• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

SlySoft Player?

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Slysoft OnePlayer. "One player to rule them all." ;)

I wonder what the final name will actually be.
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SlyPlayer would be good, tbh. It's already gathered a crapton of PR around the web so far. :) I think it'd be a perfectly fine name.
I agree. The name is more than fitting for a variety of reasons. :)
ip control

Hi It will be good that slysoft is come out with slyplayer, but will i have two way control using ip like theatertek. This make good for automation control and make the program better then theatertek becuase slyplayer plays DVD and Blur ray.
- People are still receiving non-24p hardware, as of last week, when ordering new. They haven't yet flushed their supply chain, so it's a gamble.

- TMT3 still downsamples/bitstrips LPCM with the HDAV (confirmed multiple times), and possibly other issues. TMT2 is the only one that either ASUS or ArcSoft will support with the HDAV.

- I believe the graphs more than what ASUS "confirms" is happening. "Splendid" is always in the video path. "Splendid" should never have been a part of this.

- If you trust "it'll be fixed in the next version", you're a software company's dream customer!

The point is, SlyPlayer makes (will make) the HDAV completely unnecessary. The HDAV is an overpriced piece of overengineered hardware that barely does what it's supposed to do.

And if seeing the bitstream light on your AVR turns you on (versus non-bitstripped LPCM), more power to you!

Haha, I see.
Well I just watch my movies with full HD-Audio and thats all...
You can't have both. If you need these "possibilities" continue to use PowerDVD with all its crashes, bugs, ... If you need a stable, flawless player you need SlyPlayer.
Ok, I was thinking more in the MPC-HC direction. Clearly not PowerDVD, which is IMO a necessary (for now) evil.
And we already posted that you will have most of the postprocessing features of ffdshow, but not all of them.
I missed that. Will search the thread. Thank you! :)

In any case, unless the price is outrageous I will be buying this product. Even if just to show support to the only company that is mindful to the consumers rights.
In any case, unless the price is outrageous I will be buying this product.
Sorry to disappoint, but you won't be able to buy it. It will be ... (drumroll) ... free.

Even if just to show support to the only company that is mindful to the consumers rights.
Well, we might accept donations for SlyPlayer. ;)
Perhaps it can be given free only to AnyDVD-HD owners (or any other Slysoft/Elby softwares)??... just thinking out loud.. :D
Perhaps it can be given free only to AnyDVD-HD owners (or any other Slysoft/Elby softwares)??... just thinking out loud.. :D
SlyPlayer won't be able to decrypt on its own. Not CSS, not AACS, not BD+.
So having AnyDVD (HD) running will certainly help with playback. ;)
Playback from files or unprotected images will work without AnyDVD, of course.
SlyPlayer won't be able to decrypt on its own. Not CSS, not AACS, not BD+.
So having AnyDVD (HD) running will certainly help with playback. ;)
Playback from files or unprotected images will work without AnyDVD, of course.

That seems fair and logical to me. :) And a REALLY kick @## thing to do for the HTPC community IMO.
I have been following this thread religiously. Had to post once I saw "FREE!"

My HDAV is definitely going back now, and I'll make a donation with that money (not all of it, times are tough :D), count on it.
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