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Help with Batch file / Command Line


Thread Starter
Jan 25, 2010
i am trying to write a batch file to mount movies stored in ISO format to use with an external player in Media Browser

i have my movies organized as C:\Movies\MovieName\movie.iso

when i use: -mount 0 %1 the path to the folder where the ISO is located is given to VCD (ie. C:\Movies\MovieName), but how do i point VCD to the actual ISO file (ie. movie.iso) ?...otherwise, i get an error message from VCD stating it can not mount "C:\Movies\MovieName"
-mount 0 %1\movie.iso

If %1 is pointing to folder, then just add "\file.iso"
i am trying to write a batch file to mount movies stored in ISO format to use with an external player in Media Browser

i have my movies organized as C:\Movies\MovieName\movie.iso

when i use: -mount 0 %1 the path to the folder where the ISO is located is given to VCD (ie. C:\Movies\MovieName), but how do i point VCD to the actual ISO file (ie. movie.iso) ?...otherwise, i get an error message from VCD stating it can not mount "C:\Movies\MovieName"

type in a cmd prompt

start vcmount

for help
-mount 0 %1\movie.iso

If %1 is pointing to folder, then just add "\file.iso"

lol...i could have sworn i had tested that out before...it worked...thanks

but.....is there a way to use a "wildcard" symbol before the .iso extension...(ie. something like *.iso)...since the batch file will be used with multiple movies, and each movie will have a different name ;)
Sure it should be possible, but then you don't exactly know which file gets mounted when there are several iso files.
there will only be 1 ISO file in each movie's folder, so i'm looking for the command that will play the ISO file, regardless of name, located in %1
i wish it was that simple , but -mount 0 %1\*.iso, does not work...VCD gives me the following error message:

Can't mount C:\Movies\MovieName\*.iso!

so it's like it's not using the * as a wildcard :bang:
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You may search for an iso file first in bat file in that folder and then set that name into a variable, so command line should be "-mount 0 %1\%variable%"

Also you are sure you are using "-mount 0 %1\*.iso"?
this is what worked:

for %%f in ( %1\*.ISO ) do "C:\Program Files (x86)\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\daemon.exe" -mount 0 "%%f"