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Anyway to play to the PS3 from files ?


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Jan 28, 2007
I use Anydvdhd to rip the disk to the hard drive (files not the iso type) is there anything out there that will let the PS3 see this as a disc for playback from the PC that the rip files are at ? I have tried Twonky but I either get data corrupt messages for the mts files or the audio will be wrong....

Anything out there that will let me play these rips as if they were the disc to the PS3 - I am striking out finding anything....

Nothing, I'm afraid; the only optical drive a PS3 recognizes is its own. Unless your media server can (a) play it on your PC *AND* (b) stream the PC playback to the PS3, it ain't gonna happen. (Even then, if the disc has Cinavia it probably won't work.)

You'll be better off using ClownBD or similar tools to convert it to a media format the PS3 can read, such as AVCHD. If it has Cinavia, read the most recent posts in the Cinavia threads; there may be a workaround, but it involves telling the PS3 it's PCM when it's really lossy DD or DTS (one of those works, but not sure which).
What about boxee or plex or something running on a mac mini ?
Your best option is to skip the PS3 entirely unless you're playing only original discs and Cinavia-free rips. If you have an ATI/AMD HD 4xxx or higher card (Nvidia options are a little more limited) with an HDMI output (or a DVI output and an ATI DVI/HDMI adapter), you can hook your PC directly to your receiver via HDMI and from there play directly to your TV. Might need some software tweaks to avoid bugs (i.e., Realtek HDMI drivers and/or ReClock), but no PC player is Cinavia-infected yet, and FOSS players (not to mention SlyPlayer) never will be.

Not sure if a Boxee, Plex or Mac Mini is really necessary. A Boxee might work, but there's also hints they're looking for BDA licenses, which means Cinavia is likely around the corner.
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Thanks for the reply!

Since I also have a mac mini hooked to my tv I tried using boxee to play the movie main m2ts file and it worked , it would drop frames here and there but boxee crashes a lot and 3/4 way through the movie boxee crashed.... but at least it is a start.

What about those stand alone streamers like WD , popcorn , rocku , etc... can anyone of those see my rip library and just play the movie ? I usually rip to folder not iso's maybe I should go that route ...

I guess hdmi from the pc straight to the tv is the easiest solution....