• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

Enough already

Buy a new license, don't buy a new license, that is YOUR choice. But the whining is getting old. I bought a new lifetime license and will use it as long as it lasts and am grateful for it.
You got lucky tried to buy with Visa and getting blocked...this really bites...
You got lucky tried to buy with Visa and getting blocked...this really bites...
I was going to call my bank on Monday but after enlisting a good Friends help from Europe I am not even going to bother he got the same block from his Visa Credit card it just isn't worth bothering anymore so I say goodbye to the new Refox atleast I can buy a Monkeys product without Jumping through hoops.
I was going to call my bank on Monday but after enlisting a good Friends help from Europe I am not even going to bother he got the same block from his Visa Credit card it just isn't worth bothering anymore so I say goodbye to the new Refox atleast I can buy a Monkeys product without Jumping through hoops.
Don`t bother calling your bank. My number got stolen here and my bank said there was no way they would authorize its use here with the new number. They need a better payment system for most US buyers.
Your number didn't get stolen, they're using an Asian payment processor and that's enough for your banks to flag it as fraud. Even when it isn't.
It is quite normal these days for banks to deny foreign transactions as part of their fraud protection practices. It simply takes a call to the number on the back of your credit card to talk to customer service to verify your identity and let them know that it was you that was trying to make the transaction that came from a foreign entity. They can then release the block and you can try again. It's really as simple as that most of the time. It has happened to me several times in the past when purchasing Slysoft and Cyberlink software as well. It's just the banks trying to protect themselves and you from fraud.

And don't be surprised if you see a foreign transaction fee charged to your account for the purchase as well. This is also normal.