• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
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Discussion HEVC - Why not?

I figured as much. JRiver can pretty much always be counted on. My only concern is I run an older version (v19) on my basement theater where I still run Win 7 (maybe Win 8, I forget now). I'll test it out with a few files and see.

Did you try playing something via JRiver's Panel? I use that to watch shows on my Surface Pro in bed, but it's over wifi.
I did, and it's playable without any issues.

I tested it with Vacation, a movie from a year ago or so, and it worked fine.
MPC-BE will work well also. It will also color correct to SDR for monitors that do not display HDR or DV correctly.
I've got Intel's Arc A770, AMD and nVidia can suck on that ;): (Intel's SDK scales up QP range with output bit depth, so in x265's terms QPs are 22/22/24)
QSVEncC (x64) 7.32 (r2990) by rigaya, Feb  7 2023 09:45:43 (gcc 9.4.0/Linux)
OS             Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (5.17.0-1026-oem) x64
CPU Info       AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor (16C/32T) <DG2>
GPU Info       Intel Graphics / Driver : Intel iHD driver for Intel(R) Gen Graphics - 22.4.3 (74f40ee)
Media SDK      QuickSyncVideo (hardware encoder) FF, 1st GPU, API v2.07
Async Depth    8 frames
Hyper Mode     off
Buffer Memory  va, 131 work buffer
Input Info     y4m(yv12(10bit))->p010 [AVX2], 1920x800, 24000/1001 fps
AVSync         cfr
Output         HEVC(yuv420 10bit) main10 @ Level 4 (high tier)
               1920x800p 1:1 23.976fps (24000/1001fps)
Target usage   1 - best
Encode Mode    Constant QP (CQP)
CQP Value      I:34  P:34  B:36
Scenario Info  archive
QP Limit       min: 22, max: 63
Ref frames     6 frames
Bframes        16 frames, B-pyramid: on
Max GOP Length 240 frames
Ext. Features  WeightP WeightB GPB QPOffset pic_struct tskip ctu:64 sao:all

encoded 137208 frames, 377.51 fps, 893.36 kbps, 609.45 MB
encode time 0:06:03, CPULoad: 0.0%
frame type IDR    572
frame type I     1144,  total size   43.59 MB
frame type P     8575,  total size  184.09 MB
frame type B   128061,  total size  403.56 MB

May I ask how does your command line or option file look like for that encode?
Would you be able to paste it in this chat.
Thank you.
May I ask how does your command line or option file look like for that encode?
Would you be able to paste it in this chat.
Thank you.

 ~/w/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i ~/w/src.h264 -vf crop=1920:800:0:140 -strict -1 -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -f  yuv4mpegpipe -v 0 - | ~/w/qsvencc/qsvencc --y4m -i - -c hevc -u best --profile main10 --cqp 34:34:36 --i-adapt --b-adapt --scenario-info archive --open-gop -b 16  --output-depth 10 --la-depth 100 --la-quality slow --pic-struct --hevc-gpb --async-depth 8 -o encoded.hevc

Bear in mind, on a 5950X ffmpeg piping to qsvencc is faster than qsvencc doing decoding and encoding, on other processors it might be slower to way slower.
~/w/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i ~/w/src.h264 -vf crop=1920:800:0:140 -strict -1 -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -f  yuv4mpegpipe -v 0 - | ~/w/qsvencc/qsvencc --y4m -i - -c hevc -u best --profile main10 --cqp 34:34:36 --i-adapt --b-adapt --scenario-info archive --open-gop -b 16  --output-depth 10 --la-depth 100 --la-quality slow --pic-struct --hevc-gpb --async-depth 8 -o encoded.hevc

Bear in mind, on a 5950X ffmpeg piping to qsvencc is faster than qsvencc doing decoding and encoding, on other processors it might be slower to way slower.

Thats good to know.
Will test it with the i9-12900k as soon as I got time.
Thank you.