• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

How to change/add Registry setting?



Have some 4k UHD discs that have region code, eventhough such discs are not supposed to have region lock. 2023-12-18
  • New (Blu-ray): Support for new discs
  • New (Blu-ray & UHD): Improved MakeMKV "Libre Drive" integration
  • New (Blu-ray & UHD): Check, if bus encryption is present
  • Fix (UHD): AACS 2.1 detection was broken in previous beta
  • Debug (Blu-Ray): Added "UseLibreDriveNonUHD" registry value. Set to 1 to
    force LibreDrive use for standard Blu-Ray discs. Default is off (0)
  • Debug (UHD): Added "RemoveUHDRegion" registry value. Set to 1 to
    enable region code processing for UHD. Default is off (0)
  • Updated French language
How does one do
  • Debug (UHD): Added "RemoveUHDRegion" registry value. Set to 1 to
    enable region code processing for UHD. Default is off (0)
Can't seem to find the place to add it.

Thanks in advance.

Here the text to use as a reg file. Open the editor, paste the text and save it as .reg. Then you just need to double-click it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Or you can use an PowerShell Script:

Copy the following text and save it as a new file, for example, "RemoveUHDRegion_switch.ps1".

# Define the registry path and value name
$registryPath = "HKCU:\Software\SlySoft\AnyDVD\Settings"
$valueName = "RemoveUHDRegion"

# Function to set the console color
function Set-ConsoleColor {
    param (

    if ($value -eq 1) {
        # Set color to green for ON
        $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Green"
    } elseif ($value -eq 0) {
        # Set color to red for OFF
        $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Red"
    } else {
        # Set color to white for unknown values
        $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "White"

# Check if the registry key exists and get the current value
if (Test-Path $registryPath) {
    $currentValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $valueName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $valueName

    # Display the current value
    Set-ConsoleColor -value $currentValue
    Write-Host "Current 'RemoveUHDRegion' value is: $currentValue"
    $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "White" # Reset color to white

    # Prompt user for action
    Write-Host "Press 1 to turn ON, Press 2 to turn OFF"
    $input = Read-Host "Enter your choice"

    switch ($input) {
        "1" {
            # Set the value to 1 (ON)
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $valueName -Value 1
            Write-Host "RemoveUHDRegion is now ON" -ForegroundColor Green
        "2" {
            # Set the value to 0 (OFF)
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $valueName -Value 0
            Write-Host "RemoveUHDRegion is now OFF" -ForegroundColor Red
        default {
            Write-Host "Invalid input. No changes made." -ForegroundColor Yellow
} else {
    Write-Host "Registry path does not exist." -ForegroundColor Yellow

# Prompt to press Enter to exit
Read-Host "Press Enter to exit"

What the script does:

  • Targets a Specific Registry Entry:
    It works with the RemoveUHDRegion entry located at HKCU:\Software\SlySoft\AnyDVD\Settings.

  • Color-Coded Current Value Display:
    The script fetches and shows the current state of RemoveUHDRegion, using green text for enabled (1) and red text for disabled (0).

  • Interactive User Choice:
    Users are prompted to press 1 to enable (RemoveUHDRegion set to 1) or 2 to disable (RemoveUHDRegion set to 0) the setting.

  • Immediate Feedback:
    After the user chooses, the script updates the registry value accordingly and confirms the action with a message in the corresponding colour (green for enabled, red for disabled).

  • Graceful Exit:
    Post-action, the script waits for the user to press Enter before it exits, ensuring a user-friendly experience.
This script is handy for those who frequently need to toggle the RemoveUHDRegion setting and prefer a quick and visual way.


There is a newer AnyDVD version available, consider updating.

AnyDVD beta


Am already using that version. And with that regkey setting enabled, the discs are region free after ripping.

UHD discs aren't supposed to have region lock, but I guess some company messed up, and released some discs with region lock.

UHD discs aren't supposed to have region lock, but I guess some company messed up, and released some discs with region lock.
If enabling region locks on BD/4K discs is as "easy and cheap" as DVDs I don't doubt more and more releases will get them. Especially now that Sony has been given a large chunk of creating new releases.
If enabling region locks on BD/4K discs is as "easy and cheap" as DVDs I don't doubt more and more releases will get them. Especially now that Sony has been given a large chunk of creating new releases.

Thanks for all the answers.

As I understand it, the discs that are currently region locked, was done by "mistake", as it breaks the standard that was aggreed upon for 4k UHD discs.

But one never knows what SONY will do. They have done some weird shit in the past. Would not put it beyond them, to also don't care about standards.

Sony has a habit of ignoring or enforcing standards when it suits the company's bottom line.

This indeed might have been a mistake, but if the release is by Sony I don't doubt that "mistake" will keep happening in the future.
Wow, this thread has some super useful information!

Awesome job @DeepSpace and @tectpro providing ways for us to set the Registry value to enable AnyDVD's removal of UHD Region Locks.

I was gonna suggest maybe this should be provided in a UHD Forum stickie if UHD Region lock becomes more prevalent.

Then I realized if that happens, James will most likely just permanently enable the feature.

Or at the least, make it selectable in AnyDVD settings...

Not sure what the advantage is to having it disabled (AnyDVD processing time?), so I'm enabling this immediately. :giggle:

Thanks, guys!

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