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best ripping format for xbox360 while maintaining 5.1 suround?

you need to download the optional media update from the Xbox Live to play avi and mp4 files.
i tried that exactly as u said but it didnt work:( still just stereo sound

didnt work.

goto the folder that contains cloneDVDmobile with Windows Explorer. Usually C:\Program Files\SlySoft\CloneDVDmobile

Find the Devices.ini file and right click on it and select copy.

somewhere else in the window right click in an empty space and select paste.

This will create a file called "Copy of Devices.ini"

Double click the original Devices.ini. If it asks what program you would like to open the file with select notepad.

scroll to the bottom of the text file.

select and copy the profile at the begining of this thread and paste it onto the end of text file.

Save your file.

Open CloneDVDmobile and select "[* Generic (DivX/AC3) AVI - Forced Subtitles]" as your profile and continue as normal. be sure to select a subtitle if your movie has forced subtitles.

hope that helps
Won't work for

I've been using the [* Generic (DivX/AC3) AVI - Forced Subtitles] format suggested at the beginning of this thread for months now to rip my DVDs to disk to play them through my XBOX. When I recently upgraded to, I found that this format no longer works.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what the best format for ripping DVDs for xbox playback with 5.1 sound (that can be played from Video Library) in
I've been using the [* Generic (DivX/AC3) AVI - Forced Subtitles] format suggested at the beginning of this thread for months now to rip my DVDs to disk to play them through my XBOX. When I recently upgraded to, I found that this format no longer works.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what the best format for ripping DVDs for xbox playback with 5.1 sound (that can be played from Video Library) in

This is due to the fact that neither or Beta will work with that profile. The only version that it will work with is, not sure as to why but I'm sure others will chime in, otherwise you will get an error.
This is due to the fact that neither or Beta will work with that profile. The only version that it will work with is, not sure as to why but I'm sure others will chime in, otherwise you will get an error.
Correct, those profiles are only for at the moment, but Fernando has mentioned recently that he will add a constant bitrate option for lame which should allow them to work (check the beta release notes to see when it happens).
The above solution always feeds back an error message of "Invalid parameter 'cbr=64' for -lameopts..

I'm running 7MC but i have also tried it on and XP workstations with the same results. My main objective is to make copies of DVD's maintaing the 5.1 channel sound. Presently it always reverts to 2 channel.

Secondly, is there any documentation on the parameters used in the device.ini file? its difficult to debug a -lameopts issue when you have no idea what it is.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

I had the same issue, as well as a few others. I gave up and went to the WD TV and bypassed the 360 completely. It plays everything without hiccup and can even play the DVD in iso form so no need to compress at all.

I 200% AGREE.

A WD TV LIVE costs $100 if you look around, and at most $120. An Asus o!play costs even less. They play your SD content from off of attached HD, from a networked PC or from a home server perfectly with no post processing to waste your time and reduce quality. they play hd content fine with maybe one or two minor tweaks for audio but usually you don't have to do that.

I like my xbox360, but if you have many movies, as presumably people on anydvd forums do ;), you are going to spend WAY more than $100 worth of your time muxing, transcoding etc when you don't need to. Just get oneo these networked streamers they are cheap as heck and just getting cheaper and work way better than xbox360 for this task.

I don't want to threadjack for people who for some reason absolutely MUST use their 360, but people should consider the alternative of just a proper device which is cheap, not to mention les noisy than that 360.
I've been using the [* Generic (DivX/AC3) AVI - Forced Subtitles] format suggested at the beginning of this thread for months now to rip my DVDs to disk to play them through my XBOX. When I recently upgraded to, I found that this format no longer works.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what the best format for ripping DVDs for xbox playback with 5.1 sound (that can be played from Video Library) in

Look here http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=37406 for a workaround. Use the [* Generic (DivX/AC3) AVI - Forced Subtitles] instead of the xvid and you should be able to use your XBox again with the latest version of CDM.
Had the same problem 2 years ago

I had exactly the same issue with my Xbox 360 and Media Center PC. After literally weeks of trying different things I finally gave up on CloneDVD Mobile. While it is the best tool for my HTC Fuze phone/PDA it DID NOT work for my xbox. I found that DVD Fab 6 worked like a charm with a couple of quick easy adjustments to the settings. The bonus is the .AVI file created is fairly small and also plays through my PS3 also connected to my network.
I 200% AGREE.

A WD TV LIVE costs $100 if you look around, and at most $120. An Asus o!play costs even less. They play your SD content from off of attached HD, from a networked PC or from a home server perfectly with no post processing to waste your time and reduce quality. they play hd content fine with maybe one or two minor tweaks for audio but usually you don't have to do that.

I like my xbox360, but if you have many movies, as presumably people on anydvd forums do ;), you are going to spend WAY more than $100 worth of your time muxing, transcoding etc when you don't need to. Just get oneo these networked streamers they are cheap as heck and just getting cheaper and work way better than xbox360 for this task.

I don't want to threadjack for people who for some reason absolutely MUST use their 360, but people should consider the alternative of just a proper device which is cheap, not to mention les noisy than that 360.
I find myself in this exact situation. I am in the first stages of backing up my DVDs to create a media server situation. In my first attempt to create a file that will stream to my 360 via Tversity, I've had a hell of a time. I think I'm taking your advice and looking into the WD TV.

One question, though. My long-term plans are to build an HTPC. From what I understand, the WD TV wouldn't be needed at that point, as the files would be available from the HDD of the HTPC (or the attached / networked storage for the same) and should play through Windows Media Center software. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone if I'm incorrect on this or missing anything?