• AnyStream is having some DRM issues currently, Netflix is not available in HD for the time being.
    Situations like this will always happen with AnyStream: streaming providers are continuously improving their countermeasures while we try to catch up, it's an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Please be patient and don't flood our support or forum with requests, we are working on it 24/7 to get it resolved. Thank you.

SlySoft Player?

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Isn't this the Slysoft Player thread? How about starting a new one for all the TMT discussion?
So can you give us any estimation for some kind of release? I understand not wanting to give a firm date but do you think it will be in the next 3, 6, 9 months? Is it more than a year out?

Probably in February...


I have no actual knowledge of a release time frame but I have assumed that the "SlyPlayer" software player won't be a priority until after CloneDVD mobile has been overhauled using the new Slysoft-brewed engine and CloneBD has been completed and released.
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Probably in February...


I have no actual knowledge of a release time frame but I have assumed that the "SlyPlayer" software player won't be a priority until after CloneDVD mobile has been overhauled using the new Slysoft-brewed engine and CloneBD has been completed and released.
Sorry to ask a question that probably has been answered already in the looong history of this thread:

Will the SlyPlayer support a seamless mode (without user interface, only scripted or command line control, or through the MCE remote)? Further: are there any plans to integrate it with Windows MCE? This would allow us HTPC fans to operate our home cinema nearly w/o any Windows GUI stuff on the big screen. For example: I have configured my HTPC to come up with a black desktop, starting directly into MCE. I cannot stand the MS Windows GUI nor the PowerDVD UI.
Sorry to ask a question that probably has been answered already in the looong history of this thread:

Will the SlyPlayer support a seamless mode (without user interface, only scripted or command line control, or through the MCE remote)? Further: are there any plans to integrate it with Windows MCE? This would allow us HTPC fans to operate our home cinema nearly w/o any Windows GUI stuff on the big screen. For example: I have configured my HTPC to come up with a black desktop, starting directly into MCE. I cannot stand the MS Windows GUI nor the PowerDVD UI.

Funny, I cannot stand the Media Center GUI. A Properly organized and customized desktop looks awesome im comparison to the lame VMC GUI.
I scanned all 37 pages of this thread and can't wait for SlyPlayer to come out. Awesome development news!

I just want to +1 the aspect ratio control that was mentioned earlier. I use an anamorphic lens for a 2.35 CIH projection and definitely would like to see the ability to vertically stretch the image to get rid of the black bars.

It would be truly awesome if you could just select a menu item to "stretch to fill screen" and also have a keyboard shortcut available to do it.

Keep up the good work!
Funny, I cannot stand the Media Center GUI. A Properly organized and customized desktop looks awesome im comparison to the lame VMC GUI.

You must not be viewing movies on your tv. 1920x1080i is pretty hard to read on TV when your sitting 12 feet away.
Funny, I cannot stand the Media Center GUI. A Properly organized and customized desktop looks awesome im comparison to the lame VMC GUI.
Are you watching movies from your couch?
Anyway, my preference would be for a deep integration with XBMC. That would be a marriage made in heaven, IMHO.
Actually, with higher definition stuff you should sit closer to the TV. Being able to read Windows text is a good rule of thumb that I use to make sure I'll get the full impact of high definition. Will depend on the source too of course, but it's inherent in high-def that your angle of view of the TV is gonna be larger.
Actually, with higher definition stuff you should sit closer to the TV. Being able to read Windows text is a good rule of thumb that I use to make sure I'll get the full impact of high definition. Will depend on the source too of course, but it's inherent in high-def that your angle of view of the TV is gonna be larger.

With a 65" screen 12 feet is close enough. However for computer work at 1920x1080 it's not - that's why the 10' interface is preferable.

Probably in February...


I have no actual knowledge of a release time frame but I have assumed that the "SlyPlayer" software player won't be a priority until after CloneDVD mobile has been overhauled using the new Slysoft-brewed engine and CloneBD has been completed and released.
Fernando has just posted in the CloneDvdMobile thread that an updated engine can be expected in about three weeks. Hopefully that moves us closer to a SlyPlayer release. 8)
With a 65" screen 12 feet is close enough. However for computer work at 1920x1080 it's not - that's why the 10' interface is preferable.
I use a 120" screen at 15 feet, and have no problem reading the text with 1920x1080i (large text setting) on a Sony 1252Q PJ.
Actually, with higher definition stuff you should sit closer to the TV. Being able to read Windows text is a good rule of thumb that I use to make sure I'll get the full impact of high definition. Will depend on the source too of course, but it's inherent in high-def that your angle of view of the TV is gonna be larger.
I had to set the Windows font size to 192dpi, and mouse pointer & icons to "large" to be able to read windows stuff from 3m distance. However, I try to limit the HTPC use to movie watching, and have no need to deal with the Windows GUI. Therefore I've configured everything for a fast boot straight into MCE GUI.
Can we make this a sticky topic

Lets keep it on top. You have frozen the market, no one here is going to buy another software player until we see the SlySoft Player!

Beta soon?
Good. I'm sick of this crap with both TMT and PDVD. I want something that simply works. :) And I absolutely trust you guys to get it right.

Yep, and support for non-downsampled 24-bit/192KHz audio through both analog and HDMI is an absolute must, with whichever soundcard is used!
Lets keep it on top. You have frozen the market, no one here is going to buy another software player until we see the SlySoft Player!

Beta soon?

I won't pay for any of the video players out there after reading issues here. SO I am only in hopes for this slyplayer and then I'll put a HTPC in the works.

i wish for slysoftplayer this points

support for asus xonar, and auzentech hdmi soundcards for bitstreaming all new formats


sharpener and denoiser,

custemize AR

zoomfunktion for 21:9 screens and anamorphot

thx for work
Yep, and support for non-downsampled 24-bit/192KHz audio through both analog and HDMI is an absolute must, with whichever soundcard is used!
I could be wrong but my understanding is that there are bandwith limitations to a lot of the sound cards even those with HDMI out, so thay cannot physically bitstream HD audio even if they wanted to. Hence, why the Xonar, as far as I know, is the only solution for bitstreaming currently available for PCs.

If my understanding is in error, please be gentle. :)
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