• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

AnyDVD (HD) beta

I'm just about to try

I'm just ripping to the hard drive - then I use tsmuxer etc to extract what I need.

There's an experimental setting in VBox for optical drives called passthrough that should enable burning - and I also have to set that to get AnyDVD-HD to work on either Blu-Ray or DVD. reports that there is no drive on the system at all.
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Am installing as I speak - will update this post shortly with results.

Without the James change drive is not recognised. With the James change the drive is recognised OK. Will test ripping tomorrow when I have time.

Thanks to all for the support/suggestions.
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Am installing as I speak - will update this post shortly with results.

Without the James change drive is not recognised. With the James change the drive is recognised OK. Will test ripping tomorrow when I have time.

Thanks to all for the support/suggestions.

With the "James change" AnyDVD will behave exactly like it did with version (Including the possibility to detect U3 USB sticks and other devices with a "CD installation partition" as real drives). This shouldn't bother you when using a VM.
So, if it worked before, it'll work now.
I'm just about to try

I'm just ripping to the hard drive - then I use tsmuxer etc to extract what I need.

There's an experimental setting in VBox for optical drives called passthrough that should enable burning - and I also have to set that to get AnyDVD-HD to work on either Blu-Ray or DVD. reports that there is no drive on the system at all.

A little of topic here but does the passthrough actually work for cd/dvd burning? Because when I hover over the option it says burning audio cds inside the VM is not yet supported. So burning works for everything else? I guess I could try it myself but have been a little distracted with other projects.

Nevermind: I feel stupid now. I just looked again and it says it makes it possible to use writers now just don't support burning audio discs. I thought it would only allow them to be seen as readers. My mistake :eek: That is really nice to know now :agree: Will make things a little easier for me
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There we go. Got Predator Ultimate Hunter Edition working with this beta. Thanks!
Oh oh, is the competitor making fun of us here?

* New: Added support for AACS protected BDAV discs, which are commonly found on Japanese TV recordings.


BTW: AACS MKB v18 was already supported by server side with our client/server working mode.

Oh oh, is the competitor making fun of us here?

Oh, you know how it is.
They envy us for doing it better, so they need this sad little peanut to keep their hopes up.

Whenever someone over at their forum says that a blu-ray doesn't work with their stuff (currently quite a bunch of newer discs) but does with AnyDVD (currently all discs), the mentioning of AnyDVD gets silently deleted.
That's how paranoid and scared they are.

Then again... in their case, they're probably right by doing that.
Whenever someone over at their forum says that a blu-ray doesn't work with their stuff (currently quite a bunch of newer discs) but does with AnyDVD (currently all discs), the mentioning of AnyDVD gets silently deleted.
That's how paranoid and scared they are.
Unfortunately, as AnyDVD is designed to be a decrypter which works with all kind of 3rd party products without the need to "rip it first".
I see no reason not to use the "by far best decrypter in the world" (AnyDVD) with their product.
Unfortunately, as AnyDVD is designed to be a decrypter which works with all kind of 3rd party products without the need to "rip it first".
I see no reason not to use the "by far best decrypter in the world" (AnyDVD) with their product.

I completely agree. :) If a product "doesn't work" with AnyDVD, I refuse to use it. (And by doesn't work, I mean complains that it's there and refuses to go any further with AnyDVD enabled. A warning is fine, but, completely refusing to work with AnyDVD is not IMO)
I completely agree. :) If a product "doesn't work" with AnyDVD, I refuse to use it. (And by doesn't work, I mean complains that it's there and refuses to go any further with AnyDVD enabled. A warning is fine, but, completely refusing to work with AnyDVD is not IMO)
They do this? This is lame, as there is no technical reason to do this.
They do this? This is lame, as there is no technical reason to do this.

I've mostly just seen warnings lately but in the past I know I've seen apps that refused to work with AnyDVD enabled. Lately it's just "hey, um, you have AnyDVD installed and that could cause all kinds of problems." Whatever. I ignore such blasphemy! :D
Whenever someone over at their forum says that a blu-ray doesn't work with their stuff (currently quite a bunch of newer discs) but does with AnyDVD (currently all discs), the mentioning of AnyDVD gets silently deleted.
That's how paranoid and scared they are.

It seems we have the same policy on this board - as codified by a sticky even.
So what's the difference? (Pot/Kettle - black?)

It seems we have the same policy on this board - as codified by a sticky even.
So what's the difference? (Pot/Kettle - black?)


Gee, the "difference" is, if you actually bothered to *READ* that post is that we allow discussion of third party software in....wait for it....THE THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE FORUM! As is clearly stated in the thread you so kindly linked to, any non-SlySoft competing product discussion is OFF TOPIC in SlySoft product forums. We simply move the discussions to the Third Party forums most of the time. However, repeated abuse does warrant an infraction on this board for being off topic. Is this clear now?
Sorry... my timing was poor due to our Avatar discussion... you can delete all 3 posts here. -W

But it still seems to me that nobody really wants to see a post that says: "It won't work with your stuff, but it will work with thier stuff". And understandably so. (Considering AnyDVD is in the lead.. all the better even.)

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...also, did you ever see a post getting sneakily edited by a mod removing a competing name?
We don't want our forum to become a discussion board for competing products - we had threads in the AnyDVD area that solely were about DVDFab and nothing else.
Just as much as we don't want you to chat about your favorite soap in the CloneDVD forum.
...also, did you ever see a post getting sneakily edited by a mod removing a competing name?
We don't want our forum to become a discussion board for competing products - we had threads in the AnyDVD area that solely were about DVDFab and nothing else.
Just as much as we don't want you to chat about your favorite soap in the CloneDVD forum.

No, I just flat out move such posts unless it keeps happening. Then I start getting the hammer out. :D Seriously, though, Peer is correct. It's a matter of staying on topic for each forum. And no, "comparing" competing products to AnyDVD does not qualify. The Third Party forum exists for a reason.