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DVD Burner


Thread Starter
Feb 22, 2008
I am in the beggining process of building a new computer and was wondering what people think is the best most current blu-ray burner/reader to install in my system that will play and read everything with a minimal of hassel when playing movies or decrypting them? Thanks for your help.
I have not had any problems with my LG GBW-H20L reader/writter optical Blu-ray drive.

LG has a software program you can put on your computer that makes firmware updates very easy and fast, which is very user friendly and simple.

Just a minor concern on this model there have not been any factory firmware updates since it first came out, but it does work well.

The hardware standalone Blu-ray player that I have has had at least 5 firmware updates but this GBW-H20L has had none. Not a problem but wondering why not.

Be sure you get a Blu-ray reader/burner with a SATA CONNECTION, and the fastest burn rate possible, I think its at 6X now, even if you can't get blank media at a burn rate of 6X, it will be forthcoming, anything else will be outdated by the time you put it into your computer.
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They only need to update firmware on the drive if there's an issue with a type of media, if there's no issue then there's no need to release a new firmware