filters can interfere with the read process in Anydvd and Clonedvd. Follow the instructions I posted.

As for the audio problem, you're selecting the wrong audio to backup in Clonedvd. You need to click the link I posted and read fully.