• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

AnyDVD for MAC/Linux


New Member
Thread Starter
Mar 27, 2009
The following quote is from this thread: http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=4447

"Unfortunately AnyDVD needs to be completely rewritten for OSX & Linux, and not having AnyDVD takes the fun away from using CloneDVD/mobile.
I would suggest you keep XP for the next two years (shouldn't be a problem, as Vista sucks pretty much anyway). Maybe we have a surprise for you by then... " by James Slysoft Develepmoent Team.

All i want to know when will this come to fruition? it has been "almost" two years and no information i can find unless i am missing something. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. Im sure you know that over the past couple of years the MAC platform has become extremely widely used and would greatly benefit from this application.

I understand if its not made sure, but at least put us out of our misery and say it will NEVER be made

The following quote is from this thread: http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=4447

"Unfortunately AnyDVD needs to be completely rewritten for OSX & Linux, and not having AnyDVD takes the fun away from using CloneDVD/mobile.
I would suggest you keep XP for the next two years (shouldn't be a problem, as Vista sucks pretty much anyway). Maybe we have a surprise for you by then... " by James Slysoft Develepmoent Team.

All i want to know when will this come to fruition? it has been "almost" two years and no information i can find unless i am missing something. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. Im sure you know that over the past couple of years the MAC platform has become extremely widely used and would greatly benefit from this application.

I understand if its not made sure, but at least put us out of our misery and say it will NEVER be made

All I can say is, that it is in development.
A big at a boy for you guys

Just a Big at a Boy for you guys in development. You guys are just too much and the greatest. Every question I have had you all have had a anserw for it. Just many thanks to you all!!!!

Wow, Slysoft has big plans. And I thought when Peer introduced the SlySoft MasterPlan, he was joking. :D

But do you have enough developers for your plans?
I mean it's kinda hard to maintain the already existing ones(CloneCD needs Bluray write abilities ;) ) and to develop 3 new ones and to completely rewrite CloneDVD Mobile on the other hand.

Best Regards,
But do you have enough developers for your plans?
Sure. Me, myself & I. :D

I mean it's kinda hard to maintain the already existing ones(CloneCD needs Bluray write abilities ;) ) and to develop 3 new ones and to completely rewrite CloneDVD Mobile on the other hand.
What 3 new ones? Last time I counted it were 2.
AnyDVD for Mac users

The following quote is from this thread: http://forum.slysoft.com/showthread.php?t=4447
All i want to know when will this come to fruition? it has been "almost" two years and no information i can find unless i am missing something. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. Im sure you know that over the past couple of years the MAC platform has become extremely widely used and would greatly benefit from this application.

Yes, I would like to know too. I switch to Mac and my old pc just died. I don't think I will ever go back to using anything with Windows/Microsoft. I have to borrow a pc in order to back up my dvds, but I will love to do it on my Mac. When will we hear the great news that we can use AnyDVD on our Mac? Handbreak is just not good enough... and I miss you guys!
All I can say is, that it is in development.

So you've back off from your previous (and often stated)
"Ain't gonna happen" position?

I also consider AnyDVD "the killer" application. This means I'd never, EVER buy a Mac - it would be a "deal killer".

So you changed your mind again?

It has been said since the very beginning that if they did release a Mac/Linux solution that it wouldn't be a simple port. While they may release a product for these OSes the resulting program will not just be AnyDVD.

James and Slysoft haven't changed their minds.
I don't mind buying something new. As long as it works in effectively the same way as AnyDVD HD - you put a disc in, you can read it as normal, but it's decrypted then that's brilliant.

I did try searching for "Mac" and "OSX" before I posted in the AnyDVD HD forum, but searched *that* forum, so apologies to anyone I upset.

It's been a while since I posted here, AnyDVD HD does what it says on the tin so well, it doesn't require much support (as long as you're not on the bleeding edge)

I am excited that it sounds as though there's something in the works.

ANYDVD is the only reason I can't switch to Linux.
I don't want to switch between XP and Linux because I keep apps running for days and don't like to reboot. So, Please work faster! :)

Do you need any beta testers?
All I can say is, that it is in development.

I hate to revive a dead thread, but any updates on a possible Linux application that can rip Blu-Ray's? I've been suffering with a VM-based solution for quite a while and am really tempted to hop on the good Windows 7 deal this weekend. The only thing that is keeping me from being happy in Linux is lack of Blu-Ray ripping.

So is it in the horizon (within the next 6 months), or should I just give up and buy Windows?

Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using AnyDVD/CloneDVD on my Macintosh by running them in a virtual machine (Vista x64) under VMWare Fusion. Everything works perfectly.
Is it possible to know in what language AnyDvd is written?

On a first guess, I'de say C or C++. What are the main issues making the port for Linux? I guess you would have to access reserved memory that only root user can access, am I correct?

Please give us some more details about the Linux port and if there will be one. Also just to know, will it be using the GTK toolkit? or maybe Qt4 ?

Thanks in advance. I will consider buying this software once I see it running natively under Linux :)

Hello people,

Is there any updates on the plans for building something like anydvd for OS X?

No info for about 6 months.

Is there still hope for a Linux version of AnyDVD?
If so, any idea when?

Never say never......... but I would bet against it with my money.
