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MACRO mounting?


Active Member
Ok, I am having good success with backing up my DVD collection to my newly built HTPC. Now I have the "hassle" of mounting files manually to the VCD.

Is there a way to create a macro that would work like this:

You open your folder with all of your .iso files in it then when you double click the movie you want to watch a macro would take over the mounting of the file to VCD and then opening your desired DVD player software... WMC etc...

I have the idea, does anyone have the knowledge to help make it happen?

Thanks for your help.
Ok, I am having good success with backing up my DVD collection to my newly built HTPC. Now I have the "hassle" of mounting files manually to the VCD.

Is there a way to create a macro that would work like this:

You open your folder with all of your .iso files in it then when you double click the movie you want to watch a macro would take over the mounting of the file to VCD and then opening your desired DVD player software... WMC etc...

I have the idea, does anyone have the knowledge to help make it happen?

Thanks for your help.
Sure, you can create a script to do this. Use the command line tool VCDMount and call it from your script.

Thanks for the response. I guess I would need a little more guidance. I have not worked with scripts before either editing or writing them. Could you point me in a direction to find more information or if you know of a tool that helps to automate the scripting procedure?

Macro / batch scripting with Virtual CLoneDrive

Hi all. Since I couldn't find any documentation on how to batch use this little gem - I tried on my own, and I have discovered this:

In the program folder, where you installed this app, you'll find VCDMount.exe which is all you need. The simple syntax is as follows:

VCDMount.exe isofile.iso
Example: VCDMount.exe f:\MyISO.iso

If the folder and/or image name contains spaces, you should enclose with " - like this:
VCDMount.exe "f:\My folder\My ISO.iso"

Dismounting / unmounting
VCDMount.exe /u

It's that simple.

Drive letter
Changing the virtual drive letter can be done in disk management (look in the control panel, classic view, under "administration" and then "disk management").

I hope this helps someone...
Providing an example to help out. I have no interest in maintaining this thing.

@echo off
set isoDIR=c:\directory\where\isos\are\kept\
set vcdMount="C:\Program Files\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe"
set playerPath="C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD8\"
set playerRunTime=PowerDVD8.exe

%vcdMount% "%isoDIR%%1"
rem if you have sleep in the path, add a sleep 5 or 10 here to let the ISO fully mount
start /d%playerPath% %playerRunTime% d:

Change the paths. Change the runtime. Change the drive letter you pass to your player (e.g. the d: parameter). Also it's advisable that you get a copy of the sleep command and add a sleep 5 or sleep 10 in there to let the ISO fully mount and be scanned by AnyDVD before starting your player.

Usage: whatever.bat name.iso

As I said, I have no intention of supporting this script so if you want to use it, you're on your own. I am simply providing an example upon which you can build on. Enjoy!
Last edited:
this is my script as use upto 4 dvd drives on the network
emptying drives before loading them
loading a program automaticly if needed
automaticly delaying parts to enable the computer to prosses the dvds
changing res for old disks

uses sleep.exe and reschange.exe - included in the zip file (put them in your VirtualCloneDrive folder)

@echo off
set vcdpath=%programfiles%\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive
set imagep1="\\server\videos\dvds\Code6.iso"
set imagep2=""
set imagep3=""
set imagep4=""
set resw=
set resh=
set runprog="\\server\videos\playg.lnk"
set emptydrives="yes"

if %emptydrives%=="no" goto skiped
"%vcdpath%\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 /u
"%vcdpath%\VCDMount.exe" /d=1 /u
"%vcdpath%\VCDMount.exe" /d=2 /u
"%vcdpath%\VCDMount.exe" /d=3 /u

echo waiting for dvds to eject
%vcdpath%\sleep 3

if %imagep1%=="" goto noimage1
"%vcdpath%\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 %imagep1%

if %imagep2%=="" goto noimage2
"%vcdpath%\VCDMount.exe" /d=1 %imagep2%

if %imagep3%=="" goto noimage3
"%vcdpath%\VCDMount.exe" /d=2 %imagep3%

if %imagep4%=="" goto noimage4
"%vcdpath%\VCDMount.exe" /d=3 %imagep4%

echo waiting for dvds load
%vcdpath%\sleep 3

if "%resw%"=="" goto noreschange
start "cdloader" "%vcdpath%\reschange.exe" -width=%resw% -height=%resh% -quiet %runprog%
goto end
if %runprog%=="" goto norunprog
start "cdloader" %runprog%


  • extra files.zip
    60.4 KB · Views: 17
Nice! Just a little suggestion for people creating scripts:

Instead of using a variable for the path to VCDMount, you can use the "start" command, as VCD registers its path with the Windows shell.

For example, instead of using

set vcdpath=%programfiles%\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive


"%vcdpath%\VCDMount.exe" /d=0 /u

you can use this

start /w VCDMount.exe /d=0 /u