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Looking to catalog your collection? - EMDB


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to plug a piece of software I use almost daily that I am not sure many are aware of. I have always liked EMDB (Eric's Movie Database) and it's the only free thing out there that I am aware of that does the job this well and this cleanly. Actually it might do the job better than stuff you have to pay for as well. I found it after a long search for something to catalog my DVD/Blu-Ray collection.

I know I don't have a collection as large as some of you but I have enough where I need to know what movies I have, what format they are in and where I got them. And this is what I mostly used it for. But recently (and this is what spurred me to post) I started to use the integrated MediaInfo add-on and this I found just amazing. I was actually able to tell it to run through my entire digital collection and scan the files for the audio and video details.

Long story short, if you need something to catalog your physical and or digital media this thing rocks. It gets updated regularly and the dev actually answers support requests and suggestions (I have done both so I know via experience).

Plex for me though :)

I use Plex for playing my collection but not for cataloging it, although I guess it really does some of that too. Never thought of it like that but it's a valid way to go for sure.
If you mean keep an actual list of movies etc, i use CLZ.com's "Movie Collector" (and contrary to its name it can be use for more then just movies ;))

That's what I meant, sorry about that, I chose a confusing word.

I just went to that site, I think I checked that one out in my original searches but it looks interesting for sure.

My initial searches were for something free but in all honestly I paid for EMDB by the way of donation.
something free
Ant Movie Catalog is free. http://www.antp.be/software/moviecatalog

I've used it for years, but lately the IMDb script has gotten "wonky" when it comes to getting TV series info. Your EMDB suggestion earlier fit the bill when it comes to cataloging TV series. Not how I've done it in the past with AMC, but it is actually a better free app IMO.

EMDB uses sites for retrieving info AMC doesn't have scripts for.
Ant Movie Catalog is free. http://www.antp.be/software/moviecatalog

I've used it for years, but lately the IMDb script has gotten "wonky" when it comes to getting TV series info. Your EMDB suggestion earlier fit the bill when it comes to cataloging TV series. Not how I've done it in the past with AMC, but it is actually a better free app IMO.

EMDB uses sites for retrieving info AMC doesn't have scripts for.

I will check that out! But for now I find EMDB covers all my use cases well and it only continues to get better as time goes on. The whole having MediaInfo built-in is SUPER nice.
So far I've been keeping my Blu-ray/DVD collection cataloged in parallel with EMDB and Ant Movie Catalog. With AMC I have separate data bases for movies vs. TV series vs. documentaries (stand-alone and series) vs. animation/cartoons. I replicated that setup with EMDB, having auxiliary DBs, and then merge the 4 categories into the default "master" DB. The AMC catalogs take up a fraction of the HD space that EMDB does, but I have to admit EMDB is better than AMC for my cataloging needs.

AMC gobbles up 168MB, EMDB snags 887MB.

With 3 PCs I archive and transfer the DBs from the PC that is my main catalog machine to the other two.

Both DB locations are on my C:\ drives so they get daily in-case-of-failure boot partition backups on each PC.

While I still like AMC I am also getting a mondo crush on EMDB. Mostly because EMDB's handling of TV series is most excellent, especially compared to AMC's. Even before the script(s) got broke.