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Launch VCDMount from within Excel 2003


New Member
Thread Starter
Jan 4, 2013

We have a list of titles with related .iso files in Excel. Purpose is to select a title via a drop down list and then mount the corresponding iso file to drive F.

I have created the necessary drop down lists that, when changing start a macro getting the file name of the iso file to open but we always get the message "Can't mount ..." :bang:

The macro code I wrote is as follows :

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim strOpenFile As String

Sheets("List").Range("C14").Value = Target.Value

If Sheets("List").Range("C15").Value <> "" Then

strOpenFile = Sheets("Parameters").Range("B2").Value & _
Sheets("List").Range("C15").Value & _
" /l=" & Sheets("Parameters").Range("B3").Value

Debug.Print strOpenFile
retval = Shell(strOpenFile)

End If

End Sub

strOpenFile contains

C:\Program Files\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe \\rimagebook\bibop\DO%20NOT%20OPEN%20CD/MED/ /l="F"

Also tried other more or less logic ways of defining strOpenFile but I always get the same result.

How to proceed ?

Thanks for your help !

You are mixing up your forward slash and backslash in your file name:

Also DOS won't be able to resolve your %20 variable. You need to store the names correctly (and encapsulate in quote marks):

"\\rimagebook\bibop\DO NOT OPEN CD\MED\\medical  policies May 2011.iso"
Hi Mike,

already considered this by changing code as follows :

Sheets("List").Range("C14").Value = Target.Value

If Sheets("List").Range("C15").Value <> "" Then

strOpenFile = Sheets("Parameters").Range("B2").Value & Chr(34) & _
Sheets("List").Range("C15").Value & Chr(34)

strOpenFile = Replace(Replace(strOpenFile, "/", "\"), "%20", " ")

retval = Shell(strOpenFile)

End If

This gives in strOpenFile :

C:\Program Files\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive\VCDMount.exe "\\rimagebook\bibop\DO NOT OPEN CD\MED\\medical policies May 2011.iso" and mounts the image but when trying to assign it to a fixed drive with switch /F or the 1st free one being available, things still go wrong ("Can't mount /F") ...

Kind regards,

There is no switch /f. You need to use /l=? (where ? is the drive letter allocated by Windows for VCD). Additionally you should consider using the switch /u first to unmount any image.